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Computer Engineering Blogs

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A ring's topology resembles that of a bus, but with connected ends.

Computer graphics necessitates the use of technology.

The stack's applications include the following: UNDO/REDO, Balancing of symbols, String reversal and Memory management etc.

The Java AWT API is a set of classes and methods for developing and managing GUI applications.

A flowchart is a diagrammatic description of any process or workflow that uses symbols to express it in a systematic and sequential manner.

A tree data structure is a non-linear data structure since it does not store data in a sequential order.

Output Devices are the devices that are used to show the results or details.

Uses of computers in different areas, like : Business, Education, Banking, Military, Healthcare and Communication.

All Computer Blogs

In the Greedy approach MST (Minimum Spanning Trees) is used to find the cost or the minimum path.

A Computer system is an electronic device that collects raw data i.e input and processes it, producing desired data called output.

Any algorithm that follows the problem-solving meta heuristic of discovering the global optimum is known as a greedy algorithm.

Decoders are combinational circuits that convert binary data into 2N output lines.

A programme is a set of instructions that directs a computer to perform specific activities.

Computer Engineering is one of the most versatile subjects offering a huge variety of jobs in the IT industry. Know how to land a job in it!

Data structure is a way of storing and arranging information so that it can be more useful.

A code is converted source code written in a high-level programming language to machine code into machine code for a specific architecture.

OOP is a programming paradigm that makes use of classes and objects.