Kinesics is the technical term for Body Language – an important part of today’s modern communication and relationship. It is the study of the way the body communicates, without the using words, and by the various movements of the body parts. Kinesics looks into the meaning of signs and symbols which are communicated by the physical movements of the body like face, eyes, gestures and physical appearance.
Importance of Body Language
Body Language plays a vital role in both general as well as professional life. It is important to match body language with the purpose and verbal content of the speech, otherwise the wrong impression is transmitted to others. Body Language helps to know how the person feels and what he means.
Types of Body Language
Body Language helps in communicating our values, thoughts, beliefs and intentions through conscious and unconscious feelings, attitudes and mental states. Kinesics or body language includes.
- Facial Expression
- Gesture
- Eye contact
- Head, body shape and posture
- Appearance
Facial Expression:
‘Face is the mirror of inner consciousness.” An important part of body language as it is the index of mind.
It is said,‘ the greater the gesture, the louder the speech.’ Gestures include the movements of other parts of the body like arms, legs, hands and head. It is important to make perfect coordination in speech and gestures.
Eye contact:
Eyes are called the mirror of the human heart. Eye contact means looking into the eyes of the listener while communicating which helps a lot in oral face to face communication. It is a useful part of confidence and social communication.
Head and posture
Head is an important part of body language. Nodding of head gives meaning to feelings and different positions of head talks about personality, attitude and feeling.
Posture, which comes in body language is the position of the body with respect to each other, or of a particular purpose based on a situation.
An appearance is manifested by clothing, hair, jewelry, cosmetics etc. It demonstrates the culture, mood, level of confidence, age, gender and authority.
Body Language can be voluntary (with purpose) or involuntary (beyond control) in forming an impression about a person whom we meet for the first time.