It is a DC motor which rotates in steps. After the electrical signal is fed to the motor, it starts to rotate in steps. The speed of the motor is dependent on the rate of input signal applied. The input applied to the motor decides the direction of rotation of the motor. The rotor is a permanent magnet which rotates.
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Transducer is a device which converts physical quantity or energy of one form to signal or energy of another form.
The basic working of an induction motor is producing a rotating magnetic field and this field is sinusoidally distributed.
The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle is known as PSLV. This technology is the most challenging space program for the Indian space program till now.
The Switched mode power supply is abbreviated as SMPS is used to convert the regulated DC output voltage from unregulated DC or AC voltage.
The law of variable proportion states that keeping all other factors fixed, when the quantity of one factor increases, the marginal product of that factor will eventually decline.
The law states that as a consumer consumes more and more units of a specific commodity, the utility from the successive units goes on diminishing.
In economics utility is the capacity of a commodity to satisfy human wants. Utility of a commodity is its want-satisfying capacity.
Demand refers to the desire of a consumer to purchase goods and services and ability to pay a price for the goods and services purchased