Goseeko blog

What is Sedimentation ?

by Team Goseeko

Sedimentation is used to remove fine particles. It is a very simple method. The sewage is kept quiescent, for a given period, in a sedimentation basin. It is allows the very fine suspended material to settle down on the floor of the tank. In the process is carried before the chemical process and biological process for water treatment.


The main purpose of sedimentation is to separate the settle able solid particles.

Sedimentation of Sewage:

To remove the suspended material the tanks are designed which are mainly used to remove the organic solid waste material. All the particles having higher specific gravity than the liquid bound to move vertically in the downward direction due to higher gravitational force. This causes the settling of solid material at a uniform velocity which is known as settling velocity. The settling value of any suspended solid material mainly depends on 

The specific gravity of the particle: The specific gravity of the particle is higher than the settling velocity increases.

The size of the particle: The size of particle increases the settling velocity also increases.

The temperature: As the temperature of waste water increases the settling velocity increases.

Classification of tank:

Sedimentation tank classified based on the purpose and functioning of tank:

  1. Grit chambers: To remove sand and grit
  2. Plain sedimentation tank: To remove all types of solids.
  3. Chemical precipitation tank: To remove fine solid particles.
  4. Secondary settling tank: To settle the activated sludge.
  5. Septic tank: To have sedimentation and digestion of the sludge at the same time in the same compartment.

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