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Unit 3


As per section 14, all income shall, for purposes of Income-tax and computation of total income, be classified under the following heads of income:


  1. Salaries,
  2. Income from House Property,
  3. Profits and Gains of Business or Profession,
  4. Capital Gains,
  5. Income from Other Sources.


Aggregate of incomes computed under the above 5 heads, after applying clubbing provisions and making adjustments of set off and carry forward of losses, is known as Gross Total Income (GTI). [Section 80B(5)]



Income from Salaries


Income from House Property


Profits and Gains of Business or Profession


Capital Gains


Income from Other Sources


Gross Total Income



Deductions under chapter VI A


Basic Rules


  1. Deductions not available from: Deductions under chapter VIA are not available from -
  • Long-term capital gain;
  • Short term capital gain covered u/s 111A (i.e., STCG on which STT is charged); and
  • Casual income like winning from lotteries, races, etc.


2.      Limit of deduction: The aggregate amount of deduction under chapter VIA cannot exceed Gross Total Income of the assessee excluding -

  • Long term capital gain;
  • Short term capital gain covered u/s 111A;
  • Casual income like winning from lotteries, card-games, horse races, etc.; and
  • Income referred in Sec.115A, 115AB, 115AC, 115ACA, etc.


3.      Deduction must be claimed: Deduction under chapter VIA shall be available only if the assessee claims for it.


4.      Double deduction not permissible: Where deduction under any section of chapter VIA has been claimed then the same shall not qualify for deduction in any other section.


Applicable to: An Individual or a Hindu Undivided Family (whether resident or non-resident)

Condition to be satisfied: Assessee has made a deposit or an investment in any one or more of the listed items (as given below) during the previous year.


Various options under 80C:

  1. Investment in Life Insurance Premium (LIC)

Maximum Premium allowed is 20% of Sum Assured

2.      Investment/Contribution in Public Provident Fund (PPF)

3.      Investment in National Savings Certificate (NSC)- VIII or IX issue

4.      Contribution for participating in the Unit-linked Insurance Plan (ULIP) of Unit Trust of India (UTI) or ULIP of LIC Mutual fund u/s 10(23D) formerly known as Dhanraksha 1989.

5.      Sum paid to effect or keep in force a contract for notified annuity plan of the LIC or any other insurer.

6.      Subscription to notified units of a specified Mutual fund u/s 10(23D)/ administrator or the specified company as referred in sec. 2 of UTI (ELSS, 2005).

7.      Any sum paid as subscription to Home Loan Account Scheme or notified pension fund of the National Housing Bank.

8.      Any sum paid as subscription to a notified deposit scheme of Public sector companies or Any authority constituted in India for the purpose of satisfying the need for housing accommodation or for the purpose of planning, development or improvement of cities, towns, villages or for both.

9.      Repayment of Principal amount of Housing Loan.

10.  Investment in Debentures/Equity shares of a Public Financial Institution.

11.  Subscription to units of any mutual fund u/s 10(23D) provided amount of subscription to such units is subscribed only in the eligible issue of capital.

12.  Investment as term deposit for a period of 5 years or more with a scheduled bank.

13.  Notified Bonds issued by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD).

14. Senior Citizens Savings Scheme Rules, 2004

15.  5 year time deposit in an account under the Post Office Time Deposit Rules, 1981


Deductions only for Individuals:

  1. Contribution made towards statutory provident fund (SPF) and recognised provident fund (RPF).
  2. Contribution made towards approved superannuation fund (ASAF).
  3. Contribution to Sukanya Samriddhi Account Scheme.
  4. Contribution to any notified pension fund set up by a Mutual Fund u/s 10(23D) or by the administrator or the specified company referred u/s 2 of the UTI.
  5. Any payment of tuition fees to any university, college, school or other educational institution situated within India for the purpose of full-time education. Restriction on number of child: Deduction shall be allowed in respect of maximum 2 children.


Quantum of Deduction:

Deduction under this section shall be minimum of the following:

Aggregate of the eligible contributions, expenditure or investments (discussed above)

Rs 1,50,000



Contribution to Pension Fund of LIC or any other insurer


Applicable to: An individual (irrespective of residential status or citizenship of the individual)


Condition to be satisfied

1. Amount paid under an annuity plan: During the previous year, assessee has paid or deposited a sum under an annuity plan of the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) or any other insurer for receiving pension from the fund referred to in Sec. 10(23AAB).

2. Payment out of taxable income: The amount must be paid out of income which is chargeable to tax. However, it is not necessary that such income relates to current year.


Quantum of deduction

Minimum of the following -

a) Amount deposited; or

b) Rs 1,50,000


Other Points

a)      Treatment of Interest or Bonus accrued: Interest or bonus accrued or credited as per the scheme to the assessee’s account shall not be eligible for deduction.

b)     Withdrawal from such fund [Sec. 80CCC(2)]: Any amount received by the assessee or his nominee as pension; or on surrender of such annuity is taxable in the hands of recipient in the year of receipt.

Note: Interest or bonus received from such fund shall also be taxable.

c)      Deduction u/s 80C [Sec.80CCC(3)]: Deduction u/s 80C will not be available for the amount paid or deposited and for which deduction has been claimed u/s 80CCC.



Contribution to Pension Fund of Central Government (New Pension System or Atal Pension Yojna)


Applicable to: An individual


Condition to be satisfied

During the previous years, the assessee has paid or deposited any amount in his account under a pension scheme notified by the Central Government (New Pension System and Atal Pension Yojna).


Quantum of Deduction

Deduction u/s 80CCD(1)

A. In case of salaried individual

Lower of the following         Rs

Amount so paid or deposited        ***

10% of his salary in the previous year       ***


Add: The whole of the contribution made by the employer to such

Account to the maximum of 10% of his salary1 in the previous year.  ***

Amount of Deduction         ***


B. In case of other individual

Lower of the following

Amount so paid or deposited

20% of his gross total income in the previous year


Additional Deduction u/s 80CCD(1B)

Lower of the following shall also be eligible for deduction    Rs

Contribution to the scheme by any individual [Other than amount

Claimed and allowed as deduction u/s 80CCD(1)]     ***

Rs 50,000


*Salary means Basic + DA


The aggregate amount of deductions under section 80C, section 80CCC and section 80CCD [other than deduction in respect of employer’s contribution and additional deduction u/s 80CCD(1B)] shall not exceed Rs 1,50,000.



Medical Insurance Premium


Applicable to: An individual or an HUF (irrespective of residential status or citizenship)


Conditions to be satisfied

  1. Payment for health insurance or medical check-up: The assessee has made payment for health insurance of the following person:
  1. Individual/HUF

Nature of Payment

Expenditure for

Quantum of Deduction

Medical Insurance Premium or

Contribution to Central Govt Health Scheme or

Preventive Health Check up

For Individual: Himself/ Herself or Spouse or dependent children


For HUF: Any member

Lower of :

Amount actually spent, or

Rs. 25,000 pa


(Where the person, for whom such premium (not for payment made for preventive health check up) is paid, is a senior citizen,

Then maximum limit of deduction shall be

Increased to Rs 50,000 instead of Rs 25,000)




2.    Individual/HUF

Nature of Payment

Expenditure for

Quantum of Deduction

Medical Insurance Premium or

Preventive Health Check up

Parents (whether

Dependent or not)

Lower of :

Amount actually spent, or

Rs. 25,000 pa


(Where the person, for whom such premium (not for payment made for preventive health check up) is paid, is a senior citizen,

Then maximum limit of deduction shall be

Increased to Rs 50,000 instead of Rs 25,000)

Note: The deduction for payment made for preventive health check up (for self, spouse, dependent children and parents) for category 1 & 2 does not exceed in the aggregate Rs 5,000 subject to overall limit of Rs 25,000/- or Rs 50,000/-

3.    Individual/HUF

Nature of Payment

Expenditure for

Quantum of Deduction

Amount paid on account of medical expenditure provided mediclaim insurance is not paid on the health of such person

Expenditure incurred for any of the following person who is a senior citizen:

In case of Individual

a. Himself/herself, spouse; or

b. Dependent children; or

c. Either or both of the parents

In case of HUF

Any member of

The family

Lower of :

Medical Expenditure incurred, or

Rs. 50,000 pa


2.      Mode of payment: The premium or medical expenditure must be paid by any mode other than cash. However, payment shall be made by any mode, including cash, in respect of any sum paid on account of preventive health check-up.



Interest on Educational Loan


Applicable to: An Individual (irrespective of residential status and citizenship of the individual).


Conditions to be satisfied

1. Loan from specified institution: The assessee had taken a loan from -

  • a financial institution; or
  • An approved charitable institution


2. Purpose of loan: The loan must have been taken for the purpose of pursuing higher education of himself/herself or for any other following persons:


a. Spouse

b. Children (dependent or not); or

c. The student for whom the individual is the legal guardian


“Higher education” means any course of study pursued after passing the Senior Secondary Examination or its equivalent from any school, board or university recognised by the Central Government or State Government or local authority or by any other authority authorised by the Central Government or State Government or local authority to do so


3. Payment of interest: The assessee pays interest on such loan.


Quantum of deduction: Amount paid during the year by way of payment of interest.


Maximum permissible period for which deduction is available

Deduction under this section shall be allowed for the initial assessment year and 7 assessment years immediately succeeding the initial assessment year* or until interest is paid by the assessee in full, whichever is earlier.


*Initial Assessment Year means the assessment year relevant to the previous year, in which the assessee starts repaying the loan or interest thereon.



The deduction is available for a maximum period of 8 consecutive years.

The period starts from the year in which the assessee starts paying the interest on such loan.


Deduction in respect of Handicapped/Disabled Person

Applicable to: A resident individual (irrespective of citizenship) or a resident HUF

Section 80DD

Maintenance of Dependent Disabled Relative

Section 80U

Deduction for Disabled Assessee

  1. Who is Handicapped/Disabled

Dependent Relative of Assessee

Assessee himself

Relative means:

Individual- Spouse, children, parents, brothers and sisters of the individual

HUF – Any member of HUF


2.      Condition

1. Assessee incurred medical expenses and other expenses for maintenance of Disabled relative.

2. Medical Certificate is furnished with return of income


3.      Quantum of Deduction- Same for 80DD & 80U

Disability from 40% to 79% - Rs 75,000

Disability of 80% and above(Severe Disability) - Rs 1,25,000


Note: Deduction under section 80DD is irrespective of the amount spent on maintenance of disable dependent relative.


Applicable to: An individual (other than senior citizen covered u/s 80TTB) or a Hindu Undivided Family.


Conditions to be satisfied

Gross total income of an assessee includes any income by way of interest on deposits (not being time deposits) in a savings account with:

-          a banking company;

-          a co-operative society engaged in carrying on the business of banking (including a co-operative land mortgage bank or a co-operative land development bank); or

-          a Post Office


Quantum of deduction

Minimum of the following

a. Interest on such deposits in saving account

b. Rs 10,000


Note: As per Notification No. 32/2011 dated 03-06-2011, interest on Post Office Saving Bank is exempt u/s 10(15(i) to the extent of the interest of Rs 3,500 (in case of single account) and Rs 7,000 (in case of joint account)


Applicable to: Senior Citizen


Conditions to be satisfied

Gross total income of an assessee includes any income by way of interest on deposits (not being time deposits) in a savings account with:

-          a banking company;

-          a co-operative society engaged in carrying on the business of banking (including a co-operative land mortgage bank or a co-operative land development bank); or

-          a Post Office


Quantum of deduction

Minimum of the following

a. Interest on such deposits in saving account

b. Rs 50,000


Note: Where such income is derived from any deposit held by, or on behalf of, a firm, an association of persons or a body of individuals, no deduction shall be allowed.

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