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Computer Engineering Blogs

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Quick sort is the most efficient method of sorting .It uses the divide and conquer strategy to sort the elements.

Computer Engineering is one of the most versatile subjects offering a huge variety of jobs in the IT industry. Know how to land a job in it!

Java is an object-oriented programming language that uses a virtual machine platform to generate and run applications.

Call  by value – In this parameter passing technique, actual parameter values are copy to function …

Inheritance is the process that, by expanding and enables new classes to be formed out of existing classes.

In Java, there are three types of enterprise beans.

"Integrated Electronics" is what Intel stands for. Advanced Micro Devices is the abbreviation for Advanced Micro Devices.

A specification of software requirements (SRS) is a document that explains what the software is supposed to do and how it is expected to work.

All Computer Blogs

The AVL Tree was invented in 1962 by GM Adelson - Velsky and EM Landis. In honour of its inventors, the tree was given the name AVL

A race condition is an occurrence that can happen within a vital segment.

A database management system is a software application that enables users to quickly construct, design, and edit databases.

The Entity-Relationship model (ER model) is a type of entity-relationship model.

The abbreviation for Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is Java Database Connectivity.

One of the vital and heavily used features of ‘C’ is pointer.

The stack's applications include the following: UNDO/REDO, Balancing of symbols, String reversal and Memory management etc.

A computer network is a collection of devices that are linked together.

The main use of this term in Java is to distinguish between class attributes and arguments with similar names.