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Unit 2

Forms of Technical Communication


Technical Reports are documents designed to record and convey information to the reader. Reports are a part of any business or organization; from credit reports to police reports, they serve to document specific information for specific audiences, goals, or functions. the sort of report is usually identified by its primary purpose or function, as in an accident report, a laboratory report, a sales report, or maybe a book report.

Technical Reports are often analytical, or involve the rational analysis of data. Sometimes they simply “report the facts” with no analysis in the least, but still got to communicate the knowledge during a clear and concise format. Other reports summarize past events, present current data, and forecast future trends. While a report may have conclusions, propositions, or maybe a call to action, the demonstration of the analysis is that the primary function.

A sales report, for instance, isn't designed to form a private sale. It is, however, alleged to report sales so far, and should forecast future sales supported previous trends.

The success of a business or industrial organization lies in doing its job for this purpose, gathering information and passing it on to those who need it is important. In the broader collection and transfer of information is happening all the time in every area of ​​formal life. So, scientists, working brokers, testers, journalists, and various professionals, government and private organizations are asked to write and report to their management on important topics at the institution or the person involved.

Reports can be as short as a few sentences and as long as a few large pages. Although reports can be verbal and informal, here we are concerned with written and formal reports.



Characteristics of a Report:


  • The Audience: When organizing and preparing your reports you need to know who your audience is and whether or not your content meets their interests and needs.

  • Conciseness: Legitimacy has to do with how easy or readable it is. As most reports in normal cases type, all meetings with good typing should be followed. If there are handwritten reports, special attention should be given to writing clearly and clearly. Any departure from the above requirement will prove displeasing to your audience.


  • Readability: Clarity, durability and systematic presentation of readable content. The concept is summarized better than the following:
    The author does a lot by giving his reader a lot of information and taking away from him a little time.
    In this regard the following five goals are met:
  • a)  Use short sentences.

    b)  You prefer convenience to the building.

    c)  Choose a common name.

    d)  Use the economy and avoid unnecessary words.

    e)  Act actions as far as possible


  • Clarity: Just like unwanted fat in the body, padding, prolixity and repetition violates the respect of good writing, not to mention the respect they wrote for you. So 'agree' and 'prefer' will be more acceptable than pompous 'agree with' and 'prefer'. As such, why use 'at that point in time' and at a time when we have the best and most economical holdings at that time 'and' when '. Viewed from the point of view of the report, or requested for the report, a good report will contain four important details, an analysis of the information, conclusions and recommendations. It should always be remembered that effective reporting requires special attention to the needs and expectations of the reader. It means that the author of the report has to 'snap a picture', he must think and understand himself.


  • Title Page
  • The title page includes the main title of the report, it must be short and concise. You can also include the word counts of your summary and main body.


    B.     Table of Contents

    Help your reader quickly and easily find what they are looking for by using informative headings and careful numbering of your sections and sub-sections.

    For example:

    A table of contents


    C.    Introduction

    The introductory part of the report comprises of statement of the objectives of the report and how the report should be treated by the readers. It should indicate towards the problem that is going to be addressed in the main body. It should be catchy and interesting to grasp the attention of the reader from the very start.


    D.    The Body

    The main body consists of the central theme or the main idea of the report. It can be divided into a number of sections and subsections to separate your research and subsequent findings in a logical order.


    E.     Figures, Graphs, Formulae and Tables

    This section consists of the statistical representation of the data you have collected. Ideas should be conveyed in the form which is most suitable to the reader and easily understandable by the reader. Excessive use of these tools should be avoided.


    F.     Conclusion

    The conclusion is a kind of summing up of all the points you have stated in the main text. It should be a definite solution to the problem introduced during the introductory part of the report. The conclusion must be short and to the point.


    G.   Summary

    Summarize all the key points stated in the report including your research, your findings and your conclusion. The summary should feel like a brief overview of your investigations and outcomes. The summary should be constructed in such a way that it can be called a stand-alone document on its own.


    H.    References

    References must include detailed information of all your citations and the sources of material quoted in your texts. It can also include bibliography for further reading.



    I.       Appendices

    This is the last element of a report. It refers to any material which can be useful in the detailed understanding of your subject. It is not meant for the casual reader but for readers who are highly interested in the subject.



    Key Takeaways

  • Technical reports are documents designed to record and convey information to the reader
  • Technical Reports are often analytical, or involve the rational analysis of data.
  • Features of a good report include: Consideration of the audience, conciseness, readability and clarity
  • The structure of a report consists of the following elements:
  • Title page
  • Table of contents
  • Introduction
  • Body
  • Figures, Graphs, Formulae and Tables
  • Conclusion
  • Summary
  • References
  • Appendices


    2.2.1. Structure of a Thesis/Project

    Below are the elements and format of a thesis or technical project:


  • Title page: The title should be an indication of what the research is about. It will need to be succinct, specific and representative of the research you have done. Every discipline has its own format for the title page, this format is to be followed and the title page is to be created accordingly.

    b.     Abstract: The Abstract is one of the shortest sections of a dissertation or thesis. It is a concise summary of the research which you have done for the thesis. It should consist of the results and implications of the research and should answer they 'how's' and 'whys' of the paper. The abstract is almost always constrained in one page and has a certain word limit which may differ depending upon the discipline.


    c.      Contents, figure and table lists: This section will include the organisational structure of the dissertation or thesis. Any imbalance in space devoted to different sections of content will become clear. This is a useful check on whether you need to join sections, or create new or sub-sections.


    d.     Introduction: This is the first piece of actual information that the reader will come across but it is advisable to write it in the end. Once you have completed the other sections of the dissertation, you will have a clearer idea of what you are introducing. The introduction has two main roles:

  • to detail the information which was summarized in the abstract
  • to introduce the content of the rest of the dissertation.

    e.     The literature review, or context of the study: The purpose of this chapter is to show that you are aware of how your dissertation fits into the body of existing research in your field. To do this you need to:

  • expand on the current state of research done on the subject
  • consider which closely related areas are there which you can refer to
  • persuade the reader that further research on the topic is needed
  • explain how your dissertation or thesis will help you fill the research gap
  • This can lead into a clear statement of the research question(s) or problem(s) you will be addressing. It is worth taking time to develop a logical structure for sections in this chapter. This will help to convince examiners of the relevance of your research. It will also provide you with a framework for your discussion chapter.

    f.        Methods and materials: This chapter should provide a straightforward description of how you conducted the research. All the materials and methods used during your research are to be described in this section in detail. The amount of detail should be enough for another researcher to replicate your work.


    g.     Results / Findings: You will need to check the preferred style of reporting in your field. Decisions about style of presentation may need to be made about the following:

  • Will you begin with an initial overview of the results, followed by the detail? Alternatively, you may decide to move immediately into the detail of the results
  • In which order you will present the detailed results?
  • What balance, in terms of word space, do you want to achieve across the spread of results that you have?

    h.     Discussion: In this section you discuss how your research relates and compares to the previous findings of your predefined subject. You can refer back to the argument that you provided for your research in the literature review. You should then discuss what your own research has added in this context. It is important to show that you appreciate the limitations of your research, and how these may affect your findings. You can report on the implications of your findings for theory, research, and practice.


    i.        Conclusion: The conclusion should be short and precise and shouldn't include new information or arguments. It is essentially a summary of your research. Here you will draw ‘conclusions’ from the main points that have emerged and what they mean for your field.


    j.        References: This section needs to include all your references in the required referencing style. As you edit and rewrite your dissertation you will probably gain and lose references. It is important to check that each source cited in the text appears in your reference list. You must also check that all the references in your reference list appear within the text.


    k.     Appendices: Include in the appendices those items that a reader would want to see, but which would disrupt the flow if placed within the main text. Make sure to check if the appendices are included within the word limit. Also ensure you reference the Appendices within the main text where necessary.


    l.        Acknowledgements: This section should include the people who have helped you in the various stages of composing the paper. Read the acknowledgements in other dissertations in your field. This will give you an idea of the ways in which previous students have acknowledged the different kinds of help they have received


    2.2.2 Importance

    A Thesis or project is a long piece of academic writing presented at the end of an academic session. It is based on original research and should consist original ideas and concepts about a particular topic.

    There are two major differences between a dissertation and a thesis. Firstly, while a dissertation is presented at the end of a post-graduate programme a doctoral thesis marks the end of a PhD degree.  And secondly while they both follow the same format and structure a thesis is much more detailed and intricate than a dissertation.

    In short, a thesis is presented to earn a doctorate degree while a dissertation is presented to earn a master’s degree.

    A thesis/project is important piece of writing as it provides:

  • Considerably more in-depth knowledge of the major subject/field of study, including deeper insight into current research and development work.
  • Deeper knowledge of methods in the major subject/field of study.
  • A capability to contribute to research and development work.
  • The capability to use a holistic view to critically, independently and creatively identify, formulate and deal with complex issues.
  • The capability to plan and use adequate methods to conduct qualified tasks in given frameworks and to evaluate this work.
  • The capability to create, analyse and critically evaluate different technical/architectural solutions.
  • The capability to critically and systematically integrate knowledge.
  • The capability to clearly present and discuss the conclusions as well as the knowledge and arguments that form the basis for these findings in written and spoken English.
  • The capability to identify the issues that must be addressed within the framework of the specific thesis in order to take into consideration all relevant dimensions of sustainable development.
  • A consciousness of the ethical aspects of research and development work.


    Key Takeaways

  • A Thesis or project is a long piece of academic writing presented at the end of an academic session. It is based on original research and should consist original ideas and concepts about a particular topic.
  • A thesis/ project is an important document as it provides: deeper knowledge of the subject, improves understanding, increases capability to plan and use adequate methods, improves ability to create, analyze and evaluate technical concepts, integrates knowledge, enhances capacity to identify and address issues and imparts ethics of research and development.
  • The format of a thesis/ project includes the following elements:
  • Title page
  • Abstract
  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • Literary review or context of study
  • Methods and materials
  • Results and findings
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Appendices
  • Acknowledgements

    A research synopsis can be described as a short outline of what your research thesis is and all the steps you plan to follow so as to realize them. It gives you and your supervisor a transparent view of what the research aims at achieving and within what time-frame. It also helps you stay focused and makes the research work generally less tedious. This explains why your synopsis should be approached with clarity, systematically with unambiguous sentences.

    The format for writing a synopsis varies from institution to institution and among disciplines. But even within a discipline, the format can always be tailored to best fit your specific research work. Below is the outline of how your research synopsis should appear as. Note that the following items should only appear after you've written your research topic and the abstract to your research.

  • Background: here you're meant to guide down from the research in your area of study generally right down to your specific research topic. Discuss the importance of your proposed research work to research as a whole. Discuss also the academic gap which your research would fill which will result in your research problem.

    2.     Theoretical Framework/Methodology/Conceptual Framework: the above captions for this section aren't meant to be used interchangeably. It often depends on the discipline and also the particular topic to identify which to use. The theoretical framework discusses the theory to use in researching the object. Methodology indicates the methods of information gathering and analysis which might be quantitative and qualitative while the conceptual framework explains the most important concepts that the research revolves round on.


    3.     Research Questions: These are the questions which will propel the research work and provide it more focus along the road.


    4.     Hypothesis: here you mention the assumption on which the research work is constructed. Note that this assumption might prove to be false at the end of the research.


    5.     Objectives of the study: this highlights the objectives of your study; what your research aims at achieving. Here, like other items in your synopsis required a good deal of clarity.


    6.     Literature Review: this contains a reading of other research works done on the vicinity your work is cantered. The idea is to indicate that your research topic hasn't been done before hence, it is researchable.


    7.     Limitations: here you are to debate the challenging factors that the research have or is probably going to face. You and your supervisor would presumably make research choices based on this and determine whether to manoeuvre ahead with the research.


    8.     References: since the research work hasn't been administered already, this section should indicate the key texts which will inform the knowledge upon which the research is constructed or whose findings your research work is proposing to refute. In the arts these texts are named "secondary texts".

    The formats of the writing of the synopsis itself should follow the necessities of research writing in your discipline particularly.



    Key Takeaways

  • A research synopsis is a short outline of what your research thesis is and all the steps you plan to follow so as to realize them.
  • The format of a synopsis varies from institution to institution and among disciplines.
  • A Synopsis consists of:
  • Background
  • Theoretical Framework/Methodology/Conceptual Framework
  • Research Questions
  • Hypothesis
  • Objectives of the study
  • Literature Review
  • Limitations
  • References

    A research paper is a form of academic writing which involves in-depth analysis, interpretation and argumentation of a specific topic. They are long and detailed studies of subjects which test the researching abilities of the writer along with their logic and writing abilities.

    The basic idea of a research paper is to contribute something new or original to the topic. It requires strong and extensive knowledge of the topic and the ability to engage with a variety of sources on part of the researcher.

    Below are the steps one must follow to write an engaging research paper:

    1. Understand the assignment

    The first step of writing a research paper is understating your assignment. Find out the objectives, deadline, formatting, length specifications and submission methods for your research assignment. It can be helpful to make a list of these items and check them off as you define them. Be conscious of word limits and timeframes if any.

    2. Choose a research paper topic

    Try to choose a topic from a subject which already interests you. Narrow it down to a topic which meets the requirements for your assignments, and would be easy for you to research. Brainstorming with a pen and paper is a good method to search for a topic. While choosing a topic try to be original and specific. Other research papers and dissertations can also be helpful for choosing a topic.

    3. Conduct preliminary research

    Journals, websites on the internet and journals are some of the best sources for conducting research. Try to avoid irrelevant ideas or concepts which would hinder you from thinking radically about your topic. Like a debate it is essential to look for both arguments and counter-arguments about your topic. Try to formulate an original idea and persuade it while researching. Make questions such as “What do I want to look for?” “Why is this relevant to this other thing” and so on. They would help you search for many possible answers which you can incorporate in your research.

    4. Develop a thesis statement

    A thesis statement is your central argument in the research paper. This argument should be your original contribution to the subject and should establish your purpose and position in writing the paper. If you start your research paper with a question, this thesis statement should be its answer.

    It should be coherent, concise and meaningful. The thesis statement should be summed up in a sentence or two with the right choice of words which summarize your argument.

    5. Create a research paper outline

    A research paper outline will be like a table of contents with headings and subheadings for your topics, arguments and evidences that you would present in the paper.  It will give you an idea of what the final draft of the research paper will look like.

    A structured outline of your paper will make your succeeding processes much more efficient.

    6. The first draft

    The first draft will not look like the final product but it will give you the basic layout of how it should be. The basic strategies while writing the first draft should be to write down your central arguments and add detail to them. It is not necessary to start with the introduction just start from wherever you feel comfortable. It is very important to keep track of your sources at this stage to avoid plagiarism.

    Use the first draft to organise and structure your research paper while filling it with information. It’s essential to follow a logical order while jotting down ideas and evidences.

    7. Write the research paper introduction

    The introduction to a research paper should introduce the background of the research and define key terms and concepts. It should provide a brief insight into what is going to be your original contribution to the subject.

    It should also let the readers now what to expect from the rest of the paper and how you are going to present your arguments and evidences. It is advisable, while writing an introduction, to be very specific and keep it as short as possible.

    8. Write a compelling body of text

    This is the part where you include all the findings from your research. It should cover your thesis statement and answer all the questions as clearly and concisely as possible. Here all the ideas should be elaborated and evidences should be produced to support your arguments.

    The structuring of the main body should be logical and the reader should be able to follow each argument with ease. If two paragraphs discuss something similar they are to be written in such a way that they give two different perspectives.

    9. Write the research paper conclusion

    The conclusion should provide a sense of closure to the reader summarizing all that you have stated previously in the paper. The conclusion should be convincing enough to prove your thesis statement beyond any doubts.

    The conclusion should be short and to the point and should not include any new information or arguments.

    10. The revision process

    The revision process involves proof-reading the paper to ensure there are no discrepancies and the paper is articulated as it is supposed to be.

    While revising, check the logical flow of arguments, check for typographical errors, check if all questions raised in the paper are answered, check for irrelevant or unnecessary information.


    Key Takeaways

  • A research involves in-depth analysis, interpretation and argumentation of a specific topic.
  • Research paper must contribute something new or original to the topic.
  • Some of the best sources for conducting research include journals, websites on the internet.
  • A thesis statement the central argument in the research paper and it should be your original contribution to the subject and should establish your purpose and position in writing the paper.
  • The introduction to a research paper should introduce the background of the research and define key terms and concepts.
  • The body of the paper must cover your thesis statement and answer all the questions as clearly and concisely as possible.
  • The conclusion should provide a sense of closure to the reader summarizing all that you have stated previously in the paper.


    Conference papers are articles that are submitted to a conference to get a chance to present your results. The presentation is typically oral accompanied by a PowerPoint Presentation, but initially you have to submit either an abstract or an article which is reviewed by the conference organizers to decide whether or not you get an opportunity to present at the conference. Often, the paper is later published at the conference proceedings for more visibility.

    A Conference paper is an efficient method of creating new ideas, illustrating your work to your colleagues and supervisors and sharpen the research questionnaires. It is a mixture of written document and oral presentation. You may be asked to submit a copy of your paper to a commentator before you present at the conference. Thus, your paper should follow the conventions for educational papers and oral presentations.


    Preparing to write your conference paper

    There are several factors to contemplate as you begin working on your conference paper.


    Determine the structure and style

    How will you structure your presentation? This is a vital question, because your presentation format will shape your piece of writing. Some possibilities for your session include:

  • A visual presentation, including software like PowerPoint or Prezi
  • A paper that you read aloud
  • A roundtable discussion
  • Presentations can be a combination of these styles. For example, you may read a paper aloud while displaying images. Following your paper, you may participate in a casual conversation with your fellow presenters.

    You will also need to assess long your paper should be. Presentations are usually 15-20 minutes. A general rule of thumb is that one double-spaced page takes 2-2.5 minutes to read aloud. Thus an 8-10-page, double-spaced paper is usually a decent fit for a 15-20-minute presentation. Adhere to the time limit. Make sure that your written paper conforms to the presentation constraints.


    Analyse your audience

    Knowing your audience is critical for conference papers because you'll be physically interacting with them. Anticipating the requirements of your listeners will assist you in formulating a conference paper that connects your specific research to their broader concerns in an exceedingly compelling way.

  • What are the concerns of the conference?
  • You can identify these by revisiting the decision for proposals and reviewing the mission statement or theme of the conference. What key words or concepts are repeated? How does your work relate to those larger research questions? If you decide on to orient your paper toward one of these themes, confirm there's a genuine relationship. Superficial use of key terms can have an adverse effect on your conference paper.


  • What are the primary concerns of the field?
  • How does one bridge the gap between your research and your field’s broader concerns? Finding these linkages is a component of the brainstorming process. If you're presenting at a conference which is within your primary field, you must be acquainted with leading concerns and questions.


    Writing your conference paper

    Citing sources

    Since your conference paper is a part of an public speaking, there are special considerations for citations. You should observe the conventions of your discipline with reference to including citations in your written paper. However, you'll also need to incorporate verbal cues to line your evidence and quotations aloof from your text when presenting. For example, you may say: “As Nietzsche said, quote, ‘And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you,’ end quote.” If you employ multiple quotations in your paper, consider omitting the terms “quote” and “end quote,” as these can become repetitive. Instead, signal quotations through the inflection of your voice or with strategic pauses.


    Organizing the paper

    There are numerous ways to effectively organize your conference paper, but remember to possess a focused message that matches the time constraints and meets the requirements of your audience. You can begin by connecting your research to the audience’s concerns, then share a couple of examples/case studies from your research, and then, finally, broaden the discussion back out to general issues in the field.


    Don’t overwhelm or confuse your audience

    You should limit the information that you present. Don’t plan to summarize your entire dissertation in 10 pages. Instead, try selecting details and supply examples to support those points. Alternatively, you may concentrate on one main idea or case study and use 2-4 examples to elucidate it.


    Check for clarity in the text

    One way to anticipate how your ideas will sound is to read your paper aloud . Reading aloud is a powerful proofreading technique and may be a good way to examine the clarity of your ideas; you're likely to listen to problems that you didn’t notice in just scanning your draft. Help listeners understand your ideas by ensuring that subjects and verbs are clear and by avoiding unnecessarily complex sentences.


    Include verbal cues in the text

  • Make liberal use of transitional phrases like however, therefore, and thus, as well as signpost words like first, next, etc.
  • If you have 5 main points, say so at the beginning and list those 5 ideas. Refer back to the present structure frequently as you transition between sections (“Now, i will discuss my fourth point, the importance of plasma”).
  • Use a phrase like “I argue” to announce your thesis statement. Be sure that there's just one of these phrases—otherwise your audience could get confused about your central message.
  • Refer back to the structure, and signal moments where you're transitioning to a brand-new topic: “I just talked about x, now I’m getting to mention y.”


    Key Takeaways

  • Conference papers are formal documents that are submitted to a conference to get a chance to present your results
  • Conference papers are efficient methods of creating new ideas, illustrating your work to your colleagues and supervisors and sharpen the research questionnaires.
  • A conference paper can be a mixture of written document and oral presentation
  • A conference paper could be:
  • A visual presentation, including software like PowerPoint or Prezi
  • A paper that you read aloud
  • A roundtable discussion
  • Knowing your audience is critical for conference papers because you'll be physically interacting with them
  • There are numerous ways to effectively organize your conference paper, but remember to possess a focused message that matches the time constraints and meets the requirements of your audience

    A Technical Lecture is a way of enriching participants with the latest updates of the Industries and Technicalities. During a technical lecture, the participants are bestowed with knowledge regarding industry needs, latest technical updates, avenues for Higher studies etc.

    The role of technical lecturer is a vital one in the education process. In a technical lecture, one is called upon to share their knowledge, expertise and real-life experiences with students. Being exposed to the additional perspectives that a technical lecturer can provide can be very beneficial to the students, but there are limitations, and teaching within someone else’s paper comes with its own issues, often the timeframe is short with only a few sessions available – giving the sense of never really gathering momentum. Often there are large gaps between spells of teaching so it is difficult to remember what worked well from one technical slot to the next.

    It is imperative to make sure that everyone involved in the discourse, including the students, share the same expectations for what is to be covered and achieved through the technical lecture.


    Design for Technical Lectures

    1. When you are planning your technical lecture start with what is expected of you. Find out what the topic is and what the objectives or specific learning outcomes for the lecture are.

    2. Familiarize yourself with the content to be covered. Most of the times, you will be called upon to give a technical lecture where you are an expert.

    3. Clarify if there are any expectations for assignment/exam marking or setting as a result of technical lecturing.

    4. Try to get a sense of who your learners are. This is a key principle of learning design and it will enable you to better meet the needs of your students. When planning your lecture focus on the students and their academic progress.

    5. Develop some specific learning outcomes for your lecture. These should be objectives that comprise statements that define the knowledge, capability or skill a student will be able to demonstrate after your lecture. It is beneficial to write learning outcomes in the second person (‘you’) and describe what could be done (‘will be able to...’).

    6. Once you know the curriculum/content that your lecture is covering, consider how you might deliver it.

    Because you are a technical lecturer, you can probably break with any conventions of providing a lecture that is a didactic delivery of course content to a passive audience. Instead, consider:

  • extending students’ learning by weaving in supplementary material;
  • sharpening their learning by focusing on selected core concepts or skills;
  • drawing similarities between that lecture's content and material covered in previous lectures;
  • linking what is being taught with wider social, economic, scientific or commercial contexts.
  • 7. Even when there is a water-tight case for sticking pretty close to the curriculum, there are ways of doing so which may:

  • make it more stimulating for all concerned. For example, you can:
  • make learning more student-oriented by asking students what they need covered and revised in the lecture
  • change the pace in our classes by combining different media (voice, video, etc.)
  • make the connections between course content and the ‘real’ world more explicit.

    Techniques for Effective Lectures

    Below are some useful techniques for giving comprehensive and effective technical lectures:

    1. Locate and read supplemental sources. You may procure interesting and useful examples, supporting research, or organizing themes.  Be sure you have clear goals in mind so that you read efficiently for what you need.


    2. Prepare a good outline.  A one-page summary will help you ascertain the total coverage and coherence of your initial plan.  Usually, 3-4 major sections (sub-sections for an exhaustive topic) is the right amount for a 50-75-minute lecture.  You may want to share this outline with the professor to get feedback and to check how much flexibility you have when presenting the material.


    3. Carefully plan visual aids.  You can use power-point presentations as a well-designed visual aid which should clearly reinforce the main ideas and be coordinated with what you say.  Make sure that all text in the presentation slides is large enough to be seen from the back of the room (usually 18-24 point for transparencies).


    4. Plan ways to interact with participants/students.  Try to acquire ongoing feedback on the students' comprehension.  Define beforehand how much interaction, discussion, or practice is appropriate for the goals of the lecture. A good way to achieve this is by being consistent with the class atmosphere established by the professor.  Write out for yourself beforehand at least a few of the questions you plan to ask, to make sure they are clearly worded and answerable.


    5. Review your notes thoroughly.  Make sure you feel comfortable and confident in presenting the material.  Many lecturers find it useful to include reminders to themselves in the form of cue cards and bullet notes (e.g., “write student’s responses on this transparency” or “pause for questions”) to make the presentation smooth. Although you might have very good notes from the professor or are familiar with the content, you need to make sure that the level of detail in the notes is satisfactory.


    6. Mentally rehearse the lecture at least once.  In this mental rehearsal, check to make sure that the introduction sets clear goals, that there is a logical transition that connects the major sections, that visual aids highlight your main arguments, and that the summary emphasizes the most important points. Researchers have found it helpful to practice in front of a mirror.


    7. When planning your next session:

    Consider referring back to your reflections and the feedback you received from your colleague and students. This serves as a reminder of what worked well last time and what you can work on this time.

    Pondering over these reflections and evaluations will show how your teaching has improved over time. They will also provide evidence that might be useful as part of an application for a teaching position or for promotion.



    Key Takeaways

  • In a technical lecture, the participants are bestowed with knowledge regarding industry needs, latest technical updates, avenues for Higher studies etc.
  • In a technical lecture, an expert lecturer is called upon to share their knowledge, expertise and real-life experiences with students.
  • While designing a technical lecture it is important to know who your learners are. This is a key principle of learning design and it will enable you to better meet the needs of your students. When planning your lecture focus on the students and their academic progress.
  • Techniques for effective technical lectures include:
  • Reading supplemental sources
  • Preparing a good outline
  • Use of visual aids
  • Interaction with participants
  • Reviewing notes
  • Rehearsing the lecture


    The seven C’s of effective business writing is a list of principles that you should ensure all of your communications adhere to. Their purpose is to help ensure that the person you’re communicating with hears what you’re trying to say. The seven C’s of communication include: clear, correct, complete, concrete, concise, considered and courteous.


    1. Clear

    There are several stages to clarity.

  • Firstly, it’s important to be clear about the purpose of the message you’re delivering. The recipient should be made aware of why they are receiving the message and what you’re trying to achieve by delivering it. If there are multiple goals, each should be laid out separately.
  • Secondly, it’s essential that the content of the communication is itself clear. The use of jargon must be avoided, use simple language and simple structures and always focus on the core points of your message.

    2. Correct

    It’s essential that both the factual information and the language and grammar you use are correct. If your audience spots errors in either, they will be distracted and your credibility will be greatly reduced. This will reduce the effectiveness of your communication.


    3. Complete

    Completeness is often one of the most important of the 7 Cs of communication.

    When creating a message, it’s important to give the recipient all of the information they need to follow your line of reasoning and to reach the same conclusions you have. This level of detail will be different in different situations, and you should adjust your communications accordingly.

    In addition, you should make things as easy as possible for the recipient. For example, if you are issuing a “call to action”, provide explicit guidance on that action. Increasingly it’s common to include things like hyperlinks in written communications or to attach FAQs, both of which help audiences access a complete set of information while also ensuring that core communications focus on core messages.


    4. Concrete

    When shaping your communication, you must ensure that you are specific and that the logic and messages that you’re using fit together, build on each other and support each other. Your arguments should be based on solid facts and opinions from credible sources and you should share irrefutable data to support your argument.

    It may be important to help bring the solid nature of what you’ve created to life for your audience through examples that show the relevance of your messages for them as individuals.


    5. Concise

    When communicating messages of this nature it’s important to stick to the point and keep your messages short and simple. If a message can be given in five words, don't make it ten. Don’t repeat your messages.

    The more you say, the more risk there is of confusion. Avoid that risk by focusing solely on the key points you need to deliver.


    6. Courteous

    Not everyone knows how to use the 7 Cs of communication.

    You can increase the effectiveness of your communications by being polite and showing your audience that you respect them. Your messages should be friendly, professional, considerate, respectful, open and honest.

    To help ensure you are courteous, you should always use some empathy and consider your messages from the point of view of the audience.


    7. Consideration

    The last of the 7 Cs of communication is consideration. All business communication must be done with the receiver of the information in mind. It should appeal to the intended audience and must not hurt their sentiments or beliefs in any way.

    If your communications are not coherent they will not be effective. To help make sure your communications are coherent you should have a logical flow and your style, tone and language should be consistent throughout.

    In addition to making sure that each correspondence that is issued is coherent within itself, you should also ensure consistency of message when delivering multiple communications.



    Key Takeaways

  • The seven Cs of effective business writing are: Concreteness, Completeness, Clarity, Conciseness, Courtesy, Correctness, Consideration
  • Clarity has two stages
  • Clarity of message
  • Clarity of language
  • Correctness includes correct grammar and vocabulary while completeness includes complete information encapsulation.
  • All business communication must be done with the receiver of the information in mind. It should appeal to the intended audience and must not hurt their sentiments or beliefs in any way.

    2.8.1 Curriculum Vitae

    If you’re pursuing opportunities in academia or looking for work outside India, it’s important to create a Curriculum Vitae (CV). This document will provide employers with a highly detailed account of your professional and educational history to decide whether to move you forward to the next step in the hiring process.

    A curriculum vitae, an abbreviation for C.V, is a Latin term meaning “course of life”. It is a detailed professional document highlighting a person’s experience and accomplishments. Employers often require a CV when considering applications. Therefore, a C.V shares an overview of your career history, education, relevant awards and honours, scholarships, grants, research, projects and publications.

    A curriculum vitae may also include professional references as well as coursework, fieldwork, hobbies and interests relevant to your profession. While curating a C.V, you might also choose to add a personal profile that lists your skills and positive attributes to ensure employers have a well-rounded view of your personality and achievements.


    Contents of a C.V

    While a CV should be specific to one background and tailored to the job for which one is applying, there are several steps you can take to ensure you write an effective CV. Most CVs include the following information:

  • Contact information
  • Academic history
  • Professional experience
  • Qualifications and skills
  • Awards and honours
  • Publications
  • Professional associations
  • Grants and fellowships
  • Licenses and certificates
  • Volunteer work
  • Personal information (optional)
  • Hobbies and interests (optional)

    CV Template

    Below is a basic template you can follow when formulating your CV:


    [Your Name]

    [Address, phone number, email address]


    Professional summary

    [Here, introduce yourself, highlight your best qualifications and explain why you’re a fit for the job]



    [Title of degree] [GPA] [Dates attended]

    [School name]

    [Title of dissertation or thesis]


    Work experience

    [Job title] [Dates of employment]

    [Name of employer] [City and state of employer]

    [description of your responsibilities and accomplishments]



    [relevant skills]


    Personal interests

    [Short paragraph on your personal pursuits]


    Community service

    [Position held or job performed] [Dates of service]

    [Organization] [City and state of organization]




    [Authors with your name in bold] [Year of publication] [Title of article] [Publishing journal]


    Awards and honours

    [Name of award] [year]



    Writing a CV

    Below are the seven basic steps for writing a CV:


    1. Create a header with contact information

    The header should be at the top of the page and must always include your name, phone number and email address so employers immediately know who you are and how to reach you.


    2. Write a professional summary

    Your professional summary must be a short bio that introduces you to the reader. This section should also sum up your highest qualifications and explains your ideal career path.


    3. Detail your education

    Since a CV is often used for the academic job search process, it’s important to include a section on your educational history. Provide a list of your academic achievements in reverse chronological order, with your most recent degree first. Include both degrees you’ve earned and those you’re pursuing.


    4. Provide your work experience

    In this section, provide details of all your practical workplace experience so your prospective employer can see your career path, including:

  • Full-time and part-time employment
  • Internships
  • Research projects
  • Lab work
  • Volunteer work
  • Field experience
  • Try to include the title of your position, the name and location of your employer and employment dates. After this, list two to three bullet points that explain your job duties.


    5. List your relevant skills

    If you possess any abilities that apply to the potential job, such as foreign languages or a type of software, list them here. Formulate a list of skills that relate to the job description to make yourself a more desirable candidate and include them here.


    6. Include additional sections

    CVs are typically longer than resumes so you can detail all the achievements relevant to the potential role. Add sections as needed to list all of your accomplishments, including:

  • Publications
  • Presentation and lectures
  • Community service
  • Grants, fellowships or scholarships
  • Awards and honors
  • Professional memberships
  • Consulting work
  • Fieldwork
  • Study abroad experience
  • Conferences

    7. Describe your personal interests (optional)

    You can choose to include a brief description of your hobbies and interests. Adding a few hobbies in this section may help you form a personal connection with the hiring manager.


    2.8.2. Resume

    A resume is a short document used to summarize the job search and qualifications of the prospective employer. The resume includes contact details for the job seeker, work experience, education, and the appropriate skills to support the job application.

    Your renegotiation is a critical part of today's job application process. Writing a good resume is more important than ever now that online job posts tend to attract hundreds if not thousands of applicants. A refurbished, ready-to-start application will increase your chances of getting an interview while poorly written resumes may be lost at sea of ​​applicants.


    How to write the resume:

    1. Select the resume format and the categories you need

    2. Always include contact details, work experience, and education

    3. Use traditional topics for high compliance

    4. Apply practical skills directly to the job description

    5. Replace basic tasks with impactful performance

    6. Do not include an old goal statement or reference section

    7. Preview and double-check what you wrote

    8. Save as docx file (optional) or pdf.
    If you think you are done, ask someone else to take care of you. Alternatively, take it to jobscan for a quick answer.


    Contents of a Good Resume
    At the very least, your start-up should include your contact details, work experience, and education. Additional job summary sections, skills, volunteer work, and additional qualifications can be added when related to the job you work for.
    The work ethic here is "worth it." remember that your resume is intended to quickly highlight the reasons why you are well prepared for the job. It is not intended to explain all the tasks you have done. Instead of simply listing your daily obligations from past activities, read the job listing and try to find the answer to each of the requirements listed. This is likely to get the attention of an employer who can only look at your return for a few seconds. It also broadens your application tracking system to apply to algorithms that help companies identify top candidates.
    Below you will find out which parts of the restart to include in your start-up and how to adapt to the job you are looking for.


    Elements of a Resume


    Contact information:
    The title of your start-up should include the following information:

  • Name
  • Phone number
  • Location (city, country, zip code)
  • Email address
  • Linked profile URL
    It may seem obvious, but job seekers sometimes forget an important piece of contact information in this section. Double check and make it as easy as possible for employers to contact you for job interviews.

    Phone number:
    Enter a personal phone number, not a work number. Enter your city, state, and zip code (e.g. “Seattle, WA 98104”). This is important as other applicant tracking systems allow employers to filter the candidates based on location. Employers will always start with local selectors first. If you are traveling from somewhere, write down your current location and your future location.


    Email address:
    Use a valid email address. An email address based around your name is correct, such as Your "happy" email address may work well in your life, but the terms "beersnob88" or "biebersuperfan" may not be so clear. Even using a seemingly outdated email client - such as AOL or Hotmail - can harm your prospects. Consider creating a free Gmail account for your search.


    Linked Profile url:
    If the employer is surprised by your qualifications, they will look at your online profiles. All job seekers should create a strong LinkedIn profile and include a url in their resume. This will make the life of the employer a little easier and help them to cross-check the claims on your resume.


    Work experience:
    Part of the work experience is the heart of your resume. Separate this category from a clear, existing topic, such as "work experience," "work experience," or "employment history." this will help guide employers towards your resume and ensure that the applicant tracking system (ats) is well defined.

    Under the main heading, list each activity in chronological order. Each function should have its own sub-heading that includes the following information:

  • Company
  • Workplace
  • Your job title
  • Start and end dates
  • For example:

  • abc corporation, settle
  • distribution manager (01/2017-present)
    The first things an employer looks for in your resume are the topics of the work you hold and the number of companies you've worked with. This format not only makes it easy for them to access that information, but our research has found that this sequence also provides greater ats compatibility.
  • Under each subheading, include responsibilities and measurable outputs that are relevant to the job you are working on. Remember, you don't have to include all the activities that were part of your daily routine. Use your available space to highlight the skills and knowledge requested in the job description. Jobscan helps you decide exactly what skills are requested and whether or not you have highlighted them.


    When you have a few years into your career, your education level may also be reduced under your resume. Unless you're using a profession that places more emphasis on education (such as academics, law, or medicine), most job seekers can escape by simply providing the following information on their resume:

    • Agency name

    • Stem

    • School location

    • Years visited
    If you have just graduated from college, your education level surpasses your professional experience and includes many details. Skills developed in school are real skills that are important in the professional world. Recent rooms can include appropriate coursework, communities, organizations, and extracurriculars that strengthen their identity.

    98% of fortune 500 companies use applicant tracking systems (ats) to filter, filter, and enter applicants. Other atss, such as taleo, can automatically add your own content to the job description, allowing employers to focus only on the best "applicants". Employers are also looking at their application site to find keywords, such as "customer service," "accounts available," or "adobe photoshop."

    Overloading or coming up as a search result is about adding complex skills and keywords to your resume. A good way to identify key skills in a list and search algorithms is to identify which skills are most prominent in the job description. Aligning these skills to your resume, where applicable, increases your chances of being selected for an interview

    Strong skills should apply to all your resume capabilities. Entering the skills category for your start-up is not a prerequisite, but it can help you have a natural place to list the essential skills in the job you work for. The dedicated skills section also makes your resume much easier for employers trying to quickly find out if you meet their needs.

    If you are using the skills section, remember that the list of skills and keywords is not enough. Add context to these skills to your full potential so employers can believe. This includes factors such as projects you have used in skills, the number of years of experience in a given skill, or the level of your expertise.


    Historical and free:
    Some restart forms allow space for some optional components. Only use the category of awards or honours in your resume if it makes sense for the job you work for. Active reputations will improve your credibility while poor prizes simply distract you from your best titles. For example, decide to get a monthly career or get a great customer satisfaction rating for your department, but maybe not if you are a kart race expert in your free time.


    Volunteer work and study:
    The work you do as an active volunteer can add to your qualifications and skill set as all paid experience. Also, the word "works." highlight the volunteer work of your start-up that uses the skills that apply to the job you work for. Carefully list voluntary organizations or affiliated organizations, such as political or religious organizations.



     What you can leave from your view:


  • Statement of note:
  • The statement of intent has been used as a standard for the restart and appears in other implementation templates. Traditionally, the purposeful statements were a brief introduction to the resume which explains why the submission is returned. For example, "purpose: to secure a position as a communications manager at a leading sales centre."

    Including a purpose that you can restart these days can make you appear later. The job summary statement replaced the purpose of today's reboot. Any other information can serve as a cover letter.

    While a statement of objectives describes your goals, a concise statement outlines how you can add value to the company.

  • Examinations:
    It is not necessary to write your directions in your resume unless otherwise stated in the job description. In addition, it is assumed that you have references, so there is no need to include "references available on request" either. Use the space you save to add additional skills and achievements.
  • Soft-skills:
    When it comes to your resume, soft skills are not nearly as important as technical skills. That is because it is difficult to demonstrate within the context of a restart. For example, an employer will not take your name from you if you say "you work hard" or "you solve a problem." in fact, it looks like it's short.
  • Instead of simply writing soft skills, find opportunities to show off your interpersonal and behavioural skills. Achievements and measurable results are a great way to do this. For example, instead of saying "hard work," indicate in writing that you have completed x projects that are more than your department average.

  • Gpa:
    Only list your GPA as part of your continuing education program if you have recently graduated from college and have a good GPA, similar to a 3.5 or better with a 4.0 rating. There are a few exceptions. Some industries, as professionals, are waiting to see your GPA.

    Length of your resume:

    While a one-page start-up is sometimes considered to be the best, a two-page resume may be required after five or ten years of staffing, especially if all of your experience is relevant to the job you are pursuing. Managers sometimes have three or more pages running.

    That said, your resume should not be longer than it should. Short, step-by-step resumes will easily be digested and highlight your most important skills. After writing your resume, try removing the excess fluff and inappropriate content to reduce your page count and draw your attention to your best titles. No matter how many pages you start, try putting your most impressive titles at the top of the first page with a summary or category of skills.

    There are several different ways to format your resume. Choosing the right format will make the writing process easier. When choosing a format, consider the function you are using for it. The chronological, compositional, and functional styles of each work serve a specific purpose.



    Key Takeaways

  • C.V = Curriculum Vitae
  • All C. Vs must include the following
  • Contact information
  • Academic history
  • Professional experience
  • Qualifications and skills
  • Awards and honours
  • Publications
  • Professional associations
  • Grants and fellowships
  • Licenses and certificates
  • Volunteer work
  • Personal information (optional)
  • Hobbies and interests (optional)
  • The steps for writing a C.V include:
  • Writing contact information
  • Writing professional summary
  • Detailing education
  • Providing work experience
  • Including skills
  • Addition data and personal interests
  • A resume is a short document used to summarize the job search and qualifications of the prospective employer. It must include contact details for the job seeker, work experience, education, and the appropriate skills to support the job application
  • A resume or C.V must not be longer than required and should not contain unnecessary or irrelevant information

    A technical proposal is a document which is used to introduce a new product to the receiver(s). It consists of the product execution plans of the organization, how the product can benefit the readers and also contains the technical details of the product.

    A technical proposal should be concise and should be able to explain the complex details of a product easily. It should also be able to attract potential customers by ensuring them that your organisation is the one they want to make deals with.



    A technical proposal is curated for various purposes but the main objectives are to offer sales of product or services, or to offer the undertaking of a project which can be practical or theoretical in nature. It can also be an offer to solve a technical problem.

    A technical proposal can be written for various purposes including:

  • To provide sale offers on property, buildings, machinery etc.
  • To provide offers for construction of buildings, highways etc.
  • To survey areas for water resources
  • For designing a number of training programmes
  • To provide offers for office automations
  • To undertake various theoretical and practical research
  • To provide details of a newly launched product


    There are some basic characteristics that all technical proposals are likely to contain, which are summarised below. These characteristics can be tailored depending upon the requirement of the receiver(s).

    The fundamental requirements for drafting a technical proposal include: 


    1. A well-stated definition of the problem or requirement

    It should first and foremost describe the problem or the need of your product in the market. It should also describe why the problem or need has occurred in the first place and what shall be the consequences if the problem remains unsolved.


    2. A clearly stated proposal to solve the problem 

    The proposal should contain means and methods of solving the problem stated earlier. If you are offering a product or service it should clearly state how the product or service will meet the requirements of the recipient and guarantee satisfaction. It should also discuss how the solution will be implemented.


    3. Awareness of alternative proposals

    It should always contain a plan B. Meaning, if the first offer should get refused by the recipient there should be plans for other ways to convince them


    4. An evaluation of the benefits of your proposal

    A technical proposal will always try to impose the positive effects of your proposal, for example, cost benefits or sustainability. A detailed account of how your product or service will benefit the receiving organisation financially and how durable the project or undertaking will be is a basic feature that is included in all technical proposals.


    5. Possible counter arguments to your proposal 

    The customer is to be made aware of all the possible arguments that one could make against your offering, then the counter-arguments against those should be included to emphasize the reliability of your product or service.


    6. A careful analysis of your audience 

    A technical proposal is carefully crafted taking the requirements, convictions and prejudices of the readers into account.

    And the information and details presented in the proposal are always in accordance with the audience’s knowledge base and background.


    7. A reasonable, sensible tone and style

    The use of irony and sarcasm are to be avoided as much as possible. Provide arguments and counter-arguments for your proposal but always keep in mind that your key points should be positive regarding your product or service.

    The appeal to the recipient should be based on intellect and reason rather than emotion. (although appealing to the emotions subtly is likely to be necessary at times as part of the persuasive tone – see persuasive writing).



    All proposals can be divided into four broad categories viz. Internal, external, solicited and unsolicited proposals:


    1. Internal, external:  An internal proposal is a proposal written to someone within the organisation itself (a business, a government agency, etc.). Internal proposals are mostly semi-formal and contain less information (such as qualifications) since the communication is internal and there is a sense of familiarity. An external proposal is written to an individual or organisation which is outside the scope of one's own organisation. Technical proposals are mostly external proposals.

    These proposals me be solicited or unsolicited as discussed below.


    2. Solicited, unsolicited: A proposal which is specifically requested by the reception is called a solicited proposal. Companies often send out requests for proposals (RFPs) through the mail or publish them in various news sources. A proposal which is provided on one's own volition and is not requested by the recipient is known as a solicited proposal. It is a basic requirement to convince the recipient regarding the existence of a problem or the need of a product before starting the main part of an unsolicited proposal. Technical proposals, more often than not, are unsolicited proposals.


    Most technical proposals can be classified into 4 main types:

    Research Technical Proposal

    In research technical proposals a specific research topic is discussed at length. It proposes the strategies for implementation of a particular research along with its objectives. The results of the research are also discussed in the proposal if they are obtained.


    Academic technical proposal

    Academically inclined proposals include solutions to academic problems such as classroom automation or surveys. These proposals are always concise, formal and well organised.


    Business technical proposal

    Business technical proposals are proposals which supplement offers towards improving the various business processes. It could be an introduction to any new technical software or products to save the cost and time of the business and provide sustainability. It is very detailed about the specifications of the product or services it offers.


    Government technical proposal

    These proposals are curated with government undertakings in mind. They are formal in tone and provide a detailed cost analysis and benefits of dealing with your organisation.



    A technical Proposal consists of 3 main sections and various sub-sections.

    The 3 main sections include:

  • Prefatory
  • Main Body
  • Supplementary Parts
  • These 3 sections can be divided into a number of sub-sections which include:



    Title Page: The title should be suitable and catchy so as to grab the attention of the receiver.

    Table of Contents: The table of contents should include the structure of the proposal and should be well organised with various headings and subheadings.

    Executive Summary: This section must include a summarized version of the contents of the main body. It should be short and should contain all the key points covered in the proposal


    Main Body:

    Introduction: In this section the main problem or the need of a particular product or service should be stated and emphasized. The introduction should be short but convincing enough for the reader to read further. It should also state the main objectives of the proposal and how they are going to be achieved.

    Technical Section: This section should include all the technical details regarding the product or service. The implementation process and statistical data are also a part of this section. If there are any charts, graphs or any other illustrative tools, they are to be included in this section.

    Cost Estimate: This section includes the cost benefit analysis of the undertaking. It should include all the benefits you and your organisation is providing with respect to the offered goods and services. It should also include a sustainability guarantee and all the cost figures connected to the project.

    Conclusion: This section should include a summary of the key points with an emphasis on benefits with making deals with your organisation. It shouldn’t be very long and should contain all the necessary information which is required to persuade the reader to accept your proposal.


    Supplementary Parts:

    Appendices: This section must include the information which is too extensive or tangential to warrant inclusion in the main body of the report, but necessary as procedural or analytical evidence.

    References: References must include detailed information of all your citations and the sources of material quoted in your texts. It can also include bibliography for further reading.



    Key Takeaways

  • A technical proposal is a formal document that introduces a new product to a consumer. It incorporates the product execution plans of the organization, how the product can benefit the readers and also contains the technical details of the product.
  • A technical proposal should be concise and should be able to easily attract potential customers
  • The purpose of a technical proposal could be to offer a product or service or solve a technical problem
  • Technical proposals can be Internal or External and solicited or unsolicited. They can also be classified into categories of research, academic, business and government depending upon their use.


  • Technical Communication – Principles and Practices by Meenakshi Raman & Sangeeta Sharma, Oxford Univ. Press, 2007, New Delhi.
  • Personality Development and Soft Skills by Barun K. Mitra, OUP, 2012, New Delhi.
  • Spoken English- A Manual of Speech and Phonetics by R.K. Bansal & J.B. Harrison, Orient Blackswan, 2013, New Delhi.
  • Business Correspondence and Report Writing by Prof. R.C. Sharma & Krishna Mohan, Tata McGraw Hill & Co. Ltd., 2001, New Delhi.
  • Practical Communication: Process and Practice by L.U.B. Pandey; A.I.T.B.S. Publications India Ltd.; Krishan Nagar, 2014, Delhi.
  • Modern Technical Writing by Sherman, Theodore A (; Apprentice Hall; New Jersey; U.S.
  • A Text Book of Scientific and Technical Writing by S.D. Sharma; Vikas Publication, Delhi.
  • Skills for Effective Business Communication by Michael Murphy, Harward University, U.S.
  • Business Communication for Managers by Payal Mehra, Pearson Publication, Delhi.

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