HTML is a text formatting language for creating and displaying Web pages that’s widely used in the business.
The abstract data type is a form of data that has a set of values and actions that determine its behaviour.
An algorithm is made up of a finite number of stages, each of which may involve one or more actions.
The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a machine that is abstract. It’s a runtime environment for executing Java bytecode.
A Local Area Network is a group of computers and peripheral devices connected in a local area, such as a school, laboratory, house, or workplace.
The Leaky Bucket Algorithm is primarily responsible for controlling the total volume and rate of traffic supplied to the network.
The following is a timeline of an operating system’s evolution: serial processing, Batch System, Time-Shared OS etc.
A ring’s topology resembles that of a bus, but with connected ends.
Computer graphics necessitates the use of technology.