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Commerce Blogs

Commerce includes all the activities right from manufacturing the products to selling it to the consumers.

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Monetary policy is the process of drafting, announcing, and implementing the plan of actions taken by the central bank, currency board

Cost push inflation occurs when supply costs rise or supply levels fall. As long as demand remains the same either will drive up prices

isoquant is a combination of any two factor inputs that represents and produce the same level of output.

Cost analysis is concerned with determining the money value of input used for production which is called as overall cost of production.

The President’s rule refers back to the suspension of kingdom authorities and the imposition of direct …

The Article Of Association (AOA) is a report that defines the cause of an organization and …

Return of scale refers to proportionate change in productivity from proportionate change in all the inputs.

Fiscal Policy refers to the methods employed by the government to influence and monitor the economy by adjusting taxes and/or public spending

All Commerce Blogs

Credit score is a number that reveals the credit worthiness of borrowers.

In oligopoly there are a small number of firms in the market. As per the norms, oligopoly consists of 3 -5 dominant firms.

The Article Of Association (AOA) is a report that defines the cause of an organization and …

Fiscal Policy is a government corrective measure to check for uncontrolled economic expansion or contraction. If …

Money market mutual funds (MMMFs) is a scheme of mutual funds. It was introduced with the objective to provide short term investment avenues to potential investors.

Accounting can be defined as the creation of financial information.

Breakeven point is where the company neither make money nor losses money, but covers all the cost incurred

The Liquidity Preference Theory says that the demand for money is not to borrow money but the desire to remain liquid.

Macroeconomics is a department of economics that researches how the whole financial system (markets or different …