Unit - 14
Traffic & Transportation Engineering
Transportation Engineering:
Traffic Engineering:
1) Transport engineering
2) Pavement engineering
3) Bicycle transportation engineering
4) Highway engineering
5) Transportation planning
6) Urban planning
7) Human factors in engineering.
1) Road Transport:
2) Rail Transport:
3) Water Transport:
4) Air Transport:
1) Road Transport in India:
1) National highways (NHs)
2) State highways (SHs)
3) Major district roads (MDRs)
4) RRs that include other district roads
5) village roads.
2) Rail transport in India:
3) Water Transport in India:
4) Air Transport in India:
Advantages of PPP:
Disadvantages of PPP Model:
1) Railways are a mass transit system and hence it is more effective than roadways in meeting higher land-based traffic capacity demands.
2) Railways are highly capital intensive when compared to other modes. So, project planning has to be clean and has to be exercised with utmost caution. Any time loss leads to troubling existing public facilities and cost appreciation.
3) Railway transportation necessitates a very long-time planning and takes years to design, develop, build infrastructure, and execute. And the route has to be planned in such a way that it caters to clearing bottlenecks while instantaneously causing minimum impacts to existing structures.
Sustainable pavement materials:
Resilient pavement materials:
Flexible pavement design:
Rigid pavement design:
Construction Pavement:
1) Sub-base course construction.
2) Base course construction:
3) Surface course construction:
4) Hot-mix asphalt (HMA) layers:
Construction issues:
1) Asphalt mix segregation
2) Laydown
3) Compaction
4) Joints
5) Portland cement concrete:
Management pavement:
Case Study (Transportation)
Project Summary:
Project Objectives:
Its capital, Chennai (formerly known as Madras) is the fourth largest city in India, with an assessed population of over 7.5 million.
Project Description:
1) Partners:
2) Implementation Environment - Legislative and Administrative:
3) Financial Agreement:
4) Contract Provisions:
5) Implementation Metrics:
1) Methods for Overcoming Impediments:
2) Key Points for Success or Failure:
1. Patil, B.S. (1974), Legal Aspects of Building and Engineering Contract
2. The National Building Code, BIS, (2017)
3. RERA Act, (2017)
4. Meena Rao (2006), Fundamental concepts in Law of Contract, 3rd Edn. Professional Offset
5. Chandiramani, Neelima (2000), The Law of Contract: An Outline, 2nd Edn. Avinash Publications Mumbai
6. Avtarsingh (2002), Law of Contract, Eastern Book Co.
7. Dutt (1994), Indian Contract Act, Eastern Law House
8. Anson W.R. (1979), Law of Contract, Oxford University Press
9. Kwatra G.K. (2005), The Arbitration & Conciliation of Law in India with case law on UNCITRAL Model Law on Arbitration, Indian Council of Arbitration
10. Avtarsingh (2005), Law of Arbitration and Conciliation, Eastern Book Co.
11. Wadhera (2004), Intellectual Property Rights, Universal Law Publishing Co.
12. P. S. Narayan (2000), Intellectual Property Rights, Gogia Law Agency
13. T. Ramappa (2010), Intellectual Property Rights Law in India, Asia Law House
14. Bare text (2005), Right to Information Act
15. O.P. Malhotra, Law of Industrial Disputes, N.M. Tripathi Publishers
16. K.M. Desai(1946), The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act
17. Rustamji R.F., Introduction to the Law of Industrial Disputes, Asia Publishing House 18. Vee, Charles & Skitmore, Martin (2003) Professional Ethics in the Construction Industry, Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, Vol.10, Iss. 2, pp 117-127, MCB UP Ltd
18. American Society of Civil Engineers (2011) ASCE Code of Ethics – Principles Study and Application
19. Ethics in Engineering- M.W.Martin& R.Schinzinger, McGraw-Hill
20. Engineering Ethics, National Institute for Engineering Ethics, USA
21. www.ieindia.org
22. Engineering ethics: concepts and cases – C. E. Harris, M.S. Pritchard, M.J.Rabins
23. Resisting Bureaucratic Corruption: Alacrity Housing Chennai (Teaching Case Study) -S. Ramakrishna Velamuri -CEIBS
24. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS, http://www.jnormanstark.com/contract.htm
25. Internet and Business Handbook, Chap 4, CONTRACTS LAW, http://www.laderapress.com/laderapress/contractslaw1.html