We are sure you’ve heard it already, and you’ll hear it once more, exams are stressful! A great deal relies upon the time you give to your preparation, and, the resources you use to learn. With proper planning, exam preparation can be a smooth and easy task. Below, we have gathered 7 important tips that will help you ace your university exams.
Dedicate a Study Place
Not every person can have an ideal study arrangement at home, but you need to create one to focus while studying. Make sure that you sit at a table and turn off you cell phone, television, and any other interruptions.
Try to study in a quiet place and make sure to inform your roommates or family members that you are studying so they don’t make any unnecessary noise.
Before you sit down to study, assemble everything that you need, for example, note books, pens etc and a lot of water since you need to stay hydrated while studying.
Know the Exam Pattern
Right from the beginning, learn as much as possible about your exam pattern (open book, online, etc) and how you will be marked.
Under the new exam pattern, MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) have become the norm. But, as this is a fairly recent change, students struggle to find resources that allow them to practice in the new MCQ format.
Keeping student’s needs in mind, Glossaread has designed subject-wise MCQ tests. Students can choose from three levels of difficulty (simple, medium, and complex) for the test and also receive a detailed test report at the end.

What’s more? For each wrong answer, we provide you with an explanation to clarify any doubts that you might have. Additionally, you can take the test multiple times, until you get it right!

MCQs are the perfect way to revise and check your preparedness for exams. You can find MCQs for your university here
Revise Through Notes
Although you must have prepared some notes by yourself during class, they are not always reliable. This is because you are learning the subject for the first time. In comparison, your professors are experts in the subjects they teach. What if you can get notes from them? Won’t that be amazing?
With Glossaread you can! We have a team of professors who make notes based on your university syllabus. Our notes cover all the major points and concepts which will be asked in your university exams.
At the last minute, you will only have time to go through the notes. Having our professor-made notes will ensure that your revision is 100% accurate.
Test Yourself
Don’t simply keep on reading books and notes again and again; this way you won’t realise how well you know something. To have in-depth knowledge about each topic, you need to know what type of questions can be asked, as well as how you should structure your answers to score high marks in your university exams.
As mentioned before, you should solve various MCQs, because through them you’ll get knowledge about every little topic from your syllabus. However, MCQs will only be a part of your exams, you still need to prepare for other types of questions.

Go through the past exam papers to get an idea about the type of questions asked. Often, students receive old question banks from their university or friends. Unfortunately, these only contain questions.
Glossaread takes it one step further and provides students with solved question papers! Our professors carefully go through the questions and answer them for you. Whether it be a short or long answer, we cover it all.
Our solved question banks make for the perfect exam preparation. Comparing your answers to ours, you can grade yourself to know what you’ve understood and what you still need to revise.
Utilize All Resources
Watching videos related to important topics of your exams can help you learn faster.
On our platform students get access to live lectures and concept-related videos. These videos are not just any normal reference videos. They are specially made by professors with a focus on exam preparation. They cover the most important topics of the syllabus and will help you greatly in exam revision.
Check out our other lectures here!
In addition to our lectures, students can also learn through our professor made PowerPoints. As information is broken down into concise points, it becomes easier to understand and remember.
The Last Revision
When it’s the final day before the test, the opportunity to become familiar with the syllabus is passed.
At this time, you should focus on what you have already studied. Go through notes and question banks to revise the subject in-detail. Solve multiple MCQs and utilize our PPTs for doubt clearance.
Furthermore, try to read the information out loud to yourself as it helps in memorizing better.
Remember to Relax
On the exam day, try not to study until the last minute. Focus on staying relaxed, reflect on your preparation, and be confident.
Aim to reach your exam center 15 minutes ahead of schedule with all the necessary materials.
Giving an exam is often stressful, however, with proper preparation and effort, you will always score good marks.
Glossaread makes your exam preparation convenient. We provide all the resources you need – MCQs, Solved Question Banks, Live Lectures, etc to ace your university exams.
Study hard and put in your best. We wish you the best of luck with your exams!