Business Correspondence
Business people need to communicate with the purchasers, the suppliers, the debtors, the creditors, the public authorities and therefore the public at large also as among themselves for the aim of exchanging their views and of sending and receiving information. This is often required to initiate, perform and to conclude transactions.
Communication is often in two ways:
(1) Oral:
Either face to face or with the assistance of various machines and
(2) Written:
By writing letter
This written communication is otherwise called correspondence. The word correspondence features a sense of ‘similarity’ and ‘association’ in it. To correspond means to be in conformity or agreement with something or somebody.
Correspondence or written communication may happen between any two persons or parties. Commercial correspondence means correspondence by the business people on matters of commerce.
The word correspondence features a sense of plurality. It means letters or a pair of letters consisting of an ingenious letter followed by a reply. ‘A’ letter has little value. The communication is complete when a letter is replied or an action is taken in response to a letter.
Businessmen must establish contact with the people then only they will develop their organisations. Importance of communication is extremely great in business life there was a time when the dimensions of business were normally small and varied means of communication weren't available, direct meetings or face-to-face communication was practised by the businessmen. Later on, the policy of sending representatives for direct contacts was introduced. Of these methods have their limitations.
The importance of business letters because the cheapest and most extensive sort of communication was first realised in USA and UK and now this method has been accepted because the best method of communication all over the world. This has been possible with the introduction of ever growing postal services. Within the meantime standardisation of the form and the sort of business letters have made them more popular and acceptable by all.
The commercial correspondence features a language of its own which is markedly different from personal letters. Day by day improvements are being made within the form and therefore the sort of business letters making them more impressive, meaningful and compact.
A large number of books on the topic are available within the market within the aid of the business world. Invention of various machines for the aim makes business letters fast in production and in distribution.
It doesn't mean, however, that other means of communication are abandoned.
Advantages of Business Letter:
Communication through letters occupies the most important share within the total volume of communication due to the subsequent advantages:
(1) Letters are less expensive than other means of communication.
(2) Letters are often sent to long distant places by post within a brief time. Of course, letters could also be sent by messengers within neighbouring areas.
(3) Letters are drafted after proper thinking and planning and so the topic matter are often presented during a systematic and logical way.
(4) The ideas conveyed in letters are clear and free from ambiguity.
(5) The dimensions of a letter may be big or small as needed.
(6) Letters simultaneously provide evidence and exact copies are often retained.
(7) Same communication may-be made to variety of persons at a time, through duplicating or printing.
(8) Many unpleasant and delicate matters which can't be spoken face to face or through mechanical devices are often written in letters during a discreet language.
(9) Letters are suitable for all kinds of communication.
(10) There's standardisation in form and style readily acceptable by the business world. Even internationally accepted code language is employed.
A business letter has the subsequent components like all other sort of communication.—
A writer or correspondent—
He is that the communicator.
He has the primarily responsibility to form a letter purposeful and effective.
(a) He must know the form and the sort of writing letters. Differing types of letters have different styles. The secretary of an organisation, who is responsible of the office including the correspondence department, is meant to be conversant with the art. There are experienced correspondence clerks whose services are utilised for the aim.
(b) He must have a command over the language and English is that the main language used in the commercial world. (The second internationally accepted language is French.)
(c) He must be conversant with the facts on which he's writing a letter otherwise he cannot faithfully express the facts and therefore the viewpoints.
(d) He must also know the technical terms and phrases necessary to be utilized in particular sorts of letters. He can take the assistance of various types of dictionaries available within the market.
(e) He must make planning before he sets forth to write a letter.
(f) In case he's writing a reply he must read the initiating letter very carefully.
(g) The drafting will depend much upon the character of the recipient.
(2) The Addressee or the Recipient or the Reader:
A letter is usually directed to a recipient (or recipients). He's the communicate or the addressee or the reader. If the letter is unimpressive, the recipient might not read it then not necessarily a recipient is that the reader. The drafting of a letter largely depends on the character of the recipient. Moreover, a letter must reach the recipient, in the shortest possible time. That depends much upon the external factor—the efficiency of the postal system unless a letter is shipped by a messenger. The shape of a letter depends much upon the character of the recipient.
(3) The Message:
A letter carries a message or stimuli. It may be long or short, pleasant and ugly, general or particular, regular or urgent, meant for a private or many, initial or
1. Clarity:
Clear thinking and simple expression are the 2 important virtues of effective writing. a good letter should show its idea directly and clearly. Each sentence should be as simple as possible. The reader should haven't any difficulty in understanding what the author means to mention. When the reader gets an equivalent meaning from the-message as what the sender intended, it's a good letter.
2. Conciseness:
Transmission of maximum information by using minimum words should be the aim of letter-writing. Unnecessary details and roundabout expressions should be avoided. People are busy and that they receive variety of letters daily. Unless one says quickly what one wishes to mention, he won't be ready to get the attention of the reader and focus it on the message. Therefore, a letter should be simple and brief.
3. Completeness:
The letter should contain all the essential points a reader is predicted to know. For instance , a sales letter should include the outline of the products , price, quality, how and where to shop for , the date of delivery, discounts etc. If it gives only partial information, it's not an entire letter.
4. Correctness:
The correctness demands no error in the least in grammar, idiom, spelling, and punctuation. Besides, the knowledge given within the letter must be accurate; otherwise it'll shake the confidence of the reader. The message shouldn't be transmitted unless the sender is certain of its correctness.
5. Courtesy:
Courtesy means politeness. It always pays to be courteous in business. It softens the sting of an unpleasant piece of information, creates goodwill and produces a favourable response. Goodwill may be a great asset for an organisation and courtesy in correspondence is one among the foremost natural and economical means of building it.
6. Cheerfulness:
There should be no negative approach during a letter. It must begin with a positive and optimistic note. The approach should be friendly and convincing.
7. Promptness:
Promptness in replying a letter is completely necessary. The overall practice is to reply a letter the same day it's received. When it's known that a reply to a letter requires time it's necessary to acknowledge the letter received and intimate the probable time required sending full reply.
8. Appropriateness:
Appropriateness refers to writing or replying letters keeping in mind the relation and psychology of the reader also because the need of the occasion. The tone, style and language should be changed consistent with the occasion.
9. The ‘You’ attitude:
In business letters, the reader’s interest must be emphasised and not the sender s interest. To form letters effective, avoid words like T and “we’ and use as many as ‘you’ as possible. The ‘you attitude’ are often used effectively altogether sorts of business letters.
10. Integral:
The purpose of business communication is to make understanding, create cooperation and initiate constructive action. Therefore, all communication should be in conformity with the overall objectives of the organisation.
The following parts usually constitute the structure of a business letter:
1. Heading
2. Date
3. Inside Address
4. Attention line
5. Salutation
6. Subject
7. Reference
8. Body
9. Complimentary close
10. Signature
11. Enclosure.
1. Heading:
Many business organisations use printed letter head for business correspondence. The letterhead contains the name, the address, the line of business, telegraphic address, telephone numbers, telex numbers, e-mail address etc.
2. Date:
The date should be indicated within the upper right corner of the letter sheet. It's generally written two or three spaces below the last line of the letterhead.
There are two methods of indicating the date:
(i) In the order of day, month and year — 10 July 1999.
(ii) In the order of month, day and year — July 10, 1999. Both methods are acceptable.
It is advisable to write down the names of the month fully.
3. Inside Address:
The inside address consists of the names and address of the person or firm to whom the letter is written. It’s generally written two spaces above the attention line and two spaces below the extent of date. If there's no attention line it's given above the salutation within the left margin. The complete address, i.e., the name of the person, firm, street, road etc. should be written as indicated in the source you bought the address from. The details shouldn't be abbreviated.
If the letter is addressed to a politician by name write Mr. Or Shri before the name. If the officer is an unmarried woman add Miss and if married Mrs. Or Smt. Before her name.
4. Attention Line:
When a letter is addressed to a company in order that it should reach a specific office by name or a specific department, then attention line is typed below the within address. This line is usually underlined.
5. Salutation:
Salutation means greetings. It shows the respect or affection or politeness which you introduce during a letter. The selection of salutation depends upon the personal relationship between the author and the reader. It's placed two spaces below attention line or two spaces below the within address. While addressing a firm, company or a club, etc. use ‘Dear Sirs’.
6. Subject:
The purpose of subject line is to let the reader know immediately what the message is about. By seeing this the reader can understand at a look what the letter is about. The standard practice is to type this line during a double space between the salutation and the first line of the body.
Dear Sirs,
Subj.: Payment of Bill.
7. Reference:
In a reply to an earlier letter reference numbers, date etc. is also mentioned below the topic. Subject and reference must be separate and must stand out clearly to get the attention of the reader.
8. Body of the letter:
The body is the most vital a part of a letter. The aim of this part is to convey the message and to produce an appropriate response in the reader. It is, therefore, important to organise and arranges the material very carefully.
Generally, the body consists of the following:
(i) Opening paragraph.
(ii) Main paragraph.
(iii) Closing paragraph.
The opening paragraph should be written in such how that it attracts the attention of the reader and makes him go through the letter.
The main paragraph contains the topic matter. It should cover all the relevant points which the author wants to convey. It should be written in simple, clear and unambiguous terms.
The closing paragraph should indicate the expectations, intentions and desires of the sender.
9. Complimentary close:
The complimentary close may be a polite way of ending a letter. It's typed two spaces below the last line of the body of the letter.
10. Signature:
Signature is that the assent of the writer to the subject-matter of the letter. It's placed below the complementary close.
11. Enclosure:
Sometimes, papers like price list, catalogue, draft could also be attached to the letter. This is often indicated after the signature and at the left margin. Generally, the abbreviated form “End.” is typed against which the amount of enclosures is indicated.
The general appearance of the letter will create a favourable impression within the minds of the reader.
It is, therefore, advisable to recollect the subsequent points with reference to layout or appearance of the letter:
1. Stationery:
For making an initial impression it's necessary to use good quality paper. Use of the most effective stationery could be a good investment. White paper is preferable because the letters stand out clearly on it and make easy reading. The size of the paper could also be consistent with the suitability of each organisation.
2. Typing:
Typing saves time and provides a good appearance. It is, therefore, necessary to get the letters neatly typed. Typing of letter involves extra expenses. But the looks of the letter will pay rich dividends.
3. Margin:
Margin during a letter adds to its attractiveness. One inch (2.54 cms) margin on all sides is that the standard one. Margin may be suitably changed consistent with the size of the paper and it should provide a framework appearance.
4. Folding:
Care should be taken when folding a letter. It should be through with minimum number of folds and the letter shouldn't look bulky when placed during a cover. The folds should be pressed down. When a letter is placed during a cover it must give a smart look.
5. Envelope:
The colour and quality of the envelope must match the inside letter. The envelope should suit the size of the paper on which the letter is typed.
To indent or to not indent? That’s the question. This is often really a matter of how formal you would like the letter to look. For instance, you would possibly need a block format to convey formality if you’re complaining about something, but a semi-block might communicate a pleasant, “formal light” look in a thank you letter, especially if it’s someone you already know.
The three styles generally used are block, modified block and semi-block. Let’s return to our example of Smith writing Wilde. Here’s how her letter would look in each of the three formats: block formatting, modified block formatting, and semi-block formatting.

Block Formatting
MS Tanya Smith, CEO
Acme Corp.
12345 Acme Ave.
(612) 555-2368
June 1, 2018
MrWilde, VP of Sales
26 Carter road
Mumbai 400062
Dear Mr Wilde:
I would sort of a free consultation about Notch’s cloud-based sales management software. Acme Corp. Is a fast-growing manufacturer (20% annual revenue growth over the past five years). We would like to still grow, and Notch’s software looks like a product which may take our sales team to subsequent level. i would like to explore with you whether Notch software may be a good fit Acme.
I look forward to speaking with you at your earliest convenience.
Tanya Smith, CEO
Enclosures: Acme Corp. Brochure
Note that this is often a more formal sort of business letter: no indentations and everything is on the left. If you’re questioning how formal the letter should appear, it’s probably best to play it safe and accompany a block format.

Modified Block Formatting
MS Tanya Smith, CEO
Acme Corp.
12345 Acme Ave.
(612) 555-2368
June 1, 2018
MrWilde, VP of Sales
26 Carter road
Mumbai 400062
Dear Mr. Wilde:
I would like a free consultation about NewTech’s cloud-based sales management software. Acme Corp. May be a fast-growing manufacturer (20% annual revenue growth over the past five years). We would like to still grow, and NewTech’s software looks like a product that might take our sales team to subsequent level. i would like to explore with you whether NewTech software may be a good fit Acme.
I look forward to speaking with you at your earliest convenience.
Tanya Smith, CEO
Enclosures: Acme Corp. Brochure
Note that there are still no indentations, but everything doesn’t line up on the left. It’s just a touch less formal. Smith could be wiser to stay with the block format during this case, but she might switch to modified block once she has a working relationship with Wilde.

Semi-block Formatting
MS Tanya Smith, CEO
Acme Corp.
12345 Acme Ave.
(612) 555-2368
June 1, 2018
MrWilde, VP of Sales
26 Carter road
Mumbai 400062
Dear Mr Wilde:
I would sort of a free consultation about Notch’s cloud-based sales management software. Acme Corp. May be a fast-growing manufacturer (20% annual revenue growth over the past five years). We would like to still grow, and Notch’s software looks like a product that might take our sales team to subsequent level. i would like to explore with you whether Notch software may be a good fit Acme.
I anticipate to speaking with you at your earliest convenience.
Tanya Smith, CEO
Enclosures: Acme Corp. Brochure
Note that this is often just about a block format, but the paragraphs have indentations. If you’re debating whether to use block or modified block format (or simply hate watching paragraphs without indentations), semi-block may be a nice compromise.
Example business letter
Example Full Block business letter
Example Modified (Regular) Block business letter
Example Semi block business letter
The average office worker receives around 80 emails every day with that volume of mail, individual messages can easily get overlooked. Follow these simple rules to urge your emails noticed and acted upon.
1. Don't over communicate by email.
2. Keep use of subject lines.
3. Keep messages clear and brief.
4. Be polite.
5. Check your tone.
6. Proofread.
1. Don't over communicate by Email
One of the biggest sources of stress at work is that the sheer volume of emails that individuals receive. So, before you start writing an email, ask yourself: "Is this really necessary?"
As a part of this, you should use the phone or IM to deal with questions that are likely to wish some back-and-forth discussion. Use our Communications Planning Tool to spot the channels that are best for various sorts of message.
Also, email isn't as secure as you would possibly want it to be, particularly as people may forward emails without thinking to delete the conversation history. So avoid sharing sensitive or personal information in an email, and don't write on anything that you, or the topic of your email, wouldn't prefer to see plastered on a billboard by your office.
Whenever possible, deliver bad news in person. This helps you to speak sympathetically, compassion, and understanding, and to form amends if your message has been taken the wrong way.
2. Make good Use of Subject Lines
A newspaper headline has two functions: it grabs your attention, and it summarizes the article, in order that you'll decide whether to read it or not, the topic line of your email message should do an equivalent thing.
A blank subject line is more likely to be overlooked or rejected as "spam," so always use a few well-chosen words to inform the recipient what the e-mail is about.
You may want to incorporate the date in the subject line if your message is one of a daily series of emails, like a weekly project report. For a message that needs a response, you would possibly also want to include a call to action, like "Please reply by November 7."
A well-written subject line just like the one below delivers the foremost important information, without the recipient even having to open the e-mail. This is a prompt that reminds recipients about your meeting whenever they glance at their inbox.
Bad Example Good Example
Bad Example | Good Example |
Subject: Meeting | Subject: PASS Process Meeting - 10 a.m. February 25, 2014 |
If you've got a really short message to convey, and you'll fit the entire thing into the subject line, use "EOM" (End of Message) to let recipients know that they do not need to open the e-mail to urge all the data that they need.
Example |
Subject: Could you please send the February sales report? Thanks! EOM |
(Of course, this is often only useful if recipients know what "EOM" means.)
3. Keep Messages Clear and Brief
Emails, like traditional business letters, got to be clear and concise. Keep your sentences short and to the purpose. The body of the e-mail should be direct and informative, and it should contain all pertinent information. See our article on writing skills for guidance on communicating clearly in writing.
Unlike traditional letters, however, it costs no more to send several emails than it does to send only one. So, if you would like to speak with someone about a number of different topics, consider writing a separate email for everyone. This makes your message clearer, and it allows your correspondent to reply to 1 topic at a time.
Bad Example Good Example
Bad Example | Good Example |
Subject: Revisions For Sales Report Hi Jackie, Thanks for sending that report last week. I read it yesterday, and I feel that Chapter 2 needs more specific information about our sales figures. I also felt that the tone could be more formal. Also, I wanted to let you know that I've scheduled a meeting with the PR department for this Friday regarding the new ad campaign. It's at 11:00 a.m. And will be in the small conference room. Please let me know if you can make that time. Thanks! Monica | Subject: Revisions For Sales Report Hi Jackie, Thanks for sending that report last week. I read it yesterday, and I feel that Chapter 2 needs more specific information about our sales figures. I also felt that the tone could be more formal. Could you amend it with these comments in mind? Thanks for your hard work on this! Monica (Monica then follows this up with a separate email about the PR department meeting.) |
It's important to seek out balance here. You do not want to bombard someone with emails, and it is sensible to mix several, related, points into one email. When this happens, keep things simple with numbered paragraphs or bullet points, and consider "chunking" information into small, well-organized units to form it easier to digest.
Notice, too, that in the exemplar above, Monica specified what she wanted Jackie to try to (in this case, amend the report). If you create it easy for people to ascertain what you would like, there is a better chance that they will give you this.
4. Be Polite
People often think that emails are often less formal than traditional letters. But the messages you send are a reflection of your own professionalism, values, and attention to detail, so a particular level of formality is required.
Unless you're on good terms with someone, avoid informal language, slang, jargon, and inappropriate abbreviations. Emoticons are often useful for clarifying your intent, but it is best to use them only with people you recognize well.
Close your message with "Regards," "Yours sincerely," or "All the simplest," counting on things.
Recipients may plan to print emails and share them with others, so always be polite.
5. Check the Tone
When we meet people face-to-face, we use the opposite person's body language , vocal tone, and facial expressions to assess how they feel. Email robs us of this information, and this suggests that we will not tell when people have misunderstood our messages.
Your choice of words, sentence length, punctuation, and capitalization can easily be misinterpreted without visual and auditory cues. Within the first example below, Emma might think that Harry is frustrated or angry, but, actually, he feels fine.
Bad Example Good Example
Bad Example | Good Example |
Emma, I need your report by 5 p.m. Today or I'll miss my deadline. Harry | Hi Emma, Thanks for all your hard work on that report. Could you please get your version over to me by 5 p.m., so I don't miss my deadline? Thanks so much! Harry |
Think about how your email "feels" emotionally. If your intentions or emotions might be misunderstood, find a less ambiguous way to phrase your words.
6. Proofreading
Finally, before you hit "send," take a flash to review your email for spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes. Your email messages are as much a part of your professional image because the clothes you wear, so it's bad to send out a message that contains typos.
As you proofread, pay careful attention to the length of your email. People are more likely to read short, concise emails than long, rambling ones, so ensure that your emails are as short as possible, without excluding necessary information.
An SOP is a long essay required by universities abroad and nowadays a number of the Indian universities during the application process. Because the full sort of SOP reveals, a statement of Purpose is an essay stating the aim of applying to a specific course in a particular university. This essay consists of a gist of who you’re, who you would like to become, and the way ready you're to pursue a particular course in an institution.
The document seeks to know the candidate’s life, the motivations for the chosen career path and his/her goals. Hence, you ought to discuss the past incidents that have influenced your career path in a specific domain wherein you aspire to grow by joining a course/college.
Writing the Statement of Purpose
The statement of purpose should convince readers– the faculty on the selection committee– that you have solid achievements behind you that show promise for your success in graduate study. Consider the statement of purpose as a composition with four different parts.
Make sure to see on the appropriate departmental website to seek out if your statement should include additional or specific information.
Part 1: Introduce yourself, your interests and motivations
Tell them what you’re interested in, and perhaps, what sparked your desire for graduate study. This could be short and to the point; don’t spend a good deal of time on autobiography.
Part 2: Summarize your undergraduate and former graduate career
a) Research you conducted. Indicate with whom, the title of the project, what your responsibilities were, and therefore the outcome. Write technically, or in the sort of your discipline. Professors are the people that read these statements.
b) Important paper or thesis project you completed, also as anything scholarly beyond your curricular requirements.
c) Work experience, especially if you had any quite responsibility for testing, designing, researching or interning in an area similar to what you want to study in grad school.
Part 3: Discuss the relevance of your recent and current activities
If you graduated and worked before returning to graduate school, indicate what you’ve been doing: company or non-profit, your work/design team, responsibilities, what you learned. You’ll also indicate here how this helped you focus your graduate studies.
Part 4: Elaborate on your academic interests
Here you indicate what you'd wish to study in grad school in enough detail to convince the faculty that you understand the scope of research in their discipline, and are engaged with current research themes.
a) Indicate the area of your interests. Ideally, pose a question, define a problem, or indicate a theme that you would really like to handle, and questions that arise from contemporary research. This could be an ample paragraph!
b) Look on the net for information about departments you’re interested in, including professors and their research. Are there professors whose research interests parallel yours? If so, indicate this. Check the particular program; many may require you to name a professor or professors with whom you would possibly work.
c) End your statement in a positive manner, indicating your excitement and readiness for the challenges before you.
Essential Tips
1. What the admissions committee will read between the lines: self-motivation, competence, potential as a grad student.
2. Emphasize everything from a positive perspective and write in an active, not a passive voice.
3. Demonstrate everything by example; don’t say directly that you’re a persistent person, show it.
4. If there's something important that happened to you that affected your grades, like poverty, illness, or excessive work, state it. Write it affirmatively, showing your perseverance despite obstacles. You’ll elaborate more in your personal statement.
5. Ensure everything is linked with continuity and focus.
6. Unless the particular program says otherwise, be concise; a perfect essay should say everything it must with brevity. Approximately 500 to 1000 well-selected words (1-2 single space pages in 12 point font) is best than more words with less clarity and poor organization.
How to Structure your Statement of Purpose (SOP) in 4 Paragraphs
Statement of Purpose Paragraph 1 – Introduction
The first paragraph is typically an introduction about your background, your work profile & relevancy to the precise program you're applying for, your current & future goals and the way this program can assist you achieve them.
Relevancy plays a crucial role in the introduction paragraph, one example of such is, let’s say you're applying for a business course and you talk about your photography skills.
SOP Paragraph 2. – Your Goals and how this program can assist you achieve it.
In this paragraph, you discuss your interest in the chosen subject and it relates to your background, work profile, your school program and the way this will assist you achieve your goals.
Your writing has to be precise and to the purpose.
Never give general reasons like, i would like to make this world a better place, i prefer to help people, i would like to contribute to climate changes etc.
The above general reasons don't justify your reason to choose the precise subject, for instance, you'll still make this world a better place without the business management course.
SOP Paragraph 3 – Highlight your skills, abilities & why you think your right candidate.
In the 3rd paragraph of SOP, highlight the events and experiences you had within the specific field. For instance, you'll mention your internship programs, relevant projects and add on any social services if relevant.
Try and build this paragraph supported paragraphs 1 and 2. This may confirm your statement of purpose is precise, relevant and speaks about your abilities.
Closing Paragraph of Statement of Purpose
In this a part of the essay, you'll mention how this course or program is going to assist you in the future with your career. It’s always good to say both short term and long-term goals. You’ll mention about how this course can assist you achieve success within the field of humanity and your contribution.
Universities and colleges always wish to highlight their alumni and their achievements.
Statement of Purpose Example # 1

Statement of Purpose Sample for Masters

Detailed Statement of Purpose Example

Job application could also be the first important business letter after during a person has got graduation from a university or university. There’s always though competition within the job market and the prospective employers will from their first impression about the job seeker from his application. Job application letter is a letter which is written by the job seeker to a prospective employer for a position is his organization. In fact, employment application letter is written to sell one’s qualities and services to an employer.”
There are two sorts of job application letter, like Solicited application letters and unsolicited application letter-
Solicited Application Letter:
Solicited application letters are written in response to an advertisement for hiring or recruitment. Here the job seeker knows the vacancy and may tailor his application as per the wants of the said post. If you’re sending a solicited application letter, you'll usually know what qualifications the organization is seeking. During this case, highlight the chief qualifications and mirror the requirements specified in the advertisement. You ought to grab the attention by that specialize in the phase Proven Skills, sometimes utilized in the advertisement.
Unsolicited Application Letter: Unsolicited applications letters are written at the writer’s own initiative to the organization. Who has not advertised for recruitment? Unsolicited application letter is additionally called prospecting letter. But just in case of writing an unsolicited letter, you've got a better chance of being read and receiving individualized attention. You’ll gain attention by that specializes in the needs of the employers and how they're going to be gained by employing you.
A job application letter (also referred to as a cover letter) may be a letter you send with your resume to provide information on your skills and experience. This letter is your chance to “sell” yourself to an employer, explaining why you're an ideal candidate for a position.
When you write your job application letter, it’s essential to pay close attention to formatting. There’s a right way to format a cover letter; deviate from the quality guidelines and hiring managers may drop you from consideration.
In fact, anything that creates your job application letter appears less than professional can prevent hiring managers from taking you seriously as a candidate. Check that your cover letter is formatted properly and is free from errors before you send.
Tips for writing a job Application Letter
Do not copy your resume. A cover letter is a sales pitch. The aim of this letter is to convince the hiring manager that you’re a powerful candidate and to highlight your relevant experience and skills. Your application letter should show how exactly your background makes you a good fit for a specific position. In contrast, your resume may be a general record of your experience, education, and accomplishments.1
Tailor each application letter to the work. As mentioned above, emphasize in your letter why you're a perfect candidate for the specific job. This requires that you simply personalize each letter to suit the company and position. Match your qualifications to the work posting by highlighting the skills, experience, and requirements listed within the description.
Be professional. Application letters have a fairly rigid format—as hiring managers read your letter, they will expect to ascertain certain information included in set areas. You have freedom within the structure to be personable, but it's important to stay to a certain level of formality. Pay particular attention to the professionalism of your salutation. You would not, as an example , want to ask the letter's recipient by their first name unless specifically requested.
Carefully proofread. Employers are likely to overlook an application with tons of errors. Therefore, read through your cover letter, and even consider asking a friend or career counsellor to read the letter. Proofread for grammar and spelling errors. Be particularly mindful to spell the letter recipient's name correctly, as well as the company name.
Follow letter format. Use letter format when writing your letter. If you’re sending a typed hard-copy letter, be sure to lead with a paragraph containing your address, followed by the date, followed by the address of the recipient. If you’re sending an email, you'll omit the address and date sections.2
Decide whether to send a hard copy or email. The most difference in formatting an email application letter is that you simply got to include a subject line that clearly lays out your purpose for writing, e.g. “Graphic Designer—Joe Smith.” And, rather than placing your contact information at the top of the letter, as you would during a text, you'll include it below your signature.
Since your application letter are going to be accompanied by your resume, make sure the letter doesn't duplicate your resume exactly.
Use this formatting information as a guideline when writing your customized application letters, so you recognize what information goes where.3
Contact Information
City, State postal code
Phone Number
Email Address
Employer Contact Information (if you've got it)
City, State postal code
Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name, (leave out if you do not have a contact)
Body of Application Letter
The body of your application letter lets the employer know what position you're applying for, why the employer should select you for an interview, and the way you'll follow up. See below for a paragraph-by-paragraph breakdown of the body of the letter.
First Paragraph
The first paragraph of your letter should include information on why you're writing. Mention the job you're applying for and where you found the work listing. Include the name of a mutual contact, if you've got one. You might conclude by briefly and concisely saying why you think you're a perfect candidate for the job.
Middle Paragraph(s)
The next section of your application letter should describe what you've got to offer the employer.
It can be one paragraph; otherwise you can break it up into a few of paragraphs. If the section gets lengthy, you'll use bullet points to break up the text. Remember, you're interpreting your resume, not repeating it.
Mention specifically how your qualifications match the job you're applying for. In this portion of the letter, make your case for your candidacy.
It can be helpful to spend a while researching the company—this knowledge and insight helps you create an informed and persuasive argument for your candidacy.
Use specific examples whenever possible. For instance , if you say that you have many experience working successfully on team projects, provide an example of a time you worked during a group and achieved success.
Final Paragraph
Conclude your application letter by thanking the employer for considering you for the position. Include information on how you'll follow up.
Complimentary Close (examples)
Signature (for a hard copy letter)
Typed Signature
Job Application Letter Example
Melissa Brown
11 South Street
Harbor View, Maine 04005
March 5, 2020
Jason Rivera
Human Resources Director
Avery Solutions, Inc.
600 Commerce Way
Harbor View, Maine 04005
Dear Mr. Rivera,
I was excited when my former colleague, Stephanie Taylor, told me that you were hiring for a human Resources Specialist at Avery Solutions.
Stephanie has told me how important teamwork is to your group at Avery, and how much you need an HR Specialist who can slot in with the department and hit the ground running on day one. i believe that I’m the ideal candidate for your team.
In my current job at Smith Group, I created and run our on boarding program, including organizing background checks and new hire orientation. I even have extensive experience in:
• Data reporting/data entry on HRIS software
• Recruiting and hiring processes, including creating job descriptions and postings, screening resumes, and scheduling interviews
• Producing company events, like the annual company-wide picnic (100+ employees from across the country)
I’d like to speak with you about my qualifications and what I can do for your team. I’ve attached my resume for your consideration. Please don’t hesitate to contact me on my cell at 555-555-5555 with questions or to rearrange an interview.
Best regards,
Melissa Brown
Job Application Email Example
Subject Line: George Woo – Editorial Assistant
Dear Ms. Cortez,
I was excited when Ada Wilson told me that you were looking for an editorial assistant with a background in rights and research and a passion for digital media. She suggested that I throw my hat within the ring, and I’d love the chance to inform you more about what I can offer your team.
I’ve interned for Ada’s team for the past three summers, developing extensive experience with the rights and research process. Last year, i used to be instrumental in securing the rights to incorporate Sara Frey’s poems in our digital anthology – a first for an online publisher, according to Ms. Frey’s estate.
I also have:
• Expertise with most popular content management systems, including WordPress
• Analytics knowledge, including expert-level facility with Google Analytics
• A strong work ethic and commitment to meeting deadlines
I hope you’ll reach out at your convenience to inform me more about your team’s goals and wishes for the coming year. You’ll reach me on my cell at 555-123-4566 or via email at George.Woo@email.com.
Best regards,
George Woo
The resume or bio-data may be a brief record of the applicant’s personal details, educational qualifications, specialized training, experiences, references and the other relevant information. It's a summary of one’s personal and academic accounts. A resume is considered as a formal advertisement of a person’s qualifications.
So, a resume is brief description of one’s personal, educational and employment qualifications. The aim of the resume is to get an interview, not to tell readers everything about you. In fact, it's a sort of advertising. Now-a-days, it becomes almost traditional to send a resume with the job application letter.
The bio-data must be properly arranged under some heading or sub-headings. It includes information a few person in various areas. Usually the knowledge is presented during a bio-data under the subsequent heading-
• Personal Information: This section includes complete name, address both temporary and permanent, telephone number, date-of-birth, parent’s names, marital status, nationality, religion and cast in some cases etc.
• Career Objectives: Clearly state your objective or future plan in your career. Tell what you're interested to try to and what level of responsibility you want to hold. So, short term and future target of your career must be mentioned here.
• Educational Qualifications: an entire record of the academic qualifications should be given during this section. It includes the name of degrees obtained, the name of the institution attended, year of passing, board or university form where degree is obtained and the division or grade or class obtained etc.
• Experience: This section includes the applicant’s previous experience relevant to the work applied for. Details to be included here are- the period of time or length of previous or current job the joining and therefore the levelling dates, the name of the organization, position held and a quick description of the duties or nature of work or tasks done on the job.
• Honours and Awards: Honours and awards are given for outstanding work. This section includes fellowships and scholarship or honorary scholarship, awards given by professional associations and civic groups.
• Extra-Curricular Activities: The applicant’s extra-curricular activities like membership in various organizations, participation in several seminar and workshops, prizes won in cultural functions etc. are to be mentioned here.
• References: Names and addresses of the persons who known the applicant and may express a private opinion about his abilities and qualities must tend in this section. It customary to offer three references sort of a teacher, an employer and a friend of the family with high social or professional status. But if the number of referees isn't dictated by the prospective employer, it's better to mention the names and addresses of at least two references. The name, title, complete address and phone number of the referees must tend and it's preferable to point their social relationship to the applicant. The applicant should take permission from the referees to give their names or a minimum of inform them immediately after, with details of the job applied for.
• Signature of the Applicant: At the end of the resume, the applicant should put his signature and date with the left margin. Below the signature, there must be enough space for typing the complete name of the applicant.
In concluding note, we will say that a resume must include everything relevant to the post or job applied for and must exclude irrelevant things. If the employer invites only resume, sometimes it's better to attach a recent photograph with it.
Type | Function | Advantage | Disadvantage |
1. Reverse Chronological | Reverse chronological resumes (also called reverse time order) focus on work history. | Demonstrates a consistent work history | It may be difficult to highlight skills and experience. |
2. Functional | Functional resumes (also called competency-based resumes) focus on skills. | Demonstrates skills that can clearly link to job functions or duties | It is often associated with people who have gaps in their employment history. |
3. Combination | A combination resume lists your skills and experience first, then employment history and education. | Highlights the skills you have that are relevant to the job and provides a reverse chronological work history | Some employers prefer a reverse chronological order. |
4. Targeted | A targeted resume is a custom document that specifically highlights the experience and skills that are relevant to the job. | Points out to the reader how your qualifications and experience clearly match the job duties | Custom documents take additional time, preparation, analysis of the job announcement, and may not fit the established guidelines. |
5. Scan able | A scan able resume is specifically formatted to be read by a scanner and converted to digital information. | Increasingly used to facilitate search and retrieval, and to reduce physical storage costs | Scanners may not read the resume correctly. |
Sample Format for Chronological Resume

Sample Format for Functional Resume

Sample Format for Scan able Resume

What to include during a Job Offer Acceptance Letter?
Your letter is often concise, but should include the following:
• Thanks and appreciation for the chance
• Written acceptance of the work offer
• The terms and conditions of employment (salary, benefits, job title, etc.)
• Starting date of employment
Advice on writing employment Offer Acceptance Letter
Format your letter correctly. The letter is often sent by email or mail. If you're sending a tough copy through the mail, format the letter as you'd any letter. Include your contact information and phone number, even though it’s on file with the employer.
Keep it brief. While you would like to incorporate all the most important information, this doesn’t mean your letter should be long and drawn out.
The employer is busy, so a concise letter that has all the required information is best.
Express your gratitude. Demonstrate how thankful you're for the new job opportunity. You might want to briefly explain why you’re particularly excited to figure for the corporate. For instance , you'll want to share your desire to contribute to their sales team, or your passion for his or her mission. Again, keep this polite but brief.
Proofread and edit. You don’t want to make any last-minute reasons for the employer to require back the work offer, like a sloppy or unprofessional letter.
Watch out for spelling and grammar errors.
Go over the letter a few of times to form sure you catch all the typographical errors and grammar mistakes. While you’re at it, it’s an honest idea to double-check the spelling of the name of the one that offered you the work.
Sample Job Offer Acceptance Letter
Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip Code
Your contact number
Your Email
Mrs Jane Brown
Human Resources Manager
Open Door Company
City, State, Zip Code
Dear Mrs Brown
Thank you for offering me the position of Assistant Accountant with Open Door Company. I’m pleased to simply accept this offer and look forward to starting employment with your company on September 1, 2020.
As we discussed my starting salary will be $40,000 and health and life assurance benefits are going to be provided after 60 days of employment.
Thank you again for giving me this excellent opportunity. I’m desirous to join your team and make a positive contribution to the company.
If there's any further information or paperwork you would like me to finish, please let me know and that i will arrange it as soon as possible.
Your signature
Typed name
Example of a Letter Accepting a job Offer
Jason Burnett
87 Washington Street
Smithfield, CA 08055
(909) 555-5555
August 17, 2020
Mr. Michael Hynes
Director of Human Resources
Smithfield Granite and Stonework
800 Marshall Avenue
Smithfield, CA 08055
Dear Mr. Hynes,
As we discussed on the phone, i am very pleased to accept the position of Advertising Assistant with Smithfield Granite and Stonework. Thank you again for the chance. I am eager to make a positive contribution to the company and to figure with everyone on the Smithfield team.
As we discussed, my starting salary will be $48,000 and health and life assurance benefits are going to be provided after 30 days of employment.
I look forward to starting employment on August 31, 2020. If there is any additional information or paperwork you would like prior to then, please let me know.
Again, thank you very much.
Handwritten Signature (hard copy letter)
Jason Burnett
When an employee is decided to leave from his present job he takes the assistance of a resignation letter to notify the respective employer. Such a letter from the worker states the intentional view about the cancellation of the work agreement.
Such letter includes the subsequent matters:
1. Name of the post from which the worker has resigned
2. Reason for resignation.
3. Request for acceptance of resignation
Letter of Resignation Sample
1st July 2004
Management Associate (Pvt) Ltd
Adamjee Court, Motijheel, Dhanbad
Sub: Resigning from the post of Junior Accountant
It is now four (4) years since i used to be appointed in your esteemed Company. I even have been working as a junior Accountant for this long period and holding grade IV once I joined your company, I used to be assured to be promoted to senior Accountant after one (1) year but nothing happened in the least. Also, the salaries i get do not do justice to my qualification and knowledge.
Since I do not see any promotional scope here, I have decided to leave for a better future. Hence i am submitting my resignation from the post of Junior Accountant.
I request you to kindly accept my resignation and provide me relief from service at an early date before 30th July 2004.
Yours faithfully,
Mohammad Shaker.