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What is the Preamble of the Constitution?

by Kusum Joshi

The Preamble of the Constitution serves as an introduction to the Constitution. Therefore, it secures justice, liberty, equality to all the citizens of India and promotes fraternity among the people. 

The Preamble of the Constitution states:

WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA,  having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:

JUSTICE, social, economic and political;

LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith, and worship;

EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;

and to promote among them all

FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;

The four components in the Preamble of the Constitution are:

Firstly – It reveals the source of constitutional authority, the Indian people.
Secondly – It speaks to the nature of the Indian state as a sovereign, socialist, secular, republican and democratic regime.
Thirdly – It identifies the purpose of the Constitution as justice, freedom, equality and fraternity to its people.
Fourthly – It refers to the date the Constitution was adopted (November 26, 1949).

The keywords in the Preamble of the Constitution explains.


The preamble declares that India may be a sovereign state. “Sovereign” means that India has its own independent authority and is not a controlling or subordinate state of any other external power.


The word “socialism” was added to the preamble by the 42nd Constitutional Amendment in 1976.Therefore, socialism means that the achievement of socialism ends by democratic means. India has adopted “democratic socialism”.


The word “Secular” incorporates into the preamble by the 42nd Constitutional Amendment in 1976.


The term democracy indicates that the Constitution has established a form of government that derives its authority from the will of the elected people. In addition, the term justice in the preamble contains three different forms: social, economic and political, and has been protected by various provisions of basic and directive principles.


Freedom means that there are no restrictions or controls on individual activities, such as freedom from slavery, serfdom, imprisonment, tyranny, etc.


Equality means that there is no privilege or discrimination against any part of society, such as equality before the law.


Fraternity means the feeling of brotherhood. It also states that it is the duty of the citizens of every of India to promote a spirit of harmony and brotherhood among all the people of India.

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