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What are the types of Dam?

by Team Goseeko

Various types of dams are classified according to their purpose, material, hydraulic action and structural action.

1.Types of dam based on Purpose:

Following are the various types of dam based on purpose:

  1. Storage dam
  2. Coffer dam
  3. Debris dam
  4. Diversion dam
  5. Detention dam
  1. Storage dam: We construct these dam to store the water in rainy season.
  2. Coffer dam: We construct these dam as temporary structure in the river or lake.
  3. Debris dam: We construct these dams to avoid the flow of debris along with rain water.
  4. Diversion dam: We construct these type of dam to divert the flow of water.
  5. Detention dam: We construct these type of dams in case of excessive flood.

2.Types of dam based on Material:

Following are the various types of dam based on purpose:

  1. Concrete dam
  2. Masonry dam
  3. Timber dam
  4. Steel dam
  5. Earth dam
  6. Rockfill dam
  7. Composite dam

3.Types of dam based on Hydraulic action:

Following are the various types of dam based on hydraulic action:

  1. Overflow dam
  2. Non-overflow dam
  1. Overflow dam: The dam in which we permit surplus water to pass over the crest of the spillway.
  2. Non-overflow dam: The dam in which we do not permit surplus water to pass over the crest of the spillway.

4.Types of dam based on Structural action:

Following are the various types of dam based on structural action:

  1. Gravity dam
  2. Earth dam
  3. Rockfill dam
  4. Timber dam
  5. Steel dam
  1. Gravity dam: The dam due to its own weight resists the water pressure and other forces is called gravity dam.
  2. Earth dam: The dam made in earth resists the forces exerted upon it mainly because of shear strength of soil is called as Earth dam.
  3. Rockfill dam: The dam made in rock fragments and large size boulders with an impervious membrane placed on the rockfill on its upstream side is called as rockfill dam.
  4. Timber dam: The dam which consists of the framework made in timber with a facing of timber planks is called as timber dam.
  5. Steel dam: The dam which consists of a steel framework with a skin plate on its upstream face is called steel dam.

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