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Civil Engineering Blogs

Latest civil engineering information, tutorials, construction tips, site knowledge, interview questions, and everything related To civil engineering

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"Caissons" means box. Such box can be prefabricated on shore and then floated to the desired site, and is allowed to seat on prepared base.

Well foundation is deep one which generally provided for construction of bridges.World famous "Taj mahal" stands on well foundation.

A draft tube is a pipe of gradually increasing diameter which connects the exit of runner of a turbine to the tail race.

In Tidal Power plants, tidal energy gets generated. It is renewable source of hydro energy which is available due to rise and fall of tides.

Piezometer is a instrument which measures the pore water pressure in a soil medium. It can be installed within structure of dam.

Cross Drainage work is constructed for crossing canal water safely over or under the drainage water.It should be avoided if possible.

Rivers are part of the surface water which flows from their source region to their mouth. The importance of river depend on length, width etc.

Weir is a crest wall constructed across a river to divert raise water of river into canal. Crest wall across a river raises the water.

All Civil Blogs

Workability of concrete is defined as that property of fresh concrete which determines the ease and homogeneity and finished.

A Science and art of collecting information about objects, area from long or short distance without doing any physical contact with them is called remote sensing.

ERP Software: Organizations need to respond to changing customer needs and grab market opportunities as and when they arise.

Noise pollution is a sound of unpleasant and annoying nature. Noise pollution is also a high intensity of sound

A draft tube is a pipe of gradually increasing diameter which connects the exit of runner of a turbine to the tail race.

"Caissons" means box. Such box can be prefabricated on shore and then floated to the desired site, and is allowed to seat on prepared base.

Piezometer is a instrument which measures the pore water pressure in a soil medium. It can be installed within structure of dam.

Rainwater harvesting is one of the simplest and oldest processes used to conserve rainwater by storing, collecting and purifying rainwater that runoff from rooftop, local catchment area and open ground for later use.

"Varnish is a homogeneous colloidal dispersion-solution of natural or synthetic resins in oil or thinner or both".