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Physics Blogs

Latest physics information, tutorials, concepts, interview questions, and everything related to physics.

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The group of high energy particles, which move closely to the speed of light is the …

The entropy of a substance is a real quantity, just like pressure, volume and temperature. Its unit is joule/Kelvin (J/K).

A crystal is a solid whose constituent atoms, ions or molecules are closely packed in a regular fashion with repeating pattern in three dimensions.

Nanotechnology is dealing with the characterization, design, production and various applications of nanostructures and nanosystems.

Nanotechnology have considered as the solution to our smallest to biggest problems. Applications of Nanotechnology are countless.

Ampere’s circuital law is one of the general laws of magnetism. This law used to find the magnetic field due to current distribution.

Thermodynamics is the branch of physics which deals with heat and other forms of energy and also gives relationships between them.

Drude and Lorentz gave classical free electron theory of metals theory in 1900. Another name for this is Drude –Lorentz theory of metals.

All Physics Blogs

Undergoing deformation following two terms describe the forces on objects. Stress and strain.

Shock waves are strong pressure waves in any elastic medium like water, solid or air. Supersonic aircraft or lightning produce Shock waves.

Magnetic Hysteresis Curve represents the relation between magnetizing force (H) and magnetic flux intensity for ferromagnetic material.

Diffraction can be defined as bending of light when it passes around the edge of an object.

A crystal is a solid whose constituent atoms, ions or molecules are closely packed in a regular fashion with repeating pattern in three dimensions.

The laser light exhibits some peculiar properties compared with the conventional light which make it unique.

In 1960, Maiman constructed the Ruby laser. It is a three-level solid-state laser and is emitting red light of wavelength 694.3 nm.

Nanotechnology is dealing with the characterization, design, production and various applications of nanostructures and nanosystems.

In 1895, German physicist Wilhelm Roentgen discovered X-rays. X-rays are electromagnetic in nature and application of X-rays are innumerable.