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A type of entity-relationship model is the Entity-Relationship model (ER model).

MST (Minimum Spanning Trees) is utilized in the Greedy technique to identify the cost or minimum …

In C++, if a function is declared as a buddy function, the function can access a class's protected and private data.

One of the vital and heavily used features of ‘C’ is pointer.

The C++ programming feature of function overloading allows us to have many functions with the same …

The World Wide Web, sometimes known as a Web, is a collection of websites or web pages.

Computer Engineering is one of the most versatile subjects offering a huge variety of jobs in the IT industry. Know how to land a job in it!

Java is an object-oriented programming language that uses a virtual machine platform to generate and run applications.

All Computer Blogs

The Line Drawing Algorithm is a graphical algorithm for representing line segments on discrete graphical media, such as printers and pixel-based media."

Whenever a function calls a replica of its own to resolve a smaller issue, this is known as recursion.

Insertion sorting is a very basic process for sorting numbers in an ascending or descending order.

Scrum is a particular kind of Agile framework. Scrum is a method of working that is iterative.

A DBMS is a programme that enables database creation, specification and manipulation, allowing users to easily store, process and analyse information.

Inheritance is the process that, by expanding and enables new classes to be formed out of existing classes.

The term "Application Software" refers to software that runs in response to a user's request.

A code is converted source code written in a high-level programming language to machine code into machine code for a specific architecture.

A linked list is a collection of elements with the exception that the components are not stored in a sequential order.