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The term "Application Software" refers to software that runs in response to a user's request.

HTML is a text formatting language for creating and displaying Web pages that's widely used in the business.

The abstract data type is a form of data that has a set of values and actions that determine its behaviour.

An algorithm is made up of a finite number of stages, each of which may involve one or more actions.

The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a machine that is abstract. It's a runtime environment for executing Java bytecode.

A Local Area Network is a group of computers and peripheral devices connected in a local area, such as a school, laboratory, house, or workplace.

The Leaky Bucket Algorithm is primarily responsible for controlling the total volume and rate of traffic supplied to the network.

The following is a timeline of an operating system's evolution: serial processing, Batch System, Time-Shared OS etc.

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The World Wide Web, sometimes known as a Web, is a collection of websites or web pages.

Threads exchange a non-negative variable called semaphore.

A virtual function is a member function defined in a base class that is redefined (overridden) by a derived class.

A type of entity-relationship model is the Entity-Relationship model (ER model).

HTML is a text formatting language for creating and displaying Web pages that's widely used in the business.

In the Greedy approach MST (Minimum Spanning Trees) is used to find the cost or the minimum path.

A transaction in a database system must maintain Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.

Bubble Sort evaluates and arranges each element individually based on its values.

OS is a piece of software that serves as a link between the user and the computer hardware.