A Digital to Analog converter is an electronic device which converts digital signal to analog signal. The digital signals are in the form 0,1.
Object has states and behaviors that they exhibit.
A function is said to be positive Real function if it has all the poles and zeros on the left half of the S-plane. Re[ H(jw) ] >=0 for all ‘w’
The Windows operating system from Microsoft is a graphical operating system.
DC Potentiometer is an instrument which measures voltage, current and resistance. It can be used to calibrate ammeter and voltmeter.
It handles service requests received from the transport layer and forwards them to the data link layer.
Nyquist Stability Criterion gives the frequency response as well as comments on the stability and the relative stability of the system.
The 8255 microprocessor is also known as Programmable Peripheral Interface. It has 24 I/O pins. The three 8 bit ports are PA, PB, PC.
The Non-Conventional Energy Sources are those which are available for us at any time and are free of cost.