The discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT) or the Fourier transform of a discrete–time sequence x[n] is a representation of the sequence in terms of the complex exponential sequence ejωn.
The DTFT sequence x[n] is given by
X (w) = e-jwn --------------- (1)
Here X (w) is a complex function of real frequency variable w and can be written as
X (w) = Xre (w) + j X img (w)
Where Xre (w), j X img (w) are real and Imaginary parts of X(w)
And | X (w)| can be represented as
Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform is given by
Find the four point DFT of the sequence
X (n) = {0, 1, 2, 3}
Here N=4. W40 = e-j2πn/4 = e-j π/ 2 = cos 0 – j sin = 1 for n=0
W41 = e-j2 π/4 = cos π/2 – j sin π /2 = -j
W42 = e-j π = cos π – j sin π = -1
W43 = e-j2.3 π/4 = cos 3 π/2 – j sin 3 π/2 = j
For k=0
X (k) = e-j2 π nk/N
X (0) =
X (0) = x (0) + x (1) +x (2) + x (3) = 0 +1+2+3 = 6
X (1) = e-j2 π nk/N
X (1) = e-j2 π n/4
= x (0) e0 + x (1) e –j2 π /4+ + x (2) e-j4 π/4+ x (3) e- j 6 π/4
= 0 + 1 –j + 2(-1) + 3(j)
= -2+ 2j
X (2) = e-j2 π n2/4
X (2) = e-j π n
X (2) = x (0) 1+ x (1) e-j π + x (2) e-j2 π + x (3) e-j3 π
X (2) = -2
X (3) = e-j2 π n3/4
X (3) = x (0) e0 + x (1) e-j3 π/2 + x (2) e-j3 π + x (3) e-j9 π/2
X (3) = -2-2j.
DFT = {6, -2+2j,-2, 2-2j}
Linear Property
If x(t) -> X(w)
Y(t) -> Y(w) then
a x(t) + b y(t) -> a X(w) +b Y(w)
Time Shifting Property
If x(t)⟷F.TX(ω)
Then Time shifting property states that
x(t−t0)⟷F.T e−jω0t X(ω)
Frequency Shifting Property
If x(t)⟷X(ω)
Then frequency shifting property states that
Time Reversal Property
If x(t)⟷X(ω)
Then Time reversal property states that
Differentiation Property
If x(t)⟷X(ω)
Then Differentiation property states that
Integration Property
Integration property states that
∫x(t)dt⟷1jω X(ω)
∭...∫x(t)dt⟷(jω)n X(ω)
Multiplication and Convolution Properties
If x(t)⟷X(ω)
Then multiplication property states that
And convolution property states that
- Compute the N-point DFT of x(n)=3δ(n).
2. Compute the N-point DFT of x(n)=7(n−n0)
Solution − We know that,
Substituting the value of x(n),