The block diagram of a TV communication system consists of a TV transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter consists of two units.
Boolean algebra which deals with variables and binary numbers. This algebra helps to simplify the Boolean variables
The three basic transistor configuration are CE, CB and CC. A transistor is a three terminal device Emitter, Base and Collector.
Superposition theorem is applicable to circuits with linear elements. They are not applicable to power since it is a non-linear quantity.
The term human–computer interaction (HCI) is used widespread since early 1980s. Second World War provided impetus …
The Digital to Analog converter is an electronic device which converts digital signal to analog signal. Weighted Resistor and R-2R Ladder are its types.
The microprocessor 8086 minimum mode and maximum mode operation is decided by signal MN/MX’. When the signal MN/MX’ = 1 the 8086 minimum mode is active.
We use small signal transistor model to analyze h-parameters. A transistor can be treated as a two port terminal.
The block diagram of a TV communication system consists of a TV transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter consists of two units.
Boolean algebra which deals with variables and binary numbers. This algebra helps to simplify the Boolean variables
The three basic transistor configuration are CE, CB and CC. A transistor is a three terminal device Emitter, Base and Collector.
Superposition theorem is applicable to circuits with linear elements. They are not applicable to power since it is a non-linear quantity.
The term human–computer interaction (HCI) is used widespread since early 1980s. Second World War provided impetus …
The Digital to Analog converter is an electronic device which converts digital signal to analog signal. Weighted Resistor and R-2R Ladder are its types.
The microprocessor 8086 minimum mode and maximum mode operation is decided by signal MN/MX’. When the signal MN/MX’ = 1 the 8086 minimum mode is active.
We use small signal transistor model to analyze h-parameters. A transistor can be treated as a two port terminal.
The block diagram of a TV communication system consists of a TV transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter consists of two units.
Boolean algebra which deals with variables and binary numbers. This algebra helps to simplify the Boolean variables
The three basic transistor configuration are CE, CB and CC. A transistor is a three terminal device Emitter, Base and Collector.
Superposition theorem is applicable to circuits with linear elements. They are not applicable to power since it is a non-linear quantity.
Cell splitting in mobile communication is the process in which the bigger cells split up into smaller ones.
The concept of data communication in GPRS is similar to the GSM network. GPRS has data rates of 9.6 to 171 kbps.
The Nyquist criteria is a semi graphical method that determines stability of CL system investigating the properties of the frequency plot.
The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle is known as PSLV. This technology is the most challenging space program for the Indian space program till now.
A function is said to be positive Real function if it has all the poles and zeros on the left half of the S-plane. Re[ H(jw) ] >=0 for all ‘w’
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The Delta Modulation has step size much smaller after quantization and also the sampling rate is much higher.
The DC Motor is an electrical machine which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. It works on the principle of induced emf.
The Routh Hurwitz’s Criterion states that the system is stable if and only if all the elements in the first column have same algebraic sign.