In Python, strings are byte arrays that represent Unicode characters.
Python is a programming language that is frequently used. It was created by Guido van Rossum and released in 1991.
A single-phase induction motor has a cage winding on its rotor and single phase winding on the stator. The size of these motors is very small.
The registers are formed using a group of flip flops. The shift registers are mainly used for transferring data or storing multiple bits.
A servlet’s life cycle is divided into five levels: 1) Loading of Servlet 2) Creating instance of Servlet 3) Invoke init() once 4) Invoke service() repeatedly for each client request 5) Invoke destroy().
An Analog to Digital converter is an electronic device which is used to convert analog signal into digital signal.
A computer network is a collection of computers connected by a communication media like cable or wire.
A Digital to Analog converter is an electronic device which converts digital signal to analog signal. The digital signals are in the form 0,1.
Object has states and behaviors that they exhibit.