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UNIT 2    



2.1 Introduction: Types of reference electrode

Types of reference electrode

        Reference electrode is defined as the electrode which has stable and reproducible potential and completes the cell acting as half-cell.


Purpose of reference electrode  is to complete the cell and provide stable potential against which indicator electrode is compared and measured . the reference electrode is designed to produce the same potential no matter in which solution it is placed.


Following electrodes are commonly used as reference electrodes:-

  1. Calomel electrode
  2. Standard hydrogen electrode
  3. Silver- silver chloride electrode
  4. Glass electrode
  5. Quinty drone electrode


Calomel electrode :-

                 This is most widely used reference electrode.

Construction :-

  • Calomel electrode consists of a narrow glass tube at the bottom of which is liquid mercury , above it is a paste of Hg – Hg2 and remaining portion of glass tube is filled with 1N or 0.1N solution or saturated solution of Kcl.


  • A platinum wire dipping into the mercury layer is used to make electrical contact.


  • A dipping type of calomel electrode has tapering lower and the bottom is porous .


  • In some calomel electrodes there is side tube filled with gel for acting as salt bridge and making electrical contact.


Calomel electrode is represented by :-

Hg            (s)             sat.


Reaction :-

        If calomel electrode acts as athode reaction is

(s)  +                  2Hg  + 

And if it acts as an anode then the reverse reaction.


Potential :-

      The reduction electrode potential is given by

Ecal = E° - 0.0591 log [ 

( if calomel electrode is connected to standard hydrogen , electrode , potential being zero , the emf of such cell is equal to potential of calomel electrode)


Potential of the calomel depends on  


Kel conc.


        1 N



    0.3334 Volts

  0.281 volt

   0.2422 V


Demerits of calomel :-

  1. It should not be used above 50°c
  2. It involves poisons Hg and Hg2Cl2



Glass electrode :-

Principle :-

      When two solutions of different [h+] are separated by a thin glass membrane a potential difference is developed the two surfaces of membrane . the potential difference in [H+] of the two solutions.


Ion exchanger

i.e. exchange of Na+ of glass with H+ of solution.


Construction :-

  • A glass electrode is a long glass tube with thin walled glass membrane bulb at the bottom.
  • wire or A gel coated Ag wire is dipped in the 0.1 M Hcl solution in the Bulb . the glass electrode is representing as,

Pt  0.1 M Hcl 1glass

Potential = +0.0591 ph

Therefore ,

E.g. is the potential of glass electrode in a solution of known ph.


Glass electrode :-



Ion selective Electrodes


         A membrane of a half cell is sensitive to particular ion in solution and ion exchange take place between the membrane electrode and the solution containing specific ions and develops a potential which depends upon the concentration of that ion.


The potential developed at the ion sensitive sensor is a measure of concentration of the ions of interest.  E.g. . H+ sensor ( glass electrode) Ca++ sensor ( calcium ion selective electrode ) etc.


Determination PH of solution :-

  1. A glass electrode is coupled with calomel electrode to determine the ph. of solution .


2.     The electrode is dipped into the solution of unknown Ph.


3.     The cell is represented as




Glass electrode


EmF of the cell is measured (Ecell)

E cell = E cal  - E g = 0.2422 - E°g + 0.0591pt)


     PH =

E°g is the potential of electrode when glass electrode is in contact of solution of known PH.


Advantages :-

  • Glass electrode is advantages as it is simple to use


  • Gives accurate and quick result and the electrode is not getting poisoned.


  • Equilibrium is easily obtained .


  • It is stable electrode to use oxidizing and reducing agents.


  • It is portable and compact


  • Chemical sensors depend on ions


  • It also measures cone of ions


  • It is used in potentiometric titration.


Hence the ion selective membranes can also be called ass chemical sensors.

These electrodes not only detect but also measure the concentration of that ion in a solution.


Types of ion selective electrodes:-


  1. Glass membrane electrodes :-


  • These electrodes are formed by doping .often sio2 with various chemicals.
  • The  most common such electrode is the H+ sensitive electrode or PH electrode.
  • The H+ from solution get exchanged with LI+ from solution get exchanged with Li+ in the glass.


Thus, different glass composition can be made to measure Na+ , Ag+, K+, NH4




  • On immersing glass electrode in a solution , a hydrated gel layer formed cause swelling of the membrane . the ion exchange processes take place in the gel layer of the glass membrane , generates a phase boundary potential given by ,


E gl. = E° gl. + 0.0591 log 10 [ m+n ]

E°gl = standard electrode potential

[ M+n] = concentration of the ion of interest in solution.


Solid state electrodes :-

            In the non-glass solid state sensors ionic conducting membrane are used . e.g.

  1. Homogenous electrode of finely divided crystalline material like LaF3 for determination of F- in water
  2. Heterogeneous electrode consisting solid crystalline material incorporated with polymer like PvC or Silicone.





Gas sensing electrodes :-

  1. These electrodes are useful to analyze gases such as NH3 , NO2 , SO2 , CO2.
  2. A nitrate ion responsive electrode is for NO2 while a sulfide ion selective electrode is for H2s




3.     The microporous membrane is hydrophobic made from polypropylene or any other fluorocarbon which allows only dissolved gases to pass through

4.     The electrodes Ag / Agel and glass PH – electrode is dipped in the inner solution.

5.     Area of membrane being small and volume of liquid being less it reaches equilibrium with test solution rapidly.


Liquid membrane electrode :-

  1. Liquid ion exchange membranes have functional groups to form co – ordination.
  2. The inner solution containing known concentration of the ion is placed in a glass tube fitted with Ag / Agcl electrodes selective to it
  3. The outer aqueous solution by liquid is separated from the inner solution by liquid ion exchange membrane.
  4. The membrane seals the bottom of the electrode vessel.
  5. The outer compartment contains the organic liquid ion exchanger.
  6. The membrane is replaceable.
  7. The boundary potentials across the two-solution membrane interface is functionally dependent on the ion activity and is fixed at a constant temperature.




Enzyme electrodes :-

                    These are similar to glass electrode . they are actually carbonate ion selective glass electrodes which sense Co2 . immobilized enzyme like L arginine or L- sine carboxylase is used in these electrodes. They are selective for amino acids that generate CO2.

Ph is defined as the negative  logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration and mathematically expressed as,

                     PH = - log  [ H+]  in moles per liter

The PH concept is very convenient for expressing hydrogen ion concentration . it was introduced by Sorensen in 1909


Buffer solution :-

           Buffer solution is the solution which resists change in PH ( even ) i.e. with addition of a small amount of an acid or base to a buffer solution.

There are two common types of buffer solution.


A] A weak acid along with a salt of weak acid with strong  . this is acidic buffer

E.g. :- COOH + COONa


B] weak base and its salt with a strong acid. This is basic buffer

E.g. :- NH4OH + NH4cl


Preparation of buffer solution :-

There are two principal method for preparing buffers

  1. Both the components of the conjugate acid base pair are weighed out separately to obtain the desired ratio and then dissolved in water


2.     Both components are obtained from a prescribed amount of only one component with second component being produced by a specified amount of strong acid or strong base to yield the desired ratio.

From the Henderson equation , buffer solution can be prepared ,

P°H of acidic buffer =   PKa + log

p°H of basic buffer =  PKb + log


properties of buffer solution :-

  1. A buffer solution has a definite PH.
  2. A buffer does not change its PH even on addition of a small amount of an acidic or a base.
  3. A buffer does not change its PH even on diluting with water.
  4. A buffer does not change its PH even on keeping for a long time.
  5. The acidic buffer has few H+ ions.
  6. The basic buffer has few OH- ions.


 PH metric Titration


Mixture of acids vs strong base:-

                                Let us consider titration of strong acid ( HCl ) and weak acid    ( CH3COOH ) mixture against strong base ( NaOH ) .

By titration against standard alkali using PH meter . PH metric titration does not require indicators.


Theory :-

       Strong acid Hcl is completely ionized in water and weak acid is feebly in disassociated from during the titration H+ from HCl get first neutralized and PH increases slowly.

+ + + + + H2O

      Near the end point there is sudden increase in PH at PH about 3.7

After Hcl completely neutralized , neutralization of CH3COOH begins , there is formation salt.  Up to stage of complete neutralization of CH3COOH the titration flask contains CH3COOH + CH3COONa .  i.e  weak acid and its salt. This mixture acts as buffer solution .

The PH of titration mixture also remains constant even through NaOH added from burette

CH3COOH + +                                          CH3COOH + + H2O


At the end point i.e complete neutralization of CH3COOH , PH increase suddenly , at PH about 8.3 , after this end point , PH increase increased of alkali addition from burette but slowly.


Procedure :-


Part :- 1 calibration ( standardization) of PH meter:-

A digital PH meter is calibrated as below

  • Make the connections of electrode to PH meter and PH meter to electricity.
  • Clean the electrode immersed in distilled water to overnight.
  • Immerse the electrode in the solution of known PH ( PH = 4,7,9,2)
  • Adjust temperature knob on instrument on 20°c and mode on PH.
  • Adjust the PH reading on display with standardize knob equal to PH of solution.

Do not disturb the standardize knob throughout experiment.




Part 2:-  Titration of  mixture of acids :-


  • Wash the electrode with distilled water.
  • Pipette out 25 ml of mixture acid solution in a 100 ml beaker and keep it on magnetic stirrer.
  • Fill the burette with standard  ( 0.1N ) NaOH solution.
  • Immerse the electrode in the solution beaker.
  • Note the PH at initial . add 1ml burette solution stir using magnetic stirrer read the PH . similarly note the PH of titration . mixture after each ml of burette solution added.
  • Note the 4 to 5 readings after second sudden increase in PH observed.


Calculations :-

      Plot a graph of PH of titration mixture ml of NaOH added and note the first and second equivalent point.



                               TITRATION CURVE





PH is the change in PH due to addition of V ml NaOHat every ml NaOH added.

First equivalence point V1 ml corresponds to neutralization  of Hcl . second equivalence point V2 ml ( from zero ) corresponds to total neutral ofbhclvs CH3COOH .

Therefore ,

Hcl quantity

Hcl  in 25 ml acid mixture  =  V1 ml NaOH

Hcl in 100 ml acid mixture = V1 ml NaOH

                                                                  = 40 V1 ml NaOH

( Let normality of NaOH be Z) then

                    1 ml  1 N  NaOH   =   36.5 mg Hcl

                     40 V1  ml ‘ z ’ N NaOH   =  40 * V1  *  Z * 36.5 Mg Hcl Per liter


         CH3COOH in 1000 ml acid mixture

                                                                     =  (v2 – v1 ) ml NaOH

                                                                        = 40 ( v2 – v1 ) ml NaOH

As 1ml  1N NaOH = 60Mg acetic acid




  • Conductor :- it is property of component
  • Conductivity :- it is property of material


Terms involved

  1. Electrolytic conductance :-

               The conductance is the property of the conductor ( metallic as well as electrolytic) which allow facilitates the flow of electricity through it is equal to their reciprocal of resistance


                 conductance = =

the conductance is expressed in the unit reciprocal ohm or siemens.


Specific conductance :-

                     Conductivity of the solution by all the ions produced from one gm equivalent is known as equivalent conductance.


A = Kv ( v is ml of solution containing one gm equivalent of electrolyte )


If  ‘C ’ is the concentration of solution as gm per liter ( normality ) the volume v of solution in ml containing 1 gm – equivalent will be 1000/c


                A = kv =

V= 1000/c

Unit of a is ohm- cm per equivalent


Molar conductance ( u ) :-

                      Conductance of solution by solution containing one gm- mole of electrolyte is known as molar conductance and it is denoted by u

U = Kv =

M= concentration of solution in moles / liter unit of U is ohm - cm² per mole


Cell constant :-

K= .

If two electrodes ‘l’ cm apart and having area areas designed in conductivity cell and it is known as cell standard its unit is per cm or per meter.

K = * cell constant

 = conductance * cell constant


Resistance of 0.1 N Kcl solution in a conductivity cell was 702 ohms and was 0.148 . calculate cell concentration.


K = . . * Cell constant


         Cell constant = k*R

                               = 0.00148 * 702

                              = 0.989 cm –

                               = 1.03 cm-


Definition ( ˄0 ):-

            The maximum equivalent conductance at infinite dilution is known as equivalent conductance at infinite dilution and it is denoted by ˄0


Measurement of conductance :-

                       Measurement of electrolyte conductance of solution for determining resistance of solution because conductance is the reciprocal of the resistance , generally Wheatstone  bridge method is used to measure resistance of a solution



  • Conductance measurements are employed to find end point of acidic base titration and precipitation titrations.
  • No need of indicators
  • Principle it is electrical conductance depends upon number and mobility of ions in the solution.


Strong Acid versus strong base titration :-

e.g. :-

strong acid = hcl taken in conductivity cell

strong base = NaOH taken in burette

when base is added H+ ions in solution are replaced by Na+


+ + + + + H2O

H+ ion of higher mobility will be replaced by slower moving Na+ . so, conductivity goes on decreasing until end point. After end point there will be increase in conductance due to net addition of Na+ + OH- in the mixture end point corresponds to the minimum conductance .

4.jpg       X-AXIS-mL OF BASE

                                                                                                      Y-AXIS-Sp. CONDUCTANCE

From end point equivalence point from group normality of NaOH , the amount of Hcl can be calculated.

Curve AB represents variation of conductance of mixture of progressively decreasing Hcl and increasing NaCl . portion BC indicates the conductance of NaCl formed on  neutralization of Hcl , along with excess base added . At B there are neither aH+ nor OH-  in excess and it is the equivalence point of titration.


Weak Acid versus strong base :-

e.g.       weak acid – CH3COOH ( acetic acid )

         strong  acid – NaOH


starting conductance of acetic acid is low and it further decreases due to depression in its dissociation by the common ion formed during early stage of neutralization.


+ + + + + H2O


After that the conductance increases slowly due to salt formed up to eq. point after that conductance increase faster


                                                         X-AXIS-mL OF BASE

                                                         Y-AXIS-Sp. CONDUCTANCE

                                                         K IS Eq. POINT

Due to excesses of Na+ and OH- ions added.


1ml 1N NaOH = 60Mg of acetic acid from end point or eq. point volume , normality of NaOH we can calculate amount of acetic acid in solution.


Weak base against strong acid :-

e.g. :- 

        strong acid – Hcl ( from burette )

        weak base – NH4OH ( conductivity cell )


initially there is low conductance by weak electrolyte but during titration there is formation of strong electrolyte  NH4Cl there for conductance gores on increasing up to equivalence point. After eq.point the conductance increase very rapidly because of fast conducting H+ cl- added remains unreacted in the titration mixture.


Thus, the slopes of lines before and after equivalence being difference






From equivalence point noted from a graph normally of hcl . we can calculate amount of base titrated.


Precipitation titration :-

       Precipitation  titration can be carried out by conductivity measurements.


e.g. – Kcl versus  AgNO3 is added from burette and conductance of Kcl solution observed at various points .


+ + + + + Agcl


The conductance of Kcl decrease slowly up to equivalence point because greater mobility of cl – are  replaced by lower mobility NO3 – ions. Because conductance difference in them is not large therefore conductance decreases slowly up to equivalence point. After that conductance increases rapidly due to addition of Ag + and NO3 – ions from burette.










1. Engineering Chemistry by O.G. Palanna, Tata Magraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.

2. Textbook of Engineering Chemistry by Dr. S. S. Dara, Dr. S. S. Umare, S. Chand & Company Ltd.

3. Textbook of Engineering Chemistry by Dr. Sunita Rattan, S. K. Kataria& Sons Publisher






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