The Programmable Interrupt controller is also known as PIC micro-controller. It is used as interfacing device. It has different operating modes.
TDMA (Time division multiple access) is used where there is no need for continuous transmission. Due to this it can be used instead of FDMA.
FDMA allows users to transmit signals simultaneously to satellite transponders with the help of specific frequency to every user in a channel
In JK flip flop when both J=K=1 the output toggles as long as clock high. This makes the output unstable. This is called race around condition.
The convolution theorem states that the transform of convolution of f1(t) and f2(t) is the product of individual transforms F1(s) and F2(s).
This instrument is called a Linear Voltage Differential Transformer.
Encoders convert 2N lines of input into a code of N bits and Decoders decode those N bits into 2N lines.
ZigBee forms the upper layer for control and sensor applications. It is built above IEEE 802.15.4.
In Huffman Coding the input is assigned a variable length code. The smallest code is assigned to the character which occurs the most.