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Unit 5

Implications of the above Holistic Understanding of Harmony on Professional Ethics

The natural acceptance of human values means what is naturally acceptable to humans without any hesitation or any objection. Humans have certain values which comes naturally and are not induced by any external stimuli, either provided by the self or provided by any other person. We must first try to understand the value in different dimensions of human living so as to understand the natural acceptance of the human values in a better way.

Utility value, this value is concerned with the participation of human beings in ensuring the role of physical facility in nurture, protection and providing means for the body. Artistic Value, this value is concerned with the participation of human being in ensuring the role of physical facility to help and preserve its utility.

Universal values emerge naturally from right understanding. The universal values are the truths of existence and are always there. It is for us to discover these through self-exploration and learn to live in accordance with these in order to be happy. These values cannot be enforced by fear, greed or false beliefs.

We will try to understand the definitiveness of ethical human conduct by the help of an example. For example, as we identify a mango tree or an apple tree by its well-defined specific characteristics which always remain the same, as we identify water or air or iron or a cow by their respective characteristics- their innateness. Similarly let us also try to find the innateness of a human being. So as a mango tree has a definite “mango-ness” iron has a definite “iron-ness” similarly let us understand the definitiveness of ethical human conduct.

The right Understanding gained through self-exploration also enables us to identify the definitiveness of human conduct which may be also called ethical human conduct. So, we are also able to understand the universality of ethical human conduct which is in consonance with the universal human value. We also see people debating endlessly about what they consider to be unethical. But unless we have the right understanding, we are not able to identify the definitiveness of ethical human conduct.

Definitiveness of ethical human conduct can be well understood by understanding values, policy, character. Values or “Mulya” are a part of our ethical conduct. They are the outcome of realisation and understanding, which are always definitive. As already mentioned when “I” understand the reality correctly, and the underlying harmony at all levels of existence and my participation in it. Policy or “Niti” means having been convinced about the values and about the inherent harmony in the existence, we are able to develop an ethical sense in all our pursuits. We always think, behave and work towards nurturing this harmony. Character or “Charitra” is the definitiveness of our desires, thought and selection gives definiteness to our living. Definitiveness of character is the outcome of the definiteness of our behaviour and work.

Humanistic Education is the right understanding starting from self to entire existence is called humanistic education. It means the inculcation of right understanding at all four levels, (self, family, society and entire existence) and development of competence to live in accordance with it forms the core of humanistic education.

One should be able to evaluate all endeavours in the light of right understanding. Humanistic Education will inculcate integration of value and skills so that human beings are able to understand their physical needs rightly and adopt suitable techniques and production system to cater to these needs in eco-friendly manner. The humanistic education will facilitate the process of Self-exploration which will lead to non stop self evolution of human beings.

    Humanistic Education gives us the ability to realise one's innateness as well as definitiveness, ethical human conduct and Universality. It also tries to make us understand that only value-based existence can be conductive to constant happiness and prosperity for everyone. It also says enough amount of research effort is needed to implement and evolve the pre-set models of such an education. For example, the education of small child begins at home his own home, where he learns and understands things in close relationship at home.

Right understanding provides the basis for s humanistic constitution. Constitution provides clear guidelines and policy framework conductive to the development of un-fragmented society and universal human order. Working towards the comprehensive human goal and developing the competence for ethical conduct will be among the directive principles of humanistic constitution. Things can only be set right by developing human consciousness, developing right understanding and living among people.

It may be said that humanistic constitution refers to the set of rule or precepts which the human beings should try to follow and live according to them. This set of pre-set rules or precepts are like some religious cult, which ensures mutual fulfilment and coordination in human order together with the other three orders namely animal order, plant order and material order. Humanistic constitution is the framework for human lives, following which the humans may live in harmony with their own selves and with the entire existence.

Humanistic Universal Order refers to the process of “samadhanor right understanding in the society and a continuity of this process among human beings from time to time leads to universal human order. A human being having definitive answers for every problem or hurdle that arises, and is able to explain why it came with spiritual, intellectual or material explanation, alone can assure it’s living with a stable and sustained harmony and happiness.

To begin with we must first understand what profession means. Profession is a significant domain of human activity targeted towards participating in larger order which includes society and nature around us. It is a meaningful participation for each one is more of the domains of human endeavour needed for harmonious society. Of this, one important domain happens to be in the form of production and production related activities which makes available the necessary physical facility for oneself and one's family. Through professional education, one acquires skills and scientific knowledge in order to make this contribution in larger order.

Professional ethics means to develop professional competence with ethical human values. Developing ethical Competence in the individual is the only effective way to ensure professional ethics. The development of ethical Competence is long term process to be achieved through appropriate value education. As professiona is only a subset of the life activities, the competence in profession will only be the manifestation of one’s right understanding. The remarkable features which characterize this competence in professional ethics are as follows:

  • There should be enough clearness about the comprehensive human goals which are, right understanding, prosperity, trust, Co-existence and their fulfilment through universal human order.
  • It says there should be confidence in own self, which must come from the right understanding of own self and the others in existence.
  • It also says there should be mutual fulfilment in behaviour. It says there should be clearness and credibility in ethical human conduct and its interrelationships with sustained personal as well as collective prosperity and happiness.
  • It also says there should be mutually benefiting interaction with Nature, which means self-sufficiency in fulfilling our physical needs, our capability to assess the needs for physical facilities for the family and their fulfilment with help of production systems to ensure harmony in nature.
  • Therefore it is expected from a competent professional to carry on their profession with right understanding or “samadhan”, dedication and skilfulness so that the effort is conductive to the welfare of human beings, that is the efforts should be conductive to the well being and prosperity or “samridhi” of all , and also to the fulfilment of the rest of Nature.

    The holistic criteria for evaluation are as follows. The modern technologies and systems are visualised according to current scenario. There is a need to visualise which is compatible with comprehensive human goal. The criteria for development are: catering to appropriate needs and lifestyle, people friendly and eco friendly. On the basis of these criteria technology, production system and management models are discussed.

    Criteria for technologies are as follows, the criteria include catering to real human needs, compatible with natural systems and cycles, facilitating effective utilisation of the human body, animals, plants and materials. Safe, user friendly and conductive to health. Producible with local resources and expertise as far as possible. Promoting the use of renewable energy sources. Low cost and energy efficient. Promoting decentralisation. Durability and the life cycle, and also the recyclability of products.

    Criteria for production systems are as follows. It includes what to produce, how to produce, for whom to produce and how much to produce. Decision must be taken on the basis of availability of natural resources and to fulfil the needs of the people with the consonance of comprehensive human goals. Production system must be judged upon, optimal utilisation of local resources and expertise, priority for local consumption, facilitating production by masses and not mass production in centralized mode. Ensure equality of production. Should be safe and conductive to the health of persons involved.

    The criteria for management models instruct, the management needs to focus at the fulfilment of persons connected with the production system as well as the users to produce. It sees the whole team or unit as a well joined family, who motivational and cooperative. It also makes sure there is correct appraisal for human labour. It focusses more on the consumers, employees rather than profit. It also promotes continuous value increment of the people involved.

    For the smooth transition from the present state to universal human order, the following steps may be undertaken:

  • The most basic and first step for transition is proper understanding and realisation of the need for self-exploration.
  • The second step includes the development of efficient and effective methods which will aid in the process of Self-exploration.
  • The third step requires detailed and thorough work to be done in the dimension of self-development, eradicating the wrong, pre-set and preconceived ideas, gaining right knowledge, recognising the harmony at various stages and realising similar knowledge in actual or practical life.
  • The four steps include notable contribution towards the high or upper level of order in the most appropriate way to aid our growth.
  • In the fifth step in order to speed up the transition for integrated options, it is very necessary to develop awareness among large sections of the society and to facilitate large scale humanistic Education. In addition to this, widespread research would also help as a driving force to execute and develop integrated systems and technologies. Naturally proper modifications in the plan, programs and social order or systems are also required to aid in bringing forth the transition.
  • a)     At the level of individual: as socially and ecologically responsible engineers, technologists and managers

    The present standard for attaining name and recognition in the business world is accountability shown towards environment and society. This is considered to a up to date or trendy approach, also the corporate fame and reputation has more width and depth than these singular or individualistic issues. It is thought that social and ecological responsibilities might be considered in bigger issues of reputation or name. In any way, these responsibilities will continue to be the important parts in the business world or environment. The responsibility or liability towards the environment maybe be carried at different individual levels:

  • On the engineer's level: Engineers must give importance to their social liabilities above their employer's goal or target. Engineering discipline is expected to serve the society in socially responsible and eco-friendly manner. For the purpose of fulfilling this objective, the discipline of engineering should grow beyond than of providing technical assistance only. Rather is should reach to a level where the profession is able to bring changes by understanding and observing humans, environmental, cultural and social challenge. And try to provide solutions for these challenges. There must be steps taken against these, social, cultural and environmental challenge very early in the process of production, as early as the education of future designers and would be engineers.   If these challenges and a focus to find solution for them is inculcated in the curriculum of the future designers and engineers, they will be aware of the challenges they all are facing as part of the world and they will also be aware of what the society is expecting from them.
  • On the Technologist's level: Technologists work in collaboration with the engineers for various projects and assignments by utilising their knowledge on the basic engineering methods and technical skills. In general, the focus of the technologist is more on the technical range such as product modification, production regulation, and engineering operations. The main duty of the technologist is to perform technical activities and they are also responsible to manage technology and technological needs.  The technologist must be morally responsible, as they must honestly disclose their work and findings of a research to the general masses and should give importance to the people's right to know. For the sake of ethics, honesty and moral integrity technologists must stop or discard any kind of research that intentionally breaks the moral and ethical principles of responsibility and harmony.
  • On the Manager's level: Managers are the persons who have to be socially accountable without any major reason, because doing that will aid in portraying a nice and good picture, not only for the society but also to energize and boost up their own personality. There are certain reasons for which the managers have to be socially responsible. The multifarious assets of the company or firm which are in form of man power, funds, labourers, technicians, are together known as organisational resources. With the help of these assets the company or firm may try to achieve the societal goals. The manager is also responsible to take preventive steps. It is the role of the manager to stop and deal with the social issues before they turn into unmanageable social disasters.
  • The moral and social duties of the manager are complementary to each other, in a way the manager is actually doing a moral duty when he is fulfilling his social duty of solving social issues with the firm or company.
  • b)    At the level of society: as mutually enriching institutions and organizations

    People are accountable to perform their public duties and responsibilities at social level and their actions must be to bring happiness and prosperity for the entire society. Hence there should be a balance between the financial development and welfare of the society and state. Social responsibility can be achieved only if this balance is maintained and preserved. The concept of social responsibility depends on an ethical system, according to which judgement is done, and according to which moral confirmation is given. In case any institutions fail to maintain its commitment and duty towards Nature and society, their actions have to be treated as social irresponsibility. It is the moral duty or social responsibility of every individual to think of the welfare of the society before think about individual interest and welfare.

    The companies and corporate sector have made an arrangement of social responsibility which is tailored to suit the atmosphere of the company. The presentation of the social responsibility of the firm or company clearly indicates, that both the atmosphere and workers are treated as equal assets.  This protection of the social responsibility in a company or firm, will bring the sense of unity in society and will also aid in the preservation of ecology.

    Since the firms and companies have an influencing effect on both the social and natural environment. Therefore, the firm and companies should recognise their ethical responsibility, as they are directly or indirectly affecting the social and natural environment. Just like any other individual the managing authority of the various institutions and organisations must recognise their influencing effect on nature and society and must formulate guidelines to make sure that their firms are adhering to their social responsibility while running behind profit. The companies and firms must also make these guidelines for social responsibility open to public so as to maintain a sense of mutual trust and responsibility with the general public.


  • R R Gaur, R Sangal, G P Bagaria, 2009, A Foundation Course in Human Values and Professional Ethics.
  • 2.     Ivan Illich, 1974, Energy & Equity, The Trinity Press, Worcester, and Harper Collins, USA

    3.     E.F. Schumacher, 1973, Small is Beautiful: a study of economics as if people mattered, Blond & Briggs, Britain.

    4.     Sussan George, 1976, How the Other Half Dies, Penguin Press. Reprinted 1986, 1991

    5.     Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, Jorgen Randers, William W. Behrens III, 1972, Limits to Growth – Club of Rome’s report, Universe Books.

    6.     A Nagraj, 1998, Jeevan Vidya Ek Parichay, Divya Path Sansthan, Amarkantak.

    7.     P L Dhar, RR Gaur, 1990, Science and Humanism, Commonwealth Publishers.

    8.     A N Tripathy, 2003, Human Values, New Age International Publishers.

    9.     SubhasPalekar, 2000, How to practice Natural Farming, Pracheen (Vaidik) KrishiTantraShodh, Amravati.

    10. E G Seebauer & Robert L. Berry, 2000, Fundamentals of Ethics for Scientists & Engineers, Oxford University Press

    11. M Govindrajran, S Natrajan & V.S. Senthil Kumar, Engineering Ethics (including Human Values), Eastern Economy Edition, Prentice Hall of India Ltd.

    12. B P Banerjee, 2005, Foundations of Ethics and Management, Excel Books.

    13. B L Bajpai, 2004, Indian Ethos and Modern Management, New Royal Book Co., Lucknow. Reprinted 2008.

    Unit 5

    Implications of the above Holistic Understanding of Harmony on Professional Ethics

    The natural acceptance of human values means what is naturally acceptable to humans without any hesitation or any objection. Humans have certain values which comes naturally and are not induced by any external stimuli, either provided by the self or provided by any other person. We must first try to understand the value in different dimensions of human living so as to understand the natural acceptance of the human values in a better way.

    Utility value, this value is concerned with the participation of human beings in ensuring the role of physical facility in nurture, protection and providing means for the body. Artistic Value, this value is concerned with the participation of human being in ensuring the role of physical facility to help and preserve its utility.

    Universal values emerge naturally from right understanding. The universal values are the truths of existence and are always there. It is for us to discover these through self-exploration and learn to live in accordance with these in order to be happy. These values cannot be enforced by fear, greed or false beliefs.

    We will try to understand the definitiveness of ethical human conduct by the help of an example. For example, as we identify a mango tree or an apple tree by its well-defined specific characteristics which always remain the same, as we identify water or air or iron or a cow by their respective characteristics- their innateness. Similarly let us also try to find the innateness of a human being. So as a mango tree has a definite “mango-ness” iron has a definite “iron-ness” similarly let us understand the definitiveness of ethical human conduct.

    The right Understanding gained through self-exploration also enables us to identify the definitiveness of human conduct which may be also called ethical human conduct. So, we are also able to understand the universality of ethical human conduct which is in consonance with the universal human value. We also see people debating endlessly about what they consider to be unethical. But unless we have the right understanding, we are not able to identify the definitiveness of ethical human conduct.

    Definitiveness of ethical human conduct can be well understood by understanding values, policy, character. Values or “Mulya” are a part of our ethical conduct. They are the outcome of realisation and understanding, which are always definitive. As already mentioned when “I” understand the reality correctly, and the underlying harmony at all levels of existence and my participation in it. Policy or “Niti” means having been convinced about the values and about the inherent harmony in the existence, we are able to develop an ethical sense in all our pursuits. We always think, behave and work towards nurturing this harmony. Character or “Charitra” is the definitiveness of our desires, thought and selection gives definiteness to our living. Definitiveness of character is the outcome of the definiteness of our behaviour and work.

    Humanistic Education is the right understanding starting from self to entire existence is called humanistic education. It means the inculcation of right understanding at all four levels, (self, family, society and entire existence) and development of competence to live in accordance with it forms the core of humanistic education.

    One should be able to evaluate all endeavours in the light of right understanding. Humanistic Education will inculcate integration of value and skills so that human beings are able to understand their physical needs rightly and adopt suitable techniques and production system to cater to these needs in eco-friendly manner. The humanistic education will facilitate the process of Self-exploration which will lead to non stop self evolution of human beings.

        Humanistic Education gives us the ability to realise one's innateness as well as definitiveness, ethical human conduct and Universality. It also tries to make us understand that only value-based existence can be conductive to constant happiness and prosperity for everyone. It also says enough amount of research effort is needed to implement and evolve the pre-set models of such an education. For example, the education of small child begins at home his own home, where he learns and understands things in close relationship at home.

    Right understanding provides the basis for s humanistic constitution. Constitution provides clear guidelines and policy framework conductive to the development of un-fragmented society and universal human order. Working towards the comprehensive human goal and developing the competence for ethical conduct will be among the directive principles of humanistic constitution. Things can only be set right by developing human consciousness, developing right understanding and living among people.

    It may be said that humanistic constitution refers to the set of rule or precepts which the human beings should try to follow and live according to them. This set of pre-set rules or precepts are like some religious cult, which ensures mutual fulfilment and coordination in human order together with the other three orders namely animal order, plant order and material order. Humanistic constitution is the framework for human lives, following which the humans may live in harmony with their own selves and with the entire existence.

    Humanistic Universal Order refers to the process of “samadhanor right understanding in the society and a continuity of this process among human beings from time to time leads to universal human order. A human being having definitive answers for every problem or hurdle that arises, and is able to explain why it came with spiritual, intellectual or material explanation, alone can assure it’s living with a stable and sustained harmony and happiness.

    To begin with we must first understand what profession means. Profession is a significant domain of human activity targeted towards participating in larger order which includes society and nature around us. It is a meaningful participation for each one is more of the domains of human endeavour needed for harmonious society. Of this, one important domain happens to be in the form of production and production related activities which makes available the necessary physical facility for oneself and one's family. Through professional education, one acquires skills and scientific knowledge in order to make this contribution in larger order.

    Professional ethics means to develop professional competence with ethical human values. Developing ethical Competence in the individual is the only effective way to ensure professional ethics. The development of ethical Competence is long term process to be achieved through appropriate value education. As professiona is only a subset of the life activities, the competence in profession will only be the manifestation of one’s right understanding. The remarkable features which characterize this competence in professional ethics are as follows:

  • There should be enough clearness about the comprehensive human goals which are, right understanding, prosperity, trust, Co-existence and their fulfilment through universal human order.
  • It says there should be confidence in own self, which must come from the right understanding of own self and the others in existence.
  • It also says there should be mutual fulfilment in behaviour. It says there should be clearness and credibility in ethical human conduct and its interrelationships with sustained personal as well as collective prosperity and happiness.
  • It also says there should be mutually benefiting interaction with Nature, which means self-sufficiency in fulfilling our physical needs, our capability to assess the needs for physical facilities for the family and their fulfilment with help of production systems to ensure harmony in nature.
  • Therefore it is expected from a competent professional to carry on their profession with right understanding or “samadhan”, dedication and skilfulness so that the effort is conductive to the welfare of human beings, that is the efforts should be conductive to the well being and prosperity or “samridhi” of all , and also to the fulfilment of the rest of Nature.

    The holistic criteria for evaluation are as follows. The modern technologies and systems are visualised according to current scenario. There is a need to visualise which is compatible with comprehensive human goal. The criteria for development are: catering to appropriate needs and lifestyle, people friendly and eco friendly. On the basis of these criteria technology, production system and management models are discussed.

    Criteria for technologies are as follows, the criteria include catering to real human needs, compatible with natural systems and cycles, facilitating effective utilisation of the human body, animals, plants and materials. Safe, user friendly and conductive to health. Producible with local resources and expertise as far as possible. Promoting the use of renewable energy sources. Low cost and energy efficient. Promoting decentralisation. Durability and the life cycle, and also the recyclability of products.

    Criteria for production systems are as follows. It includes what to produce, how to produce, for whom to produce and how much to produce. Decision must be taken on the basis of availability of natural resources and to fulfil the needs of the people with the consonance of comprehensive human goals. Production system must be judged upon, optimal utilisation of local resources and expertise, priority for local consumption, facilitating production by masses and not mass production in centralized mode. Ensure equality of production. Should be safe and conductive to the health of persons involved.

    The criteria for management models instruct, the management needs to focus at the fulfilment of persons connected with the production system as well as the users to produce. It sees the whole team or unit as a well joined family, who motivational and cooperative. It also makes sure there is correct appraisal for human labour. It focusses more on the consumers, employees rather than profit. It also promotes continuous value increment of the people involved.

    For the smooth transition from the present state to universal human order, the following steps may be undertaken:

  • The most basic and first step for transition is proper understanding and realisation of the need for self-exploration.
  • The second step includes the development of efficient and effective methods which will aid in the process of Self-exploration.
  • The third step requires detailed and thorough work to be done in the dimension of self-development, eradicating the wrong, pre-set and preconceived ideas, gaining right knowledge, recognising the harmony at various stages and realising similar knowledge in actual or practical life.
  • The four steps include notable contribution towards the high or upper level of order in the most appropriate way to aid our growth.
  • In the fifth step in order to speed up the transition for integrated options, it is very necessary to develop awareness among large sections of the society and to facilitate large scale humanistic Education. In addition to this, widespread research would also help as a driving force to execute and develop integrated systems and technologies. Naturally proper modifications in the plan, programs and social order or systems are also required to aid in bringing forth the transition.
  • a)     At the level of individual: as socially and ecologically responsible engineers, technologists and managers

    The present standard for attaining name and recognition in the business world is accountability shown towards environment and society. This is considered to a up to date or trendy approach, also the corporate fame and reputation has more width and depth than these singular or individualistic issues. It is thought that social and ecological responsibilities might be considered in bigger issues of reputation or name. In any way, these responsibilities will continue to be the important parts in the business world or environment. The responsibility or liability towards the environment maybe be carried at different individual levels:

  • On the engineer's level: Engineers must give importance to their social liabilities above their employer's goal or target. Engineering discipline is expected to serve the society in socially responsible and eco-friendly manner. For the purpose of fulfilling this objective, the discipline of engineering should grow beyond than of providing technical assistance only. Rather is should reach to a level where the profession is able to bring changes by understanding and observing humans, environmental, cultural and social challenge. And try to provide solutions for these challenges. There must be steps taken against these, social, cultural and environmental challenge very early in the process of production, as early as the education of future designers and would be engineers.   If these challenges and a focus to find solution for them is inculcated in the curriculum of the future designers and engineers, they will be aware of the challenges they all are facing as part of the world and they will also be aware of what the society is expecting from them.
  • On the Technologist's level: Technologists work in collaboration with the engineers for various projects and assignments by utilising their knowledge on the basic engineering methods and technical skills. In general, the focus of the technologist is more on the technical range such as product modification, production regulation, and engineering operations. The main duty of the technologist is to perform technical activities and they are also responsible to manage technology and technological needs.  The technologist must be morally responsible, as they must honestly disclose their work and findings of a research to the general masses and should give importance to the people's right to know. For the sake of ethics, honesty and moral integrity technologists must stop or discard any kind of research that intentionally breaks the moral and ethical principles of responsibility and harmony.
  • On the Manager's level: Managers are the persons who have to be socially accountable without any major reason, because doing that will aid in portraying a nice and good picture, not only for the society but also to energize and boost up their own personality. There are certain reasons for which the managers have to be socially responsible. The multifarious assets of the company or firm which are in form of man power, funds, labourers, technicians, are together known as organisational resources. With the help of these assets the company or firm may try to achieve the societal goals. The manager is also responsible to take preventive steps. It is the role of the manager to stop and deal with the social issues before they turn into unmanageable social disasters.
  • The moral and social duties of the manager are complementary to each other, in a way the manager is actually doing a moral duty when he is fulfilling his social duty of solving social issues with the firm or company.
  • b)    At the level of society: as mutually enriching institutions and organizations

    People are accountable to perform their public duties and responsibilities at social level and their actions must be to bring happiness and prosperity for the entire society. Hence there should be a balance between the financial development and welfare of the society and state. Social responsibility can be achieved only if this balance is maintained and preserved. The concept of social responsibility depends on an ethical system, according to which judgement is done, and according to which moral confirmation is given. In case any institutions fail to maintain its commitment and duty towards Nature and society, their actions have to be treated as social irresponsibility. It is the moral duty or social responsibility of every individual to think of the welfare of the society before think about individual interest and welfare.

    The companies and corporate sector have made an arrangement of social responsibility which is tailored to suit the atmosphere of the company. The presentation of the social responsibility of the firm or company clearly indicates, that both the atmosphere and workers are treated as equal assets.  This protection of the social responsibility in a company or firm, will bring the sense of unity in society and will also aid in the preservation of ecology.

    Since the firms and companies have an influencing effect on both the social and natural environment. Therefore, the firm and companies should recognise their ethical responsibility, as they are directly or indirectly affecting the social and natural environment. Just like any other individual the managing authority of the various institutions and organisations must recognise their influencing effect on nature and society and must formulate guidelines to make sure that their firms are adhering to their social responsibility while running behind profit. The companies and firms must also make these guidelines for social responsibility open to public so as to maintain a sense of mutual trust and responsibility with the general public.


  • R R Gaur, R Sangal, G P Bagaria, 2009, A Foundation Course in Human Values and Professional Ethics.
  • 2.     Ivan Illich, 1974, Energy & Equity, The Trinity Press, Worcester, and Harper Collins, USA

    3.     E.F. Schumacher, 1973, Small is Beautiful: a study of economics as if people mattered, Blond & Briggs, Britain.

    4.     Sussan George, 1976, How the Other Half Dies, Penguin Press. Reprinted 1986, 1991

    5.     Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, Jorgen Randers, William W. Behrens III, 1972, Limits to Growth – Club of Rome’s report, Universe Books.

    6.     A Nagraj, 1998, Jeevan Vidya Ek Parichay, Divya Path Sansthan, Amarkantak.

    7.     P L Dhar, RR Gaur, 1990, Science and Humanism, Commonwealth Publishers.

    8.     A N Tripathy, 2003, Human Values, New Age International Publishers.

    9.     SubhasPalekar, 2000, How to practice Natural Farming, Pracheen (Vaidik) KrishiTantraShodh, Amravati.

    10. E G Seebauer & Robert L. Berry, 2000, Fundamentals of Ethics for Scientists & Engineers, Oxford University Press

    11. M Govindrajran, S Natrajan & V.S. Senthil Kumar, Engineering Ethics (including Human Values), Eastern Economy Edition, Prentice Hall of India Ltd.

    12. B P Banerjee, 2005, Foundations of Ethics and Management, Excel Books.

    13. B L Bajpai, 2004, Indian Ethos and Modern Management, New Royal Book Co., Lucknow. Reprinted 2008.

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