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The reverse operation of the Decoder is performed by an encoder, which is a combinational circuit.

Decoders are combinational circuits that convert binary data into 2N output lines.

XML is an acronym for extensible markup language.

OS is a piece of software that serves as a link between the user and the computer hardware.

Object-Oriented Programming is a programming language that is used to create programmes.

Method Overloading occurs when a class has many methods with the same name but distinct parameters.

The Line Drawing Algorithm is a graphical algorithm for representing line segments on discrete graphical media, such as printers and pixel-based media."

A database management system is a software application that enables users to quickly construct, design, and edit databases.

All Computer Blogs

Scrum is a particular kind of Agile framework. Scrum is a method of working that is iterative.

In Java, packages are used to avoid naming conflicts, limit access, and make searching/locating and using classes among other things.

Cloud computing is the on-demand, pay-as-you-go distribution of IT services over the Internet.

A queue is a linear structure that performs operations in a specific order.

Quick sort is the most efficient method of sorting .It uses the divide and conquer strategy to sort the elements.

In the selection sort, the smallest value among the array's unsorted items is chosen in each pass and inserted into the proper spot.

The World Wide Web, sometimes known as a Web, is a collection of websites or web pages.

API is a programming language that can be used in anything from command-line utilities to enterprise Java code to Ruby on Rails web applications.

A database management system is a software application that enables users to quickly construct, design, and edit databases.