The reverse operation of the Decoder is performed by an encoder, which is a combinational circuit.
OS is a piece of software that serves as a link between the user and the computer hardware.
Object-Oriented Programming is a programming language that is used to create programmes.
The Line Drawing Algorithm is a graphical algorithm for representing line segments on discrete graphical media, such as printers and pixel-based media."
A database management system is a software application that enables users to quickly construct, design, and edit databases.
Method Overloading occurs when a class has many methods with the same name but distinct parameters.
The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a machine that is abstract. It's a runtime environment for executing Java bytecode.
A Computer system is an electronic device that collects raw data i.e input and processes it, producing desired data called output.
A flowchart is a diagrammatic description of any process or workflow that uses symbols to express it in a systematic and sequential manner.
The term "Application Software" refers to software that runs in response to a user's request.
Programming is the process of putting logic into action in order to make certain computing operations and functions easier.
A virtual function is a member function defined in a base class that is redefined (overridden) by a derived class.
The unit test is white-box focused, and numerous components can be tested simultaneously.
MST (Minimum Spanning Trees) is utilized in the Greedy technique to identify the cost or minimum …