Unit - 2
Context Free Grammar
The difference between RE and CFG
RE (Regular expression) | CFG (Context free grammar) |
Lexical rules are quite simple in case of Regular Expressions. | Lexical rules are difficult in case of Context free grammar. |
Notations in regular expressions are easy to understand. | Notations in Context free grammar are quite complex. |
A set of string is defined in case of Regular Expressions. | In Context free grammar the language is defined by the collection of productions. |
It is easy to construct efficient recognizer from Regular Expressions. | By using the context free grammar, it is very difficult to construct the recognizer. |
There is proper procedure for lexical and syntactical analysis in case of Regular Expressions. | There is no specific guideline for lexical and syntactic analysis in case of Context free grammar. |
Regular Expressions are most useful for describing the structure of lexical construct such as identifiers, constants etc. | Context free grammars are most useful in describing the nested chain structure or syntactic structure such as balanced parenthesis, if else etc. And these can’t be define by Regular Expression. |
Suppose we have a context free grammar G with production rules:
Left most derivation (LMD) and Derivation Tree:
Leftmost derivation of a string from staring symbol S is done by replacing leftmost
Non-terminal symbol by RHS of corresponding production rule.
For example:
The leftmost derivation of string abab from grammar G above is done as:
S =>aSb =>abSab =>abab
The symbols in bold are replaced using production rules.
Derivation tree: It explains how string is derived using production rules from S and
Is shown in Figure.
Fig 1: Derivation tree
Right most derivation (RMD):
It is done by replacing rightmost non-terminal symbol S by RHS of corresponding production rule.
For Example: The rightmost derivation of string abab from grammar G above
Is done as:
S =>SS =>SaSb =>Sab =>aSbab =>abab
The symbols in bold are replaced using production rules.
The derivation tree for abab using rightmost derivation is shown in Figure.
Fig 2: Right most derivation
A derivation can be either LMD or RMD or both or none.
For Example:
S =>aSb =>abSab =>abab is LMD as well as RMD But
S => SS =>SaSb =>Sab =>aSbab =>abab is RMD but not LMD.
Ambiguous Context Free Grammar:
● A context free grammar is called ambiguous if there exists more than one
LMD or RMD for a string which is generated by grammar.
● There will also be more than one derivation tree for a string in ambiguous grammar.
● The grammar described above is ambiguous because there are two derivation Trees.
● There can be more than one RMD for string abab which are:
S =>SS =>SaSb =>Sab =>aSbab =>abab
S =>aSb =>abSab =>abab
Left recursion
Any non-terminal 'A' whose derivation contains 'A' itself as the left-most symbol makes a grammar left-recursive. For top-down parsers, left-recursive grammar is seen as a difficult scenario. Top-down parsers begin parsing with the Start symbol, which is non-terminal in and of itself. As a result, when the parser encounters the same non-terminal multiple times during its derivation, it becomes difficult for it to determine when to cease parsing the left non-terminal, and it enters an infinite loop.
(1) A => Aα | β
(2) S => Aα | β
A => Sd
(1) is an example of immediate left recursion, where A represents a string of non-terminals and represents any non-terminal symbol.
(2) is an indirect-left recursion example.
A top-down parser will first parse the A, which will result in a string containing solely of A, and the parser may repeat indefinitely.
Removal of left recursion
The following technique can be used to remove left recursion:
The show's production
A => Aα | β
Is transformed into the following products
A => βA'
A'=> αA' | ε
The strings obtained from the grammar are unaffected, but immediate left recursion is removed.
The following procedure, which should eliminate all direct and indirect left recursions, is the second method.
Arrange non-terminals in some order like A1, A2, A3,…, An
For each i from 1 to n
For each j from 1 to i-1
Replace each production of form Ai ⟹Aj𝜸
With Ai ⟹ δ1𝜸 | δ2𝜸 | δ3𝜸 |…| 𝜸
Where Aj ⟹ δ1 | δ2|…| δn are current Aj productions
Eliminate immediate left-recursion
Key takeaway:
If there is uncertainty in the grammar, then it is not good for the construction of compilers.
No method can detect and eliminate ambiguity automatically, but by re-writing the entire grammar without ambiguity, we can remove ambiguity.
If a common prefix string exists in more than one grammar production rule, the top-down parser is unable to choose which of the production rules to use to parse the string at hand.
When a top-down parser comes across a production like this,
A ⟹ αβ | α𝜸 | …
Because both productions start from the same terminal, it can't decide which one to use to parse the string (or non-terminal). We utilize a method known as left factoring to clear out the ambiguity.
Left factoring modifies the grammar so that top-down parsers can use it. In this method, we build one production for each common prefix and then add more productions to complete the derivation.
The productions listed above can be written in a variety of ways.
A => αA'
A'=> β | 𝜸 | …
The parser now only has one production per prefix, making decision-making easier.
Key takeaway
If a common prefix string exists in more than one grammar production rule, the top-down parser is unable to choose which of the production rules to use to parse the string at hand.
- Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Monica S. Lam, Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools. Addison‐Wesley, 2006 (optional).
- Compiler construction (Theory and Practice), A.Barrett William and R.M. Bates, Galgotia Publication.
- Compiler Design, Kakde.
- Https://www.tutorialspoint.com/compiler_design/compiler_design_syntax_analysis.htm