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A function f(x) is said to be periodic function if f(x + T) = f(x) for all real x and some positive number T.

If u and v are functions of the two independent variables x and y , then the determinant, is known as the jacobian of u and v with respect to x and y.

The regula-falsi method is the oldest method of finding the approximate numerical value of a real root of an equation f(x) = 0.

Overview (sequence and series) A function f : N  , where S is a non-empty set …

The degree of curvedness is used to determine the shape of a plane curve. Curvature is the measure of rate of change in of curvedness.

Simpson’s rules are very useful in numerical integration to evaluate such integrals. Here we will understand the concept of Simpson’s rule.

A differential equation of the form dy/dx + Py = Q is known as a linear differential equation or simply LDE.

If the change in one variable affects a change in other variable, then these two variables are said to be correlated.

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In calculus, the definite and indefinite integrals are the types of integration used to integrate the functions. The function can be exponential, power, logarithmic, constant, polynomial, or linear. These types of integral are used frequently to determine the area under the curve.

Sequencing problems deals with the selection of an optimum order for the number of jobs to be performed with a finite number of facilities.

The ratio test is also known as D Alembert’s ratio test. It was first published by Jean le Rond d’ Alembert.

Overview(Maxima and minima)- A function f(x) is said to be maximum at x = a if …

Skewness is one of the most important topics in mathematical statistics. The word skewness means lack of symmetry

A matrix is the rectangular arrangement of arrays, that we arrange in rows and columns. the term “Matrix” was coined by James Joseph Sylvester in 1850. In this blog we are going to discuss about the matrix operations

When we find the area of a triangle then it depends on base and height, hence we can say that area of the triangle is the function of base and height. In other words, when we have a mathematical function having more than one variables, we use partial differentiation.

Basically correlation is the measurement of the strength of a linear relationship between two variables say x and y.

If we get a square matrix from an identity or unit matrix by using any single elementary transformation is called elementary matrix.There are two types of echelon form of a matrix.