A differential equation of the form dy/dx + Py = Q is known as a linear differential equation or simply LDE.
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If the change in one variable affects a change in other variable, then these two variables are said to be correlated.
A Maclaurin series is a special case of Taylor series. The Taylor’s series is an expansion of a particular function about a point ‘a’.
The concept of probability distributions gives the idea about the probabilities of any random experiment. let’s know more about probability distributions.
An equation consisting differential co-efficient is called a differential equation. There are two types of differential equations.
The differential equations having function of the same degree are said to be homogeneous differential equations.
A partial derivative of a function of several variables is an ordinary derivative with respect to one of the variables when all the other variables remain constant.
Apart from Google, there are a number of websites dedicated to academic research purposes. In this article, we will discuss the top 5 websites that are specifically designed for academic research.
There are a lot of smart, interesting, educational youtube channels. In this article, we will discuss the top 10 engineering youtube channels for engineers