When it comes to learning, not everyone follows the same pattern – some students are more productive in the morning, some find it easier to study in the night; some go solo, while some prefer group study. But, there are certain common study tips for students that help them make the most of their study time. These come in handy when there are a bunch of topics to cover and the exams are right around the corner, just waiting to make an unwarranted appearance!
As soon as the schedule is announced, the first question that comes to mind is – how to study effectively for exams? The answer to this question lies in scientifically proven study methods for exams! Here are some easy-to-follow study tips for college students that are sure to help them ace the toughest of tests-
Top 6 Study Techniques For College
1. Pull All-nighters Out Of The Picture:
A lot of students believe in the power of all-nighters. But, fact remains that pulling an all-nighter can hamper your ability to remember and process information by up to 40%, deeming it an ineffective studying method. According to research, it can take up to four days for your brain to function at its best after you’ve been awake all night. A good night’s sleep gives a fresh start to your brain and readies it not only to store information, but to help you retain most of it as well! So, you must drop this habit; and you must drop it now!
2. The Student Becomes The Teacher-
Here, you simply have to trick your brain into thinking that what you are learning has to be taught further. This way, your mind automatically pays closer attention to details and strives harder to understand and remember the key ideas. Studying a certain topic with the intention to teach ensures that the information is actively analysed and understood and not passively stored away in memory, never to be recollected. It’s a tiny trick, but its effect on learning and memory improvement is exemplary!
3. An Active Body = An Active Mind:
Exercising accelerates performance – especially memory, attention, information processing and problem-solving. It increases the levels of a crucial brain-derived neurotrophic factor – BDNF, which is important for the growth of brain cells, mood and learning. Exercising also releases powerful hormones including serotonin (the mood booster), dopamine (for learning and attention) and norepinephrine (for awareness, attention and concentration). In fact, any physical activity like jogging, dancing, bike-riding, or even walking for 20-30 minutes will do wonders.
4. Self-test Your Knowledge:
Taking a self-test before the exam will compel you to remember information and award you with the confidence that will be your weapon against exam anxiety. Testing yourself on the topics you’ve learned is more effective than revising over and over again. The constant reading may give you a sense of familiarity with the information, but it will do no good when it comes to actually retrieving information from memory. Until you test yourself, you won’t actually know how much you remember, and how well you remember it. This is a great technique to identify the gaps and work towards bridging them, one test question at a time.
5. Breaks Are A Must:
One cannot stress enough on the importance of taking breaks while studying! No matter how many chapters you have on your plate, make time for short breaks! It’s important to remember that your mind is as human as you are and needs sufficient rest to function smoothly. While it all depends on the complexity of the topic, here are how many breaks you can take on an average – a short 10-15 minutes every hour or a longer break of at least 30 minutes every 2 to 4 hours. Splitting your study time into multiple sessions not only helps your brain remember information more effectively, but also improves your concentration!
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