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New Materials

The designing and making up of anything whose use depends on the specific structure at nano scale. These posses the different properties at reducing scale. The measurement can be taken in notice at 100 nanometers and lesser is called as the nanotechnology. This includes the materials made by the manipulation of up of atoms or molecules. They are composed up of metals, ceramics, polymers, organic materials in simpler way these all are made up of carbon compounds. The technology that we deal with in taking the consideration up of the Nano material is called as the nanotechnology.

This classification is based on the number of dimensions of a material, which are outside the nano scale (<100 nm) range.

In zero-dimensional (0D) nano materials all the dimensions are measured within the nano scale (no dimensions are larger than 100 nm). Most commonly, 0D nano materials are nano particles.

In one-dimensional nano materials (1D), one dimension is outside the nano scale. E.g.; nano tubes, nano rods, and nano wires.

In two-dimensional nano materials (2D), two dimensions are outside the nano scale. This class exhibits plate-like shapes. E.g.; graphene, nano films, nano layers, and nanocoatings.             

  • Quantum confinement in semiconductor particles.
  • Surface plasmon resonance in some metal particles.
  • Super paramagnetism in magnetic materials
  • The effect of size in the catalytic properties of gold nano particles

  • Top Down Approach

    Top down approach deals with the breaking down of bulk material into nano sized particles. Top-down synthesis techniques are extension of those that have been used for producing micron sized particles. Top-down approaches are inherently simpler and depend either on removal or division of bulk material or on miniaturization of bulk fabrication processes to produce the desired structure with appropriate properties. The biggest problem with the top-down approach is the imperfection of surface structure. E.g.: nano wires made by lithography are not smooth and may contain a lot of impurities and structural defects on its surface.

    Bottom Up Approach

    Bottom –up approach refers to the build-up of a material from the bottom: atom-by-atom, molecule-by-molecule or cluster-by-cluster. This route is more often used for preparing most of the nano-scale materials with the ability to generate a uniform size, shape and distribution. It effectively covers chemical synthesis and precisely controlled the reaction to inhibit further particle growth. Although the bottom-up approach is nothing new, it plays an important role in the fabrication and processing of nanostructures and nano materials.

    5.5           Introductory idea on synthesis of nano materials via green synthetic route

     Green synthetic route is a environment friendly way of synthesizing nano particles. This method does not require expensive, harmful and toxic chemicals. Synthesis can be done in one step using biological organisms such as bacteria, action-bacteria, yeasts,  molds, algae  and plants, or their  products. Molecules in plants and micro-organisms, such as proteins, enzymes, phenolic compounds, amines, alkaloids and pigments perform nano particle synthesis by reduction. As of rapid development, affordable culture costs and easy control and manipulation of growth environment, bacteria are clearly targets in the production of nano particles. At the same time, it is known that some species of bacteria have special mechanisms to suppress the toxicity of metals or heavy metals. Bacteria preferred for these properties, can perform nano particle synthesis in-situ and ex-situ. Through the use of biochemical pathways and reducing agents such as proteins, enzymes, etc. which present in the bacteria, metal ions can be reduced and precipitated for nano particle production. Actino bacteria, which perform the production of secondary metabolites such as antibiotics, are aerobic, immobile, and mostly filamentous gram-positive bacteria.  They are resistant to the most toxic heavy metals owing to their detoxification property. Soluble toxic metal ions are detoxified by either being degraded by intracellular or extracellular reduction or precipitation. Thus, nano particles being antibacterial, antifungal, anticancer, antioxidant, anti-bio contamination and having catalytic activity can be produced. Synthesis of nano particles can be done as extra-cellular or intra-cellular with enzymes by employing simply-cultured and fast-breeding eukaryotic yeasts and molds with easy biomass design, as. The incubation conditions and the metallic ion solutions used influence the size of the nano particles produced. Being pathogenic for humans limits the use of some molds in nano particle production. Plants, which have great potential for detoxification, reduction and accumulation of metals, are promising, fast and economical in removing metal-borne pollutants. Metallic nano-particles having various morphological characteristics can be produced intra cellularly and extra cellularly. Synthesis process; is initiated by addition of extracts obtained from plant parts such as leaves, roots and fruits into the aqueous solution of metal ions. With the materials present in the plant extract, such as sugar, flavonoid, protein, enzyme, polymer and organic acid, acting as a reducing agent, takes charge in bio-induction of metal ions into nano particles.

    Application of nano material in environmental field:

  • Nano particles that are produced deliberately using specific processes are called engineered or manufactured nano particles, for example, fullerenes and CNTs.
  • The sun sends an infinite light free from environmental pollution and noise is a renewable source of energy. The energy drawn from the sun can easily compensate for nonrenewable sources of energy such as fossil fuels and petroleum deposits on the earth.
  • Photovoltaic (PV) is related to the devices such as solar cell that directly converts sunlight into electricity. The solar cell is the elementary building block of the photovoltaic technology.
  • Application of nano material in electronic devices:

  • Nanotechnology is used for printed electronics for RFID, smart cards, smart packaging, It is used for more life-like video games and flexible displays for e-book readers.
  • Nanotechnology is used for nano scale transistors that are faster, more powerful, and increasingly the energy-efficient.
  • Nanotechnology is used in many new TVs, laptop computers, digital cameras, cell phones, and it is used in many devices to incorporate nano structured polymer films known as organic light-emitting diodes or OLEDs, where OLED screens offer brighter consumption and longer lifetimes.
  • Nanotechnology is used for magnetic random access memory (MRAM) enabled by nanometerscale magnetic tunnel junctions that can quickly and effectively save even encrypted data during a system shutdown or crash, So, It enables resumeplay features.
  • Nanotechnology in electronics provides faster, smaller and enhanced handheld devices, It provides advanced display technologies with conductive nano materials, data storage, quantum computing, printable and flexible electronics, and magnetic nano particles for data storage.
  • Nanotechnology can actually revolutionize a lot of electronic products, procedures, and applications such as electronic products include nano transistors, nano diodes, OLED, plasma displays and quantum computers.
  • Nanotechnology in electronics increases the capabilities of electronics devices while reducing their weight and power consumption, It increases the density of memory chips and it reduces the size of transistors that used in integrated circuits.
  • Nanotechnology improves display screens on electronics devices, So the power consumption will be reduced, the weight and the thickness of the screens decreases.

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