The Conventional Energy Sources are helpful in producing electrical power generation from Hydro, Thermal, Nuclear and Diesel power stations.
An annuity is a sequence of equal payment or a sequence of regular payment at regular intervals or in other words.
We can lent or borrow money from one entity to another. The price to be paid for the use of a certain amount of money for a certain period of time is known as interest.
The precision rectifier has the capability of rectifying voltages which are of smaller magnitude than the forward voltage drop.
The circuit which produces the samples of the input voltage and holds those values for a definite amount of time is sample and hold circuit.
An interrupt is a condition that arises during the working of a microprocessor. The interrupts of 8086 initiate interrupt service through ISR
The DC Motor is an electrical machine which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. It works on the principle of induced emf.
The DC Motor is an electrical machine which can be classified as Separately excited DC Motor, Permanent Magnet and Self excited DC Motor.
The losses in optical fiber are Absorption loss, scattering loss, dispersion loss, radiation loss and coupling loss.