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What are the types of advertising agencies?

by Puja

Advertising Agency is just like a tailor. It creates the ads, plans how, when and where it should be delivered and hands it over to the client. Advertising agencies are mostly not dependent on any organizations.

1. In house agencies –

Firstly, in large organization, there may be a separate whole department devoted to advertisement headed by advertisement manager reporting to marketing manager, who in turn reports to top management.

Secondly, in small firms, there may be a person looking after the advertisement tasks and reporting to the top management. The advertiser has many advantage of in –house agency.

They are the own personnel and their time can be efficiently utilized for better coordination and control in the advertisement process.

Further, they know the present marketing strategies and have control over distribution tactics. It also leads to cost saving in terms of commission saved by the advertiser to the external agency.

2. Full service agency –

A Full service agency offers full range of communication and promotion services to their clients. It performs research on behalf of advertiser and offer creative and media services to their clients.

They also offer to prepare an integrated marketing communication campaign to coordinate all the promotional tools.

Therefore known for providing both advertising and non-advertising services. The range of services provided by them include planning, creating, producing, performing research, buying media, copywriting, artwork, media planning in the nature of advertising services and pricing

3.Specialized service agency –

With the growth in the need of advertising agencies and its specialized services. Many advertising agencies have come up that do not provide full range of services but specialize in one or the other services only.

They provide their expert services to either the advertiser or other ad agencies.

The advertising agencies that restrict and specialize in niche areas.

For example, Soubhagya advertising agency specializes in financial advertising only.

Types of specialized service agencies

a. Creative boutiques -It include few people ranging from two or three to a dozen or so and include artists, designers, and copywriters.  They offer creative and artistic services and unlike full service agencies. They do not involve themselves in strategic planning, target audience etc. Their focus is only on the development of a creative idea into the message theme.

b. Media buying services – Media agencies have gained high growth in the last few decades and have become major players on the advertising stage.A media buying agency is not only responsible for booking the space and time for their clients, but are also responsible for providing market research and analysis and guiding them with respect to ideal space and time for their advertisement.

c. Interactive agencies – The interactive agencies have come up with the growth of Internet technology and the need for integrated marketing communications.

d. Direct response agencies – The direct response advertising agencies offer specialized services to the clients and help them integrate advertising through various mediums like television, print, radio, online etc. The growth of direct marketing has led to the growth of direct response agencies.

e. Sales promotion agencies – These agencies specialize in providing services of designing sales promotional programs, identifying suitable sales promotional tools, carrying pre-sales promotion evaluation, executing the sales promotion program, performing post-test for evaluating effectiveness of sales promotional tools.

f.Public relations firms – These firms specialize in providing services that enhance the goodwill and image of the clients’ companies amongst its publics, namely, employees, labor groups, suppliers, government and other stakeholders.

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