Multiple instruction sequences are executed at the same time, which is known as concurrency.
Team Goseeko
Threads exchange a non-negative variable called semaphore.
A binary search tree (BST )is a type of binary tree in which the nodes are organized in a predetermined sequence.
A transaction in a database system must maintain Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.
In C++, a constructor is a specific procedure that is called automatically when a class object is formed.
A DBMS is a programme that enables database creation, specification and manipulation, allowing users to easily store, process and analyse information.
Programming is the process of putting logic into action in order to make certain computing operations and functions easier.
Single Source Shortest Path is the shortest path to each of the n vertices of the digraph from a given source vertex
It is a new innovation in cement concrete because conventional reinforced concrete are unable to satisfy some requirements in the construction work.