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Pigeonhole principle-If n pigeonholes are occupied by n + 1 or more pigeons, then at least one pigeonhole is occupied by more than one pigeon.

Matrices have a wide range of applications in various disciplines such as chemistry, Biology, Engineering, Statistics, economics, etc.

Graph theory is intimately related to many branches of mathematics. It is widely applied in subjects like, Computer Technology, Communication Science, Electrical Engineering, Physics, Architecture, Operations Research, Economics, Sociology, Genetics, etc. In the earlier stages it was called slum Topology. It also has uses in social sciences, chemical sciences, information retrieval systems, linguistics even in economics also.

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The ratio test is also known as D Alembert’s ratio test. It was first published by Jean le Rond d’ Alembert.

When the changes in one variable are associated or followed by change in the other, we say that there is a correlation between the two. Such data connecting two variables is called a bivariate population.

Bayes theorem describes the probability of an event, which is based on prior knowledge conditions related to the events.

Taylor’s series is considered as an expansion of a function into an infinite sum of terms.

This method was given by Leonhard Euler. Euler’s method is the first order numerical method for solving ordinary differential equations with given initial value.

We denote the product of the positive integers from 1 to n by n! and we read it as “factorial

Skewness is one of the most important topics in mathematical statistics. The word skewness means lack of symmetry

Simpson’s rules are very useful in numerical integration to evaluate such integrals.

A matrix is the rectangular arrangement of arrays, that we arrange in rows and columns. the term “Matrix” was coined by James Joseph Sylvester in 1850. In this blog we are going to discuss about the matrix operations