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Unit 3

Concept of MIS Reports


A management information system (MIS) is a computer system consisting of hardware and software that serves as the backbone of an organization’s operations. An MIS gathers data from multiple online systems, analyzes the information, and reports data to aid in management decision-making. MIS is also the study of how such systems work.

MIS is the use of information technology, people, and business processes to record, store and process data to produce information that decision makers can use to make day to day decisions. The full form of MIS is Management Information Systems. The purpose of MIS is to extract data from varied sources and derive insights that drive business growth.


The MIS is a thought which is related with man, machine, promoting and strategies for gathering data's from the interior and outer source and handling this data to encourage the cycle of dynamic of the business.

MIS isn't new, just the computerization is new , before PCs MIS procedures existed to supply chiefs with the data that would allow them to plan and control business activities. The PC has added on more measurements, for example, speed, exactness and expanded volume of information that license the thought of more choices in dynamic cycle.

The executives data framework is a coordinated arrangement of segment or substances that associate to accomplish a specific capacity, objective or objective. Accordingly it is a PC based framework that gives data to choices making on arranging, putting together and controlling the activity of the sub-arrangement of the firm and gives a synergistic association simultaneously.

The part of a data framework incorporates: an equipment which is utilized for input/yield interaction and capacity of information, programming used to deal with information and furthermore to teach the hand-product segment, information bases which is the area in the framework where all the association information will be computerized and methodology which is a bunch of archives that clarify the design of that administration data framework.


There are different driving components of the board data framework for instance:-

  1. Innovative upsets in all areas cause current chiefs to require to approach huge measure of particular data for the unpredictable undertakings and choices.
  2. The life expectancy of most item has kept getting more limited and more limited and accordingly the test to the chief is to plan item that will take a more drawn out time span of usability and to do this, the administrator should have the option to stay up to date with the variables that impacts the association item and administrations hence, the executives data framework prove to be useful in supporting the cycle.
  3. There are enormous measure of data accessible to the present administrator and this had hence implied that directors are progressively depending on administration data framework to get to the detonating data. The board data administrations causes administrator to get to applicable, exact, cutting-edge data which is the more sure method of settling on precise choices. It likewise helps in computerization and consolidation of examination and the board science strategies into the general administration data framework for instance likelihood hypothesis.


The following are some of the justifications for having an MIS system

  1. Leaders need data to settle on powerful choices. The board Information Systems (MIS) make this conceivable.
  2. MIS frameworks encourage correspondence inside and outside the association – representatives inside the association can without much of a stretch access the necessary data for the everyday tasks. Encourages, for example, Short Message Service (SMS) and Email make it conceivable to speak with clients and providers from inside the MIS framework that an association is utilizing.
  3. Record keeping – the board data frameworks record all deals of an association and give a reference highlight the exchanges.


MIS plays a very important role in every aspect of an organization. These characteristics are generic in nature.

Following are the characteristics of MIS:

  1. System Approach
  2. Management Oriented
  3. Need-Based
  4. Exception Based
  5. Future Oriented
  6. Integrated
  7. Long Term Planning
  8. Sub-System Concept
  9. Central Database


  1. System Approach-

The data framework follows a System's methodology. The framework's methodology suggests an all encompassing way to deal with the investigation of framework and its exhibition in the light for the goal for which it has been comprised.

2.     Management Oriented

The top-down methodology should be followed while planning the MIS. The top-down methodology proposes that the framework improvement begins from the assurance of the board needs and in general business targets.

The MIS advancement plan ought to be gotten from the general strategy. The executives situated quality of MIS additionally suggests that the administration effectively coordinates the framework advancement endeavors.

3.     Need-Based

MIS plan and improvement ought to be according to the data needs of chiefs at various levels, vital arranging level, the board control level and operational control level. At the end of the day, MIS ought to take into account the particular necessities of administrators in an association's progression.

4.     Exception Based

MIS ought to be created on the special case based announcing standard, which implies an irregular circumstance, for example the greatest; least or expected qualities shift past resistance limits. In such circumstances, there should BE special case answering to the leader at the necessary level.

Future Oriented Other than exemption based detailing, MIS ought to likewise take a gander at what's to come. At the end of the day, MIS ought not just give past or authentic data; rather it ought to give data, based on projections dependent on which activities might be started.

5.     Integrated

Combination is a vital quality of an administration data framework. Combination is huge on account of its capacity to create more significant data.

For instance, to build up a compelling creation planning framework, it is important to adjust such factors as arrangement costs, Workforce, Overtime rates, Production limit, Inventory level, Capital necessities and Customer administrations.

6.     Long Term Planning

MIS is created over generally significant stretches. Such a framework doesn't grow for the time being. A weighty component of preparation is included. The MIS fashioner should have the future goals and requirements of the organization as a top priority.

7.     Sub-System Concept

The interaction of MIS advancement is very mind boggling and one is probably going to lose knowledge as often as possible. In this way, the framework, however saw as a solitary element, should be separated into absorbable sub-frameworks which are more significant at the arranging stage.

8.     Central Database

A focal data set is a mortar that holds the utilitarian frameworks together. Every framework expects admittance to the expert document of information covering stock, staff, sellers, clients, and so forth It appears to be consistent to assemble information once, approve it appropriately and place it on a focal stockpiling medium, which can be gotten to by some other subsystem.


Outputs of MIS

In the event that the work that goes into the MIS ought to merit the while, the MIS should turn out all the data that is required for dynamic. It should go to the leaders in the way and structure in which they need it and at the time they need it. At the point when the MIS is planned and worked in the correct manner, it is totally feasible for the framework to meet the whole data needs of the promoting choices creators. With the new advancement in the IT field, essentially any sort of data yield/report that is required for showcasing choices can be made accessible by the MIS.

The objectives of an ideal MIS are to alleviate the executives from changing over information into data, give significant data to every administration level for successful dynamic and the compelling behavior of the work capacity, and present data that is current and in a promptly usable and effortlessly got design. To meet these objectives the MIS would forces the accompanying credits.

MIS would address the essential requirements of the administration work and not the necessities of an individual, the basic issue, not simply the manifestations.

It would introduce a limit of data and at least information which should be dependable and the yield would contain adequate and pertinent data to limit uncertainly in a configuration that can be effectively perceived and be usable minus any additional change.


Phases of MIS turn of events:

1. Key and activities arranging stage.

2. Calculated framework configuration stage.

3. Nitty gritty framework configuration stage.

4. Execution, assessment and support stage.


A compelling plan is made conceivable when the client of the data ought to be remembered for the plan group. Cost of cash and season of the framework ought to be considered, and coordinate them with the advantages got from the framework. Significance ought to be given to pertinence and selectivity over sheer amount. The framework ought to be tried before it is introduced. Sufficient preparing and documentation ought to be accommodated the tasks and clients of the framework. Data ought to be disaggregated and comparable choices ought to be totaled. The real mechanical techniques for data handling are planned and controls for the framework created. The choices framework should be completely dissected.


The yields/reports radiating from the MIS can be grouped into the accompanying four classes:

1. Intermittent reports

2. Set off reports

3. Request reports

4. Plan reports


  • Periodic reports are introduced in foreordained arrangements at indicated timespans. They are the ordinary yields of any information handling framework.
  • Triggered reports will be reports particle explicit circumstance. By their actual nature, the promoting task and the, advertising choices require a large group of set off reports on different circumstances and subjects. Indeed, the skill of the MIS gets tried by its ability to give the privilege set off reports.
  • Demand reports are the appropriate responses given by the framework to explicit inquiries raised by the promoting leaders.
  • And arranged reports will be reports customized for helping definition of deals estimates, deals plans, circulation plans, offices plans and deals financial plans.


MIS additionally creates particular information base on various parts of advertising

Client data set is one such specific data set. We saw that organizations occupied with direct showcasing, particularly in list selling and mail request advertising, depend intensely on client data sets Apart from the fundamental data about name, address and other segment subtleties, information relating to what an individual client has purchased, when the previous buy was made and other comparative subtleties are accessible in this data set. They additionally give the RFM (Recently, Frequency and Monetary) equation, which, thus assists the firm with showing up a client record that shows which clients are more beneficial for the firm. The MIS can deal with the client data set.


A management information system (MIS) plays an important role in business organizations

What is MIS role: There are many roles of MIS and some of the important

MIS role are discussed below:

1 Decision making

2 Coordination among the department

3 Finding out Problems

4 Comparison of Business Performance

5 Strategies for an Organisation


Decision making -  MIS assumes a critical part in the dynamic interaction of any association. In any association, a choice is made based on applicable data which can be recovered from the MIS.

Coordination among the department  MIS  fulfill numerous need of an association across the distinctive useful office.

 Finding out Problems As we realize that MIS gives pertinent data about each part of exercises. Thus, in the event that any mix-up is made by the administration, at that point MIS, data will help in discovering the answer for that issue.

Comparison of Business Performance MIS store all previous information and data in its Database. That why the administration data framework is valuable to think about business association execution.

Strategies for an Organisation - Today every business is running in a serious market. A MIS backings the association to develop suitable systems for the business to consent in a serious climate.


Following steps are involved in the development of an appropriate MIS for a business organisation:

1. Defining and analysing various types of decisions made in the organization:

The MIS designers should thoroughly analyse the existing decisions- making system of the organisation. This requires a study of different levels of decision makers and the priorities of these decision makers. The purpose of this study is to ensure the collection, analysis and dissemination of right information for different decision makers in the organisation.

2. Comparison of costs and benefits of the system:

The MIS of the organisations should be designed in such a manner so that the benefits out-weight the cost of collecting, analysing and presenting information. Depending upon the size of the organisation, alternative means of providing information for managerial decision making should be studied and evaluated in terms of their costs and benefits.

An effective MIS not only evaluates information for presentation but also eliminates unnecessary data. The MIS should summarise and condense information so that it can be easily absorbed and used for decision making.

3. Pre-Testing of the systems and training of operators:

MIS should be pre¬tested before it is put to use. If the system is not pretested then problems are likely to arise and changes in the system at that time may prove to be very expensive. Also proper training should be imparted to the managers to understand the system so that they can make proper use of the system.

4. Proper planning for storage of information:

Proper arrangement should be made for storage of information. Ail information should be stored in disaggregated files. New data should be added to the existing data in a given category as it is received.

Different decision makers with similar information needs should be identified so that they can be grouped together for dissemination of information. This would avoid duplication and waste.

5. Mechanism for gathering and processing data:

Proper methods for information processing must be selected. This requires determination of steps for the purpose of collecting, storing, sorting, evaluating, transmitting and retrieving information. A system of controls should also be developed so as to identify and correct any deficiency that might occur in the system.

6. Proper arrangement for dissemination of information:

Proper arrangement should be made for the dissemination of information at the right time to various decision makers. Information delayed is information denied. Proper formats should be designed for the dissemination of information to various decision makers having regard to their information needs.

7. Review of MIS at periodical intervals:

Functioning of the MIS should be reviewed at periodical intervals. This review helps in identifying deficiencies in the existing MIS and making appropriate changes to overcome such deficiencies


MIS is set up by an association with the excellent target to acquire the board data to be utilized by its chiefs in dynamic. Accordingly, MIS should play out the accompanying capacities to meet its destinations.

1) Data Capturing:

MIS catches information from different inward and outside wellsprings of an association. Information catching might be manual or through work stations. End clients, regularly record information about exchanges on some actual medium, for example, paper shape or enter it straightforwardly into a PC framework.

2) Processing of information:

The caught information is prepared to change over it into the necessary administration data. Preparing of information is finished by such exercises as figuring, looking at, arranging, characterizing and summing up.

3) Storage of data:

MIS stores prepared or natural information for sometime later. On the off chance that any data isn't promptly needed, it is saved as a hierarchical record. In this action, information and data are held in a coordinated way for sometime in the future. Put away information is ordinarily coordinated into fields, records, documents and data sets.


The present organizations run on innovation. Each customer cooperation and interior interaction depends intensely on the PC frameworks that power everything. The executives data frameworks (MIS) is an overall term to envelop the different innovations that exist in associations today, just as the faculty important to oversee everything. Basic issues incorporate inability to plan, addressing authoritative requirements, recruiting and holding great representatives, remaining current and coordinating every one of your innovations.


Absence of Strategy

A large number of the most well-known MIS issues can be followed back to an absence of a strong system. Data frameworks pioneers are very much aware of the numerous apparatuses accessible to accumulate information on their organization. However, putting that data to utilize is regularly a test.


At one time, technology departments filled in as a different activity, giving technical support and keeping an association's worker gear running. Today, MIS administration regularly sits close by other business pioneers, cooperating to guarantee that the innovation being utilized backings the general mission of the organization pushing ahead.

Addressing Organizational Needs

MIS plays an always expanding job in associations, with experts depending on innovation for each part of activities. Deals and promoting depend intensely on client relationship programming to follow customer associations, for example, while bookkeeping needs its own product for charging, invoicing and monetary following.

With the greater part of all organizations currently depending on huge information examination, MIS is assuming a much more significant part. Prior to settling on a choice, the present supervisory groups are probably going to pull provides details regarding existing action to guarantee they use realities as opposed to make taught surmises.

Drawing in and Retaining Top Talent

For in any event the previous years and years, development in innovation has dominated the quantity of individuals entering the field. In the course of the last seven out of 10 years, IT positions have been in the main 10 of occupations with the most recruiting difficulties, as recorded by ManpowerGroup. The experts most sought after incorporate designers and developers, data set chairmen and IT pioneers and chiefs.

Indeed, even as an expanding number of organizations move to cloud programming, the IT lack keeps on influencing organizations. On the off chance that cloud innovation suppliers experience issues discovering experts to help the applications their customers use, the organizations will see issues. Indeed, even with cloud innovation, however, numerous associations discover they actually need to have a MIS expert on staff to guarantee the business meets its objectives.

Staying aware of Change

On the off chance that one thing is for sure in data innovation, it's that nothing will continue as before for long. Starting with one year then onto the next, advancements imply that product should be updated and even supplanted. To stay serious, organizations need to stay aware of this, putting resources into programming that will give them an edge.

As organizations react to those changes, however, they face a test in getting representatives energetic about changing what they do. At one time this was just preparing representatives to go from old paper-based cycles to utilizing PCs in any case. Today, chiefs need to locally available new frameworks while guaranteeing they give workers what they should be profitable.

Coordinating New Technologies

Despite the fact that there are a lot of exhaustive arrangements, organizations will unavoidably find that they have different kinds of programming working on the double. This incorporates general managerial apparatuses like Microsoft Office, just as specific devices for bookkeeping, client relationship the board and undertaking the executives instruments, among numerous others. Guaranteeing every one of these instruments cooperate is fundamental since something else, representatives will discover they need to copy measures.

Confusing issue is the way that representatives presently don't work utilizing only one devoted PC on a work area in an office space. Numerous representatives work in the field, utilizing workstations and tablets. You'll additionally have various cellphones notwithstanding the PC and personal computers your workers use, carrying difficulties to offering help without gambling security.


1. Critical thinking

Being an intelligent and roused issue solver is one of the principle necessities of various IT jobs. PayScale determined that data frameworks administrators today should have the option to determine circumstances sufficiently, regardless of how confounded or troublesome they become. This involves rationale, tender loving care, and basic intuition abilities as much as tech information.

2. The executives Skills

Rise sufficiently high on the association graph in IT and you're not simply overseeing innovation, you'll likewise need to create and coordinate individuals. This is the place where HR abilities come in. IT pioneers need to propel, create, and direct individuals as they work, which falls outside of the extent of specialized information. While thinking about the qualities and shortcomings of contender for advancement, recruiting directors may choose candidates who have demonstrated they can lead, making compassion and consciousness of others' responses significant attributes.

3. Specific Industry Knowledge

Every information has interesting necessities with respect to IT. Data frameworks in medical services, for example, are limited by security and protection interesting to the area. Contingent upon the sort of job you're expecting to take on, you ought to guarantee your mastery coordinates with the abilities most sought after in that industry vertical.

4. Software engineering and Programming

The vital equilibrium of hard mechanical abilities and relational aptitude will rely upon the specific expected set of responsibilities of the vocation you're chasing. All things considered, taking on a data frameworks job implies understanding a wide assortment of tech apparatuses and the cutting edge in IT. Regardless of whether you are not expected to accomplish programming work straightforwardly, your capacity to manage others and make speculations will depend on specialized skill.

5. Security Awareness

The associating string between all organizations, philanthropic associations, and government associations today is the requirement for mechanical security. A cyberattack can have durable ramifications for an association, and pioneers will be approached to guarantee defensive frameworks are up to industry guidelines. Security fitness has the twofold reason for forestalling issues and guaranteeing the organization is in consistence with guidelines for its area.


Interpreting the genuine idea of the MIS into the truth is in fact, an infeasible recommendation except if PCs are utilized. The MIS depends its capacity to store, measure, recover and speak with no genuine limits.


The assortment of the equipment having particular capacities make it conceivable to plan the MIS for a particular circumstance. For instance, if the association needs a huge data set and next to no handling, a PC framework is accessible for such a prerequisite. Assume the association has different business areas at significant distances and if the need is to bring the information at one spot, interaction, and afterward send the data to different areas, it is conceivable to have a PC framework with a conveyed information handling capacity. On the off chance that the distance is too long, at that point the PC framework can be snared through a satellite correspondence framework.

The capacity of the equipment to store information and interaction it at an extremely quick rate assists with managing the information volumes, its stockpiling and access successfully. The capacity of the PC to sort and consolidation assists with getting sorted out the information specifically way and interaction it for complex long calculations. Since the PC is equipped for computerized, realistic word, picture, voice and text handling, it is abused to create data and present it in the structure which is straightforward for the data client.

The product, a necessary piece of a PC framework, further upgrades the equipment ability. The product is accessible to deal with the procedural and nonprocedural information handling. For instance, on the off chance that you need to utilize an equation to compute a specific outcome, a proficient language is accessible to deal with the circumstance. On the off chance that you are not needed to utilize a recipe yet need to resort each an ideal opportunity to another methodology, the nonprocedural dialects are accessible.

The progression in PC and the correspondence innovation has made the distance, speed, volume and complex processing a simple errand. Subsequently, planning the MIS for a particular need and at the same time planning an adaptable and open framework becomes conceivable, in this way saving a great deal of drudgery of improvement and support of the framework. The idea of easy to understand frameworks and the end client figuring is conceivable, making data preparing a customized work. In any case, the use of the administration standards and practices in the present complex business world is conceivable just when the MIS depends on a PC framework uphold.



  1. Information Technology and its Application in Business by Dr. Anant Kumar Srivastava.
  2. Emerging dimensions of Accounting in the Information Age by Neha Publishers.






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