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Module – 3

Formal Reports & Informal Reports



  • Outline- is the structure of the writing; this is what helps the writing move along, as you already know exactly what is to be provided where and when. When writing a formal report a carefully constructed outline facilitates assigning sections of the report to different authors from the team.

  • Title- The title page should contain:

  • Company name
  • Name and title of the party for whom the report was prepared
  • Name and title of the preparer
  • Date

  • Front Matter -In formal reports, you may encounter introductory sections before the actual report itself. These “front sections” are important for establishing context and structure of the report for the reader.The front section contains the title page, transmittal letter, and the table of contents.
  • Front sections may include the following:


  • Transmittal letter
  • Cover page and Title Page
  • Table of Contents
  • Executive Summary

  • Writing the Introduction-An introduction sets up the structure of a report. Essentially, the introduction tells the reader what is to come and in what order, and it reminds the reader of the key criteria that instigated the report’s creation. This section is key to the reader following and retaining key points of the report. The introduction statement states the purpose of the report, identifies the problem, its scope, and the method the writer plans to employ to solve the problem.


  • Writing a Procedure-This means planning your investigation or research, and how you'll write the report. Ask yourself:

  • What information do I need?
  • Do I need to do any background reading?
  • What articles or documents do I need?
  • Do I need to contact the library for assistance?
  • Do I need to interview or observe people?
  • Do I have to record data?
  • How will I go about this?

  • Describing Machines/Processes- it should explain to the reader the research methods you have chosen to create this report, such as using a qualitative method, a quantitative method or a combination of both. It should be a clear justification of why you chose to use certain methods.

  • Writing Test Results- This section is where you should present result of the tests been taken up. It is important to present your results logically while making sure that you have included enough information to prove that you have tested it thoroughly.

  • Writing the Discussion Section- In this section the findings of the report is discussed, findings are result of your reading, observations, interviews and investigation. They form the basis of your report. Depending on the type of report you are writing, you may also wish to include photos, graphs to make your report more readable and/or easier to follow.
  • C:\Users\RASMI\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\WritingProcess-1024x440.png

  • Conclusions- The conclusion, as the header says, finishes the body of the report: it provides a summary of the major ideas of the report. While not as long as an executive summary, it may have a similar feel in order to provide a comprehensive reminder of the key components of either an analytical or informational report.

  • Recommendations- In this section, you will report your recommendations, beginning with your first choice. Explain why you prioritized each choice by elaborating on different facets the solution’s feasibility: economical, structural, and operational. Emphasize the solution’s benefits. Remember you can suggest that you do not recommend a particular alternative solution. However, you need to explain why you do not recommend the solution, according to the economical, structural, and operational feasibility.

  • References- In this section of the report list all of the documents that you refer to in your report. We recommend numbering the references sequentially in the text, in their order of appearance, and listing them in the same order in the references section.

  • Abstract- the abstract should contain a concise summary of the problem, important findings (results), and significant conclusions and recommendations. The abstract must be useful, independently of the report. The abstract is often reproduced, circulated, published, and filed independently of the report.

  • Back Matter- n the back matter, there is little prose provided to explain or connect the different items, as the purpose of each item was explained in the body of the report when each item was first referenced. Thus, the back matter is simply the location of these more detailed items that are critical to support the report.

  • Report Distribution- Report Distribution is the process of distribution of a report for future references. it enables users to report on Response and specify course of action in the future.

  • Saving Reports- This is the process of storing the report for future reference and for carrying out changes according to the recommendation of the report.
  • Formal reports may be saved in a variety of formats: documents, letters, digital postings to a website, and so forth.



  • Elements of an Informal Report-The informal report has five basic elements, arranged in a fairly standard form. You can adapt it to many situations – from presenting background to recommending and proposing. The form has five parts:

  • Introduction
  • Summary
  • Background
  • Conclusions and Recommendations
  • Discussion

  • Investigation Reports-An investigation report is a document that details the findings of an investigation as soon as a formal complaint is filed or an incident occurs. This is where investigators record the issues of the matter, analyze the evidence, and formulate a conclusion.
  •     Investigation reports aim to provide decision-makers with the facts needed to determine a course of action.


  • Service Work-
  • Action Letters and Proposals-

  • Typical Memo Reports- A memo report is an informal report format often used to reply to a request for information. Memo reports are intended for internal use. To begin a memo report, key the heading words and information to print about one inch from the top of the page, as you would for any memo.

    Memos are generally written to solve problems by informing the reader about new information or by persuading the reader to take an action. The most important feature about a memo is that it be concise yet complete and



    Reference books

    1. “A Guide to Technical Writing”, T. A. Rickard, Franklin Classics.

    2. “Technical Writing”, S. Jayprakash, Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

    3. “Technical Writing”, O. N. Pandey.


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