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As we know that the United States has adopted a system of chauvinism. Under this system, only one person or institution is the head of the executive of the nation. Under the American system, the US President is the de facto head of government and his cabinet is his own personal cabinet. Under this system of governance there is no executive formation on the Parliament.

The US President emerges as the de facto head within his territory. Thus we can say that because the President of America adopts a supreme political system, it is both the Head of State and Government of America.

However, it was not against the will of the makers of the American Constitution to make the President a spiritual power. But according to the rules and circumstances, there has been a continuous increase in the powers of the American President and in the present times, in the words of the Americans, "America has become the greatest President in the world."

Qualifications: - Sub-section (1) of Article (2) of US Constitution prescribes the following qualifications for the President of America.

(1) He is a born citizen of the United States.

(2) He should not be less than 35 years of age.

3) He must have been a resident of America for at least 14 years of his life.

4) Do not be insane or insolvent.

Election: - The American President is elected by an electoral college. Its members are directly elected by the public. The US Electoral College consists of 537 members, who are selected by voters on the basis of the list system.

In fact, the following is the methodology followed in the election of the US President.

Candidate nomination: - The election of an American President begins with the election of Presidential candidates by various political parties (Republic and Democratic). For this, various political parties organize national conferences and at the same conference, candidates are announced.

Election campaign: - After the announcement of presidential benefits, political parties start campaigning nationwide in support of their 2 candidates. The election campaign heads together with television, radio, newspapers and various types of literature. US Presidential election campaign is considered to be the most expensive election campaign in the world.

Constituency of the electorate: - The American President is elected by the Electoral College. According to the Constitution, no member of the Congress or a person for the United States can easily be a member of the Electoral College. The constitution also states that the work of this Electoral College will be nothing more than the selection of the President and Vice President. The election of the members of the Electoral College is based on the list system, ie votes are not cast for any candidate but in favour of the party list. Elections of the members of the Electoral College are not individual but collective, that is, who gets the majority of the voters of a state, and the candidates of the same party are elected as members of the presidential electorate.


If the presidential candidates get equal votes, i.e., any candidate fails to get the votes of 270 or more members of the electoral college, then the House of Representatives elects the President from the 3 presidential candidates who are the most Votes received. Each state delegation has one vote and it is up to individual states how to vote. The members of each state decide with a majority that the vote of their state should be counted in favour of which candidate. If there is a lack of votes in the post of one of the candidates of the representatives of a state, then their vote is deemed cancelled. Till now only two Presidents have been elected by the House of Representatives. Jefferson in 1880 AD and Ehmus in 1824 AD.


5) Accession of the President: - The Elected President assumes office on January 20.

Office of the President: - According to the US Constitution Article 2, the President of the United States has a 4-year term. He can become president again. No person can be elected to this post more than two times.

President's dismissal: - According to Article 2 of the Apagayo Constitution Article (9), President Kau can be removed by impeachment on the basis of treason, profanity or any other serious offense or misconduct. This process of impeachment is very complicated. This is the reason that till date no President of America has been sacked by impeachment. According to the constitution, the motion for impeachment can be proposed only in the House of Representatives on the above grounds. If the House of Representatives passes a motion of impeachment, then it is believed that impeachment against the President is negotiable. At present, the position of US President Donald Trump remains.

The list of allegations made by the House of Representatives is sent to the President. The Senate sits on the appointed date as a court to investigate these allegations and is currently headed by the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court. The President has the right to present himself through his representative and clarify his position regarding the allegations levelled against him. Even after the Senate has passed the motion against the President with its 2/3 majority after thorough scrutiny, the President is deemed free from his post.

Succession to the post of President: -

In the Constitution of America it is determined that if the post of President becomes vacant due to death, resignation, impeachment or other reasons, then the Vice-President will get all his powers and duties as succession. If both the post of President or Vice-President becomes vacant, then the US Parliament (Congress) will decide who will hold the post of President. This has been done 16 times so far.


Powers of the President: -

  1. Executive power: According to the US Constitution, the President is the head of the executive and the responsibility of the director of administration also rests in his hands. It is the duty of the President to ensure the implementation of laws by the Congress, if necessary, it is ordered to issue administrative orders. The President has the right to appoint and hold necessary control over the principal high officials of the United States. His cabinet is like his personal cabinet. He is the supreme commander of the United States. He also exercises this power over time. The American President has the right to appoint high federal officials, army chiefs, Ambassador, judges etc.


2.     Legislature: - The President of America also has some legislative powers. The act passed by Congress can take the form of law only after the President's signature. The President is also more inclined to accept or accept the bill passed by the Congress but the President again has to give his assent to the bill passed by the Congress by 2/3 majority. In addition, the President also has the right to send messages from the Congress. Law of Congress - These messages of the President have a great influence in the construction.


3.     Judicial Powers: - The President of America also has some judicial powers. In addition to impeachment, punish the offender punished by any court can be reduced or waived or can be turned into other punishment.


4.     Foreign or other powers: - The US President, who is the head of the executive, is the main determinant of his country's foreignness. The President appoints US ambassadors and diplomatic representatives in other countries and he also appoints his special agents if necessary. The President of America has the broad right to do other things with other nations, like the Shanghai. If necessary, the consent of the Senate is also necessary for the implementation of these treaties. The interests of American citizens abroad are also protected by the US President.


Conclusion: - It is clear from the analysis of the proper powers and functions of the President of America that the US President is the head of both the nation and the government and even after accepting the principal of separation of power, the President of America is not just the head of the executive. He also enjoys law and judicial powers.

In this way, think the US President is seen in front of us as the most powerful government in the world.

The federal system is a major feature of the American constitution and the first universal or federal system has been adopted within the United States.

The words "federal" or "union" have not been used anywhere in the American Constitution, but elements of the federal system of governance are clearly visible in the US Constitution.


1. Division of Powers - This is a major feature of federal governance and the division of powers between the Central Government and the units of the units is clearly seen by the US Constitution. Arrangements have been made. The given powers have been given to the states.


2. Apex and written constitution - This is a major feature of the American federal government system. The supremacy of the constitution is maintained under the United States and its constitution is written. It is the smallest written constitution in the world. While, the federal constitutional constitution of India is the largest written constitution in the world. The central and state governments cannot do anything against the constitution.


3. Double use of dominant power - Although sovereignty cannot be divided and sovereignty is inseparable in union and state as well, but the expression of sovereignty in Union Territory must be in both the central government and state governments. Under the US Constitution, only the dual use of major power has been arranged. Both the Central Government and the State Governments are recognized in the Constitution and they are free to work under their respective fields. It has been elaborate and widespread and adopted in the American system.

4) Separation of powers - This is also a major feature of the US Constitution. As we know that there are three parts of government "Executive, Administrator and Judiciary". The three parts of hospitality are seen separately in American rule, and are free to do different things. But when there is a lack of necessity, Baimba - Thandasabam kayi can do this to protect the government and the constitution and establish a balance between the constitution and the government. This is a distinguishing feature of the US Constitution.


5. Dual citizenship - This is also an important feature of federal governance. This means that every person will be a citizen of the central government and the state government to which he will be a resident.

The principle of dual citizenship is adopted in the US Constitution. Here each citizen has been given two types of citizenship. The first is citizenship of the United States and the second is citizenship of the state. Therefore, a citizen living in the state of New York is a citizen of the state of New York as well as a citizen of the United States.


6) Vigilance of the judiciary - A Supreme Court is established under a state with all federal governance, that being independent and impartial is the supreme custodian of the constitution. It is here that the broad right to interpret the constitution is available.

Maintaining the supremacy of the Supreme Court under the Constitution of America maintains the independence of the citizens as well as the supremacy of the Constitution. This principle was formulated in 1803 AD under "Marbury v. Madison", the Supreme Court has a clear view of the system of the supreme protector of the constitution and we also get a broad discussion of the supremacy of the judiciary,


7) Equal representation to the Second House is also a major feature of the US federal system. Under this, the principle of equal representation has been adopted for the Second House, ie the Senate representing the States and all 50 states are empowered to send two representatives under this House.


8) Territorial integrity of states - This is also a major feature of the United States federal system of governance. Under this arrangement, the Union does not have the right to change the area of ​​the units. Sub-section 3 of Article 4 of the Constitution makes it clear that the US Parliament can grant admission to new states in the Union, but no new state will be established under the jurisdiction of another state and not more states or their parts Together, a new state can be created without the consent of the legislature and parliament of those states.

This implies that it can only be possible with consent.

In addition, the units of the American Union have wide authority over the work of amending the Constitution.

Conclusion. - As a conclusion, it is clear that a comprehensive and clear explanation of the federal system can be seen under the American system. Not only has a “Union-State” been established under this system, but a "Model Union". The establishment is clearly visible. But it is also clear that gradually the influence of the centre is also increasing.


3. Fundamental Rights


4. Federal Government - President, Congress and Supreme Court


We know America's legislature or parliament as "Congress". Its parts are-

(1) House of Representatives and

(2) Senate.


US House of Representatives


Both of the US Congress are directly elected by the spontaneous public, but the popular House of Congress is the Pratidhi Sabha. The reason for this is that the House of Representatives is formed on the basis of population. Apart from this, with the term of the House of Representatives being 2 years, its members have more and immediate response to public opinion. They also behave accordingly. Due to the system of representation on the basis of population, large states have more representation and smaller states have less representation. 43 delegates are elected to the House of Representatives from the state of New York, one each from the states of Alaska, Hello wear, Nawada and Wyoming. Its member number is 435. Members of representation are elected on adult suffrage like the Indian Lok Sabha through a one-member constituency system. Every woman of 18 years of age has a franchise. To become a voter, it is necessary that the person has lived in that state for some time. This period is from 6 months to 2 years in different states. Crazy and treason has been denied the franchise. Since 1964 –65 Negroes have also got the franchise.



1) He should not be more than 25 years of age.

2) He must have been in America for at least 7 years.

3) He should not have been a military officer in America.

4) He should be a resident of the state from where he is contesting for the member of the House of Representatives.

Earlier women were not empowered to become members of the House of Representatives. Through the 19th amendment of the Constitution made in 1920, women were also given the franchise. Passing the Civil Suffrage Act in 1964 –65, the expression was also granted franchise. Thus the policy of apartheid in relation to the franchise was abolished. Different arrangements have been adopted under different states regarding the age of the voter.

Tenure: - The tenure of the House of Representatives is 2 years and this fixed period can neither be reduced nor extended. The delegation cannot be disbanded before its term.

Salaries and Allowances: - The salaries, allowances, privileges and immunities of the members of the House of Representatives are all the same as the members of the Senate.

Quorum: In relation to quorum, the same arrangement has been made similar to the Senate that sitting of the House of Representatives will be considered valid only when majority of the total number of members is present.


In relation to the formation of the Gerrymandering House of Representatives, it is called Prabha. Accordingly, the members of the House of Representatives are elected in one-member constituencies.

The constituencies are decided in such a way that the number of supporters of the opposing party is limited to a few constituencies and its supporters should be spread in more and more areas in such a way that by taking a small majority, a large number of their May the candidate win. In 1814 AD Elbridge was the Governor of Jerry Massachusetts and was the first to use this practice and hence the name of this practice was Jerry Mandarin.


Speaker: - The speaker is an important part of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, because he is honoured second after the President. If vacancies arise in the post of President, then his number comes after the Vice President. It receives the same salary and allowances as the US President.


Election of Speaker: - It is written in the first article of the US Constitution that the House of Representatives will elect its speaker. The Speaker is elected at the beginning of each Congress. Though the Speaker is formally elected by the entire House, he is in fact the leader of the majority party. The opposing party also pits its leader against it, but in the absence of majority, defeat takes place. It is clear from this that the election of the President there is not uncontested. This convention of England is not used in this subject, where the election is uncontested. There should also be knowledge in this subject that the speaker of England can remain in his post for a lifetime. Whereas, the Speaker's tenure in the US is certain. In England, the speaker is not the leader of his party, while in America; the speaker remains the leader of his party in the house and favours his party.


Speaker Functions: -

1) He presides over the meetings of the House of Representatives. After assuming his office, announces the commencement of the day-to-day program

2) The Speaker is responsible for maintaining peace, order and discipline in the House.

3) He determines the order and time of speaking of the members.

4) He explains the rules of the House and gets them implemented.

5) He votes on the questions and declares the decision thereon.

6) The Speaker can participate in the deliberations of the House. Ordinarily: He does not have the right to vote, but votes in the event of the vote being equal. His vote is decisive. When the ballot is cast by secret ballot, he gets an income in the vote.

7) He signs all proposals, articles, warrants and bills.

8) In case of differences between the two Houses, he sends the bills to the Conference Committee and other special committees. The powers and functions of the delegation are enshrined in all the legislative power congresses of America according to the constitution which are used by the delegation and the Senate as a society. Its rights and functions are as follows.

1. Individuals: - With respect to the formulation of law, both houses of the American Congress (Parliament) have been given equal powers. Until a bill is passed by both the houses, the bill cannot become a law. Financial bills can be proposed only in the House of Representatives and not in the Senate. But the Senate has ample right to amend them. It seems that the Constitutional framers wanted to give the delegation an all-encompassing place in the field of law-making, but later in the field of law-making, the Senate sometimes gets equal or more power in practice.


2. Power to amend the Constitution - Both the Houses of the American Congress have the right to amend the Constitution by passing a resolution with their two-thirds majority.


3. Executive powers: - The delegation has two powers in the field of executive. The House of Representatives may declare war with the Senate. In addition, it can examine the governance of the federal government and the governance of the federal judiciary through its standing and special committees.


4) Power to elect the President: -

The President is elected by the Electoral College. But if no candidate gets an absolute majority of the Electoral College, then the House of Representatives

One of the first three candidates is elected by the President.


5.     Judicial powers: - Under judicial powers, the delegation proposes impeachment against the President, Vice-President and other federal officials, which after being accepted by the Senate by due process, the concerned officer is removed.


6.     Other powers: - The House of Representatives also has some other powers. He can take disciplinary action against his members and punish any person. The behaviour of which is hampering the proceedings of the House. If the House of Representatives receives a resolution against such a member by 2/3 majority, the membership of that member shall cease.


Conclusion: - In conclusion, we can say that the House of Representatives is the weakest first house in the world. One of the main reasons for this is his short term. Apart from this, one of the main reasons for the lack of its powers is that the US adopted the regnal system. The House of Representatives does not have as much respect as the Senate enjoys in America. The House of Representatives is a popular house, however its members represent local interests, not national interests. In addition, there is a broad ban on the House of Representatives. He cannot hold the Bills for long, in addition to all these; he has much less authority than the popular House of the Lok Sabha and the popular House of Parliament. For all these reasons, it has been considered as the weakest first house of the world.


Senate: -


There are two Houses of American Administrator: - Representation and Senate. The Senate constituted on the principle of equal representation of states is the second or higher standard of the US Congress (Parliament).


Organization: - The Senate is called the Saddar of the States. Each state, whether small or large, has the right to send its two representatives to the Senate.

Since the number of US states is 50, the total membership of the Senate is 100. These members of the Senate are called senators. According to Article 5 of the US Constitution, no state can be denied equality of franchise in the Senate without its consent.


Elections: - In the receipts, the members of the Senate were elected by the members of the Legislature of the States but after the 17th Constitutional Amendment in 1943, the members of the Senate were directly elected by the people of the States.


Tenure: - The US Senate is a permanent House like the Second House of the Administrator of other countries such as India, Switzerland etc. Its members are elected for 6 years and every two years a third of the members retire and a fresh election is made to fill that position.


Quorum: - Attendance of majority of total members is required for Senate meetings, Salaries, Allowances and Immunities: - Both the Houses of Congress have the same salary, allowances and immunities. They get an annual salary of 30 thousand dollars. Apart from this, the annual expenses for the clerk is $ 17500 and for the office 12 thousand dollars. Apart from this, they also get some other expenses like travel allowance and stationery expenses. Its members enjoy freedom of speech. Its members have the right to speak for whatever time they want, which is called Philibruta. No action is taken against the speech given in the House.


Qualifications of Members: -


1) He is a born citizen of America and has been living in America for the last nine years.

2) He should also be a citizen of the states from where he is fighting for elections.

3) He should be 30 years old.


Session: - According to the 20th constitutional amendment passed in 1933 AD, the session of the Senate begins with the House of Representatives on the afternoon of 3 January. The session of the two Houses lasts until the adjournment of the session of the two houses or Do not pass resolution for termination. If there is any dispute regarding the date of adjournment in both the Houses, then the date of adjournment is determined by the President which ends in the normal and the session in July. In case of war or other crisis, it can also last longer. Special sessions of the Houses of Congress can also be invited by the President.


The Chairman and other officials: - The Vice President of the United States is the educated Chairman of the Senate. The Vice-President is a member of the Senate and conducts the affairs of the Senate with greater precision than the Speaker of the House of Representatives. He does not use his vote, but in the case of equal votes, he uses voting.


The Senate is also empowered to elect one of its own "Timely Speaker" who is a nominated member of the majority party. In the absence of the Vice President, he conducts the proceedings of the House and also presides over the meeting. Being a member of the Social Speaker, he has the right to participate and vote in all the proceedings of the House, there are other Senate officials, Leader of the majority, Dalitshak, Secretary, Sergeant at Arms and Sadar's clerk etc.


Committees of the Senate: - The work of the Senate is largely performed by its committees, there are mainly three types.

1) Special Committee.

2) Conference Committee.

3) Fifteen Standing Committees.


Rights and Functions: - Despite being the second house of administrators, the position of the senate is quite different from other second house of the world. Despite being the second house, it is not a dual house but the most powerful second house in the world. The US constitution provides some special status to the Senate. It is a power of invitation to the delegation on political inattention and the president's impunity. The powers of the Senate can be described under the heading -


1). Executive related rights: -

The "principle of separation of powers" has been adopted in the American system of governance. Because of this, the authority of the US Senate in this area is infinitely broad. Appointments made by the US President are required to be approved by the Senate. If the Senate does not approve, So these appointments will be cancelled.


2) Legislative: - All the legislative powers conferred by the Constitution are vested in the Congress following the sub-clause (1) of the US Constitution. All other Bills which consist of both the Senate and the House of Representatives can be the members of any House of the House and no bill can become law without the approval of the Senate. Thus, the position of the US Senate is much broader in this area than in the other Second World.


Committees of the Senate: - The work of the Senate is largely performed by its committees, there are mainly three types.

1) Special Committee.

2) Conference Committee.

3) Fifteen Standing Committees.


Rights and Functions: - Despite being the second house of administrators, the position of the senate is quite different from other second house of the world. Despite being the second house, it is not a dual house but the most powerful second house in the world. The US constitution provides some special status to the Senate. It is a power of invitation to the delegation on political inattention and the president's impunity. The powers of the Senate can be described under the heading -


1). Executive related rights: -

The "principle of separation of powers" has been adopted in the American system of governance. Because of this, the authority of the US Senate in this area is infinitely broad. Appointments made by the US President are required to be approved by the Senate. If the Senate does not approve, So these appointments will be cancelled.


2) Legislative: - All the legislative powers conferred by the Constitution are vested in the Congress following the sub-clause (1) of the US Constitution. All other Bills which consist of both the Senate and the House of Representatives can be the members of any House of the House and no bill can become law without the approval of the Senate. Thus, the position of the US Senate is much broader in this area than in the other Second World.


3) Constitutional Rights: - The Senate also has the right to amend the US Constitution. Which she uses in conjunction with the House of Representatives, but the proposal for amending the Constitution can first be placed in the Senate.


4) Financial powers: - According to the US constitutional finance bill can only be proposed in the delegation. But the Senate also enjoys wide authority in this area. The Senate has wide powers to amend the Financial Bill.


5) Judicial powers: - The US Senate also has important judicial powers; among its judicial powers is the power of impeachment and the right to investigate. This is available in relation to the President as well as other high officials.


6) Foreign Affairs: - The United States Senate does not have as much broad power as other nations in the field of policy of other nations. The Senate has the right to approve treaties abroad by the US President. It is also mandatory to approve the appointment of diplomatic statutes by the Senate. The Senate also has the right to amend the US Constitution. Which she uses in conjunction with the House of Representatives, but the proposal for amending the Constitution can first be placed in the Senate.


4) Financial powers: - According to the US constitutional finance bill can only be proposed in the delegation. But the Senate also enjoys wide authority in this area. The Senate has wide powers to amend the Financial Bill.


5) Judicial powers: - The US Senate also has important judicial powers; among its judicial powers is the power of impeachment and the right to investigate. This is available in relation to the President as well as other high officials.


Committees of the Senate: - The work of the Senate is largely performed by its committees, there are mainly three types.

1) Special Committee.

2) Conference Committee.

3) Fifteen Standing Committees.


Rights and Functions: - Despite being the second house of administrators, the position of the senate is quite different from other second house of the world. Despite being the second house, it is not a dual house but the most powerful second house in the world. The US constitution provides some special status to the Senate. It is a power of invitation to the delegation on political inattention and the president's impunity. The powers of the Senate can be described under the heading -


1). Executive related rights: -

The "principle of separation of powers" has been adopted in the American system of governance. Because of this, the authority of the US Senate in this area is infinitely broad. Appointments made by the US President are required to be approved by the Senate. If the Senate does not approve, So these appointments will be cancelled.


2) Legislative: - All the legislative powers conferred by the Constitution are vested in the Congress following the sub-clause (1) of the US Constitution. All other Bills which consist of both the Senate and the House of Representatives can be the members of any House of the House and no bill can become law without the approval of the Senate. Thus, the position of the US Senate is much broader in this area than in the other Second World.


3) Constitutional Rights: - The Senate also has the right to amend the US Constitution. Which she uses in conjunction with the House of Representatives, but the proposal for amending the Constitution can first be placed in the Senate.


4) Financial powers: - According to the US constitutional finance bill can only be proposed in the delegation. But the Senate also enjoys wide authority in this area. The Senate has wide powers to amend the Financial Bill.


5) Judicial powers: - The US Senate also has important judicial powers, among its judicial powers is the power of impeachment and the right to investigate. This is available in relation to the President as well as other high officials.


6) Foreign Affairs: - The United States Senate does not have as much broad power as other nations in the field of policy of other nations. The Senate has the right to approve treaties abroad by the US President. It is also mandatory to approve the appointment of diplomatic statutes by the Senate.- The United States Senate does not have as much broad power as other nations in the field of policy of other nations. The Senate has the right to approve treaties abroad by the US President. It is also mandatory to approve the appointment of diplomatic statutes by the Senate.


Conclusion: Given these broad powers of the Senate as a conclusion, we can say that the US Senate is the most powerful second house in the world. Neither Britann's Lok Sabha nor Rajya Sabha of India have such status. In fact, it is the unique second house of the world. In view of this situation of the Senate, the famous scholar Glandstone has said that "The Senate is amazing among all the innovations that have taken place in modern politics". In addition, Lindserzors also states that "the governance practices of other countries have reduced the powers of the Second House, but the powers of the Senate have increased immensely."

Thus it is clear that the US Senate is the most powerful second house in the world.


5. Political parties and pressure groups

In the middle of the 19th century, two types of ideologies emerged in the midst of the delight of the mobilization of Das Prabha, represented by the republicans and Dalmacrites respectively. Those parties have been running since that time. Therefore, it is clear that there is bipartisan behaviour in America, in which one party is Riplican, and the other is Democrats. Apart from these two, there are other small teams too. But their condition is very weak.


In the US, two political parties - 1) Republicans and 2) In the rise and development of Democrats, it is clear that the party system of America, like Britain, has not developed with any legal recognition. In fact, the Constitution-makers of the United States used to view political lines with skepticism. He was also opposed to them. The US constitution is completely silent about political parties, but political parties have become mandatory due to the operation of democratic system, political parties appeared on the national stage at the end of Washington’s reign and since then they have always been on the American system. Have been operating thus political parties have been the result of constitutional development. In America, the representation of these two parties has always been present in the Representative Assembly and the Senate. Its president and the governor of various states have been representing either of these two parties. Apart from this, one-member governance also widely encourages this system. Apart from this, the weak organization of these two dialects, the influence of pressure groups, the influence of the loot system is also a major reason for maintaining this two-party system.

Organization: - In the US, the organization of both major political parties are the same. The organization of the parties can usually be divided into two parts; Standing committees and temporary committees.

Standing committees consist of national committees and many committees ranging from local units to national committees. Apart from this, some temporary committees are also formed after the election, but the importance is especially of the standing committees.


Permanent Party Organization: - Permanent organization of both the major parties is almost the same and it is a five-tier, which can be discussed as follows.


1. Voting district committees: - The district of the local party organization in America is the voting district. Polling depends on the size of the districts, the number of people and the number of voters, so that the election officer can easily manage it. The average number of such polling districts is between 100 and 500. There are about 1 lakh 25 thousand voting district committees and units in America. The duty of the party president of the polling district is to establish relations with voters in the area and make every effort to get their support.


2. Municipal Committees and Rural Committees: - In cities, there is a ward committee above the voting district committees. Municipal councils are elected from the wards which are related to the municipality and the politics of the city. This committee supervises the work of district voting committees. Rural committees are set up to solve local problems under the rural area.


3. National Committees: - There is a national committee at the top of each party. In this, two representatives are elected from each state. In which there are one woman and one male. It is elected by the Central Committee of the State or by the representatives of the National Conference or by the State Conference. This national committee has an important and highest place in the organization of political parties. There is a chairman of the National Committee, whose person is nominated, who has been elected a candidate for President on behalf of the party.


4. County Committee: - There are more than 300 counties in America and it is in rural areas. There is a committee in the Prolix County of the two major parties.


5. State Central Committees: - Each of the 50 states of the US is a Central Committee of both political parties. It looks after the party organization in its entire territory. Through this, the election movement of states posts, House of Representatives and Senate is organized


Role of political parties: -

As we know that the makers of the US Constitution used to look at the political parties with suspicion and they also fear that the US new nation and these will hurt the American democracy. But a democratic system of political parties is not possible.

Therefore, both these political parties have wide and important rights in the strict governance of America. Between the Congress and the Executive

It does the work of reconciling. Apart from this, the establishment of these political parties is proving to be a "milestone" in the direction of national integration of America with a population of about 30 crores and the responsibility of these parties is to tie the country together. Under this, the work of giving political education to the public is also done by these parties. Apart from this, the selection of the politics of the country is also done by these parties.


Conclusion: - In conclusion, we can say that these parties have special importance in the successful operation of the American system of governance. As far as the bipartisan system of the United States is concerned with Britain, political parties have gained more importance due to the presence of a presidential system in the United States because of the parliamentary governance system in Britain.

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