the particles that have a dimension with respect to their external, internal and surface structure and lie in the range of 1nm to 100nm are called as Nanoparticles
OOP is a programming paradigm that makes use of classes and objects.
At equilibrium Nernst equation is given by,
E0 = (2.303RT/nF) log10Keq
Where, Keq = equilibrium constant and F= faradays constant, and gives a relation between standard electrode potential. -
Any algorithm that follows the problem-solving meta heuristic of discovering the global optimum is known as a greedy algorithm.
If u and v are functions of the two independent variables x and y , then the determinant, is known as the jacobian of u and v with respect to x and y.
A function is said to be analytic function at a point z0 if f is differentiable not only at z0 but an every point of some neighborhoods at z0.
If we get a square matrix from an identity or unit matrix by using any single elementary transformation is called elementary matrix.There are two types of echelon form of a matrix.
The t-distribution, which is also known as the student’s t-distribution, is the continuous probability distribution. It looks like a normal distribution.
A function f(x) is said to be periodic function if f(x + T) = f(x) for all real x and some positive number T.