Unit - 1
We have already studied in (SYJC)12th Std how the partnership Final Accounts are prepared by considering the adjustments of closing stock, outstanding/prepaid expenses/incomes, depreciation, interest on capital to partners, interest on drawings from partners, salary to partners, adjustment of reserves, goodwill; on admission/retirement/death of a partner. This was when a partner is admitted/retires at the end of accounting year. In this unit, we will study how to prepare Final Accounts when a partner is admitted/retires during the accounting year.
According to Section 31 of Indian Partnership Act 1932 "A Partner can be admitted only consent of all the Existing Partners."
Adjustments required when a New Partner is admitted
- Calculation of New Profit Sharing Ratio / Sacrificing Ratio.
- Valuation and Treatment of Goodwill.
- Revaluation of Assets and Liabilities.
- Adjustment of accumulated Profits, Reserve and Losses.
- Necessary Adjustment of Capital Accounts of Partners.
Change in Profit Sharing Ratio
A New Partner acquires his share from the Old Partner in any of the following Manners:
- In their Old Profit Sharing Ratio
- In a Particular Ratio or Surrendered Ratio
- In a Particular fraction from some of the partner
Accounting Treatment of Goodwill
- When Goodwill (Premium) is paid by the New Partner Privately
No Entry
2. When Goodwill brought in Cash by the New Partner
(i) Cash/Bank A/c ...Dr.
To Premium for Goodwill A/c
(ii) Premium for Goodwill A/c ... Dr.
To Sacrificing Partners' Capital A/c (In Sacrificing Ratio)
To Sacrificing Partners' Current A/c s (When Capital is Fixed)
3. Goodwill Withdrawn by the Sacrificing (Old) Partners
Sacrificing Partners' Capital A/c s ...Dr.
To Cash/Bank A/c
4. Goodwill not brought in Cash
New Partner's Capital or Current A/c ... Dr.
To Sacrificing Partners' Capital or current A/c [Sacrificing Ratio]
5. Goodwill brought in Kind
Assets A/c ... Dr.
To Premium for Goodwill A/c
Hidden or inferred goodwill
Sometimes the value of goodwill is not given at the time of admission of a new partner. In such a situation, goodwill is calculated on the basis of net worth of the business. Hidden goodwill is the excess of desired total capital of the firm over the actual combined capital of all partners’.
For Example
Capital of L and M are Rs. 2,00,000 and Rs. 1,50,000 respectively. They admit N as a Partner for 1/5 share with Rs. 1,00,000 as his Capital.
On the basis of N’s Capital, total Capital of the Firm should be Rs. 5,00,000 (1,00,000 × 5/1). But the actual Capital of the Firm is Rs. 4,50,000 (2,00,000 +1,50,000 +1,00,000). Hence, Hidden Goodwill:
= Rs. 5,00,000 - Rs. 4,50,000
= Rs. 50,000
Revaluation of Assets and Reassessment of Liabilities
Accounting Entries
(i) For increase in the value of Assets
Assets A/c (Individually) Dr.
To Revaluation (or P & L Adjustment) A/C
(ii) For a decrease in the value of Assets
Revaluation A/c Dr.
To Assets A/c (Individually)
(iii) For an increase in the amount of Liabilities
Revaluation A/c Dr.
To Liabilities A/c (Individually)
(iv) For a decrease in the amount of Liabilities
Liability A/c (Individually) Dr.
To Revaluation A/c
(v) For an accounting unrecorded Assets
Assets A/c (Individually) Dr.
To Revaluation A/c
(vi) For accounting unrecorded Liabilities
Revaluation A/c Dr.
To Liability A/c (Individually)
Revaluation Account
Particulars | Rs. | Particulars | Rs. |
To Decrease in value of assets | ..... | To increase in value of liabilities | ..... |
By Increase in value of assets | ..... | By Decrease in value of liabilities | ..... |
To Unrecorded liabilities | ..... | By Unrecorded assets | ..... |
To Profit transfer to the old Partner's | ..... | By Loss transfer to the old Partner's | ..... |
Capital A/c s (in the old ratio) | ..... | Capital A/c s (in the old ratio) | ..... |
Reserves and accumulated (undistributed) Profits/Losses
Accounting Entries
(i) For transfer of Reserves and Accumulated Profits:
Profit and Loss ... Dr.
Reserve Fund A/c or General Reserve Dr.
Workmen Compensation Reserve Dr. [Excess of Reserve over Actual
Investment Fluctuation Reserve A/c ...Dr. [Excess of Reserve over the
Difference between Book Value and market Value]
To Old Partners' Capital A/c s [In old Ratio]
(Being the reserve and profit transferred to old partners in their old ratio)
(ii) For transfer of Reserves and Accumulated Losses:
Old Partners' Capital A/c s Dr.
To Profit and Loss A/c [In old Ratio]
To Deferred Revenue Expenditure A/c (Like Advertisement Expenditure)
(Being the accumulated losses transferred to old partners in their old ratio
Adjustment of Partners' Capital
Case 1. Calculation of New Partner's Capital on the basis of Old Partners
Step 1. Calculate the adjustment closing capitals of old Partners (after all adjustments have been made)
Step 2. Calculate the total closing Capital of New Firm as under:
Total capital of New Firm = Combined adjusted Closing Capitals of Old Partners X Reciprocal of remaining share of profit of old partners.
Step 3. Calculate the proportionate Capital of New Partner as under:
New Partner's Capital =Total capital of new firm x New partner's proportion of share of profit.
Case 2. Adjustment of Old Partners’ Capital on the basis of New Partner's Capital
Step 1. Calculate total capital of new firm on the basis of new partner's capital i.e. new partner's capital X Reciprocal of proportion of share profit of new partner.
Step 2. Calculate the new capital of old partners by dividing the total capital in their new profit sharing ratio.
Step 3. Calculate the adjusted closing capitals of old partners (i.e. after all adjustments have been made)
Step 4. Calculate the surplus /deficiency in each of the old partner's capital account by comparing the new capital with their adjusted old capital which is adjusted through cash or transferred to their Current A/c
Adjustment of Surplus/Deficiency through Cash:
(a) If Capital of Old Partners falls short (Deficit), bring in cash:
Cash/Bank A/c Dr.
To Partners' Capital A/c s
(b) If capital of old partner has a surplus, withdraw cash:
Partners' Capital A/cs Dr.
To Cash/Bank A/c
Adjustment of Surplus/Deficiency through Partner's Current Account:
(a) If the existing capital is more than his required capital (surplus)
Partner's Capital A/c Dr.
To Partner's Current A/c
(b) If the existing capital is less than his required capital (deficit)
Partner's Current A/c Dr.
To Partner's Capital A/c
If Current Account shows a Credit Balance, it is taken to the Liabilities side of the Balance Sheet. However, if Current Account shows a Debit Balance, it is placed on the Assets side of the Balance Sheet.
Retirement of a Partner means living the firm by a partner. A Partner may retire from the firm in the following conditions-
I. If there is an agreement about the retirement.
II. If all the partners consent to his retirement.
III. If the partnership is at will, by giving a notice in writing to all the other partners in
Adjustment for Retirement of a Partner
(a) Finding out the New Profit-Sharing Ratio and Gain Ratio.
(b) Treatment of Goodwill.
(c) Revaluation of Assets and Reassessment of Liabilities.
(d) Treatment related to Unrecorded Assets and Liabilities.
(e) Adjustments in respect to Accumulated Profits and Losses.
(f) Ascertain of Share of Profits or Losses up to the date of Retirement/Death.
(g) Adjustment of Capital if required.
(h) Settlement of Capital, if required.
(i) Change in Profit- Sharing Ratio
New Profit-Sharing Ratio
The New Profit-sharing Ratio on Retirement of a Partner is the Ratio in which the continuing or remaining Partners decide to share the future Profits and Losses.
New Share of a Partner = Old Share + Acquired Share
Case 1. When one Partner Retires and the New Profit -Sharing Ratio among the Remaining Partners is not given.
Case 2. When Remaining Partners Purchase the Share of the Retiring Partner in a Specific Ratio.
Gaining Ratio
Ratio in which they Continue Partner acquires the Retiring of Deceased Partners' Share. Calculation of Gaining Ratio under different situations is given below:
(i) When No Agreement Exists
In this case gain to the continuing partners is in the old profit-sharing ratio.
(ii) When the New Profit-sharing Ratio is given
In this case, the gaining ratio is calculated by deducting the old ratio from the new ratio.
Gaining Ratio=New Ratio - Old Ratio
Accounting Treatment of Goodwill
When a Partner Retires (or Dies) his Share of Profit is acquired by the Remaining Partners. The following Entry is recorded for this purpose:
Remaining Partner's A/cs .... Dr. [Gaining Ratio]
To Retiring Partners' Capital [Retiring Partner's Share of Goodwill]
All Partners' Capital/Current A/c’s Dr. [Old Ratio]
To Goodwill (or Premium) A/c
Revaluation of Assets and Reassessment of Liabilities
(Same as admission)
Adjustment for Reserves and Undistributed profits/Losses
For Distribution of Accumulated Profits:
General Reserve A/c Dr.
Reserve Fund A/c Dr.
Profit and Loss A/c Dr.
To All Partners' Capital A/c s
For Distribution of Accumulated Losses;
All Partner's Capital A/c Dr.
To Profit and Loss A/c
Accounting treatment of joint life policy;
Case 1. When there is no Joint Life Policy is present in the Balance Sheet but Joint Life Policy will paper in the Balance Sheet after Retirement.
Joint Life Policy A/c .... Dr. (Surrender Value of J.L.P)
To All Partner’s Capital A/c’s (Old Ratio)
Case 2. When there is no Joint Life Policy in the present Balance Sheet and Joint Life Policy will not be shown in the Balance Sheet after Retirement.
In this situation adjustment is carried out through Partners' Capital Accounts by passing the following entry:
Continuing Partner’s Capital A/c’s ....Dr. (Gaining Ratio)
To Retiring Partner's Capital A/c (Share of Surrender Value)
Case 3. When there is Joint Life Policy in the Balance Sheet: In this case, Joint Life Policy is treated as an asset. Any Revaluation of Joint Life Policy is carried out through Revaluation Account.
Calculation of amount due to the Retiring Partner
(i) Capital on the date of the last Balance Sheet.
(ii) Interest or salary, if any, payable to him.
(iii) Share of profit or losses till the date of retirement. (i) If the amount is paid in Cash or by Cheque;
(iv) Share in the profits or losses on revaluation of assets and reassessment of liabilities.
(v) Share in the goodwill of the firm.
(vi) Share in the general reserve or profits and losses account appearing in the Balance Sheet.
Settlement of the Account Due to the Retiring Partner
(i) If the amount is not paid in cash;
Retiring Partner's Capital A/c Dr.
To Cash/Bank A/c
(ii) If the amount is not paid in cash;
Retiring Partner's Capital A/c Dr.
To Retiring Partner's Loan A/c
Construction of Retiring Partner's Loan Account
(i) For Interest due;
Interest on Loan A/c Dr.
To Retiring Partner's Loan A/c
(ii) For payment of Instalment with Interest:
Retiring Partner's Loan A/c Dr.
To Cash /Bank A/c
Adjustment of partners’ capital in new profit sharing ratio
Adjustment of Partner's Capital in New Profit Sharing Ratio
(i) If Capital of Remaining Partner falls short, bring in Cash:
Cash/Bank A/c Dr.
To Remaining Partner's Capital A/c
(ii) If capital of remaining partner has a surplus, withdraw Cash:
Remaining Partner's Capital A/c Dr.
To Cash/Bank A/c
(iii) If the deficit in their capital account is adjusted by transferring to their current accounts:
Remaining Partner's Current A/c Dr.
To Remaining Partner's Capital A/c
(iv) If the surplus in their capital accounts is adjusted by transferring to their Current Capital Account
Remaining Partner's Capital A/c Dr.
To Remaining Partner's Current A/c
Note: If no information is given then any surplus or deficiency should be adjusted in cash and not by transferring it to partner's current account.
The Accounting Procedures on the Death of a Partner are very similar to the Retirement of a Partner.
From Accounting Point of view the following point are Important;
(i) Calculation of New Ratio and Gaining Ratio.
(ii) Treatment of Goodwill.
(iii) Revaluation of Assets and Reassessment of Liabilities.
(iv) Distribution of Accumulated Profits and Losses.
(v) Treatment of Joint Life Policy: Insurance amount is distributed among all partners including deceased partner in their old ratio.
(vi) Interest on capital, share of profit to the deceased partner till the date of death, drawings, interest on drawings, is credited or debited to the deceased partner's account.
(vii) Preparation of deceased partner's capital account and its settlement
Having given effect to the above 6 points, the balance in the Deceased Partner's Capital Account is transferred to his Executor's Account and may be paid in cash or transferred to his Loan Account.
Note: The Executors of the Deceased Partner are entitled to the following:
- Balance of Capital and Current Account of the Deceased Partner
- Share of Accumulated Profit/Loss
- Share of Revaluation Profit/Loss
- Share of Goodwill of the Firm
- Share of Goodwill of the Firm
- Share of Joint Life Policy taken by the Firm
Date of death is important factor while calculating the balance of deceased Partner.
Date is considered Date is not considered
To calculate Share of Profit To calculate Share of Goodwill
To calculate Interest on Capital To calculate Share of General Reserves
To calculate Interest on Drawings To calculate Share of Joint Life Policy
To calculate Interest on Deceased To calculate Share of Profit and Loss A/c
Partner’s loan A/c (given in Balance Sheet)
If a partner is admitted or retired or dies during the year i.e in between the accounting year, following additional points to be remembered:
- Trading/Profit & Loss A/c will have two amount columns i.e before and after such change.
- Expenses related to time will be distributed in time ratio (ex: salary, depreciation etc) and expenses related to sales will be distributed in sales ratio(ex: advertising, bad debts, carriage outwards etc).
- Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c will also have two amount columns i.e before and after such change. Accordingly; Interest on drawings/capital, salary to partner, net profit/loss shall also be distributed in two columns.
- Balance Sheet will be prepared normally as usual.
Q. 1: From the following Trial Balance of Ajit and Sujit, you are required to prepare a Trading and Profit & Loss A/c for the year ended 31st December 2003 and a Balance Sheet as on that date:
Trial Balance Sheet as on 31st December 2003
Particulars | Debit Rs. | Credit Rs. | Particulars | Debit Rs. | Credit Rs. |
Capital A/c: Ajit Sujit Drawing A/c Ajit Sujit Stock on 1-1-2003 Bills Receivable Purchases and Sales Return Salaries |
2,000 1,000 44,000 1,800 1,90,000
6,000 10,000 |
60,000 40,000
2,000 | Carriage Outward Wages Insurance Discount Received Postage (Debtors and Creditors) Furniture Cash in Hand Machinery Rent & Taxes (Printing & Stationery) |
1,400 24,000 1,600
24,000 9,800 80,000 1,200
400 4,68,400 |
4,68,400 |
- The closing stock on 31st December 2003 was valued at Rs. 56,000.
- The outstanding expenses were: (a) Wages Rs. 2,000 and (b) Salaries Rs. 930.
- Goods of Rs. 2,000 were distributed as free samples.
- Interest on partner’s capital was to be provided at 7% p.a.
- Prepaid Insurance was Rs. 100.
- Depreciation was to be provided on furniture at 10% and on machinery at 5%.
- A reserve for bad and doubtful debts was to be created at 5% of sundry debtors.
In the books of Ajit & Sujit
Trading, Profit & Loss A/c for the year ended 31st Dec, 2003
Particulars | Amount (Rs) | Amount (Rs) | Particulars | Amount (Rs) | Amount (Rs) |
To Opening stock |
| 44,000 | By Sales Less : Return Inwards | 3,02,000 6,000 |
2,96,000 |
To Purchase Less : Return Outwards | 1,90,000 (2,000) |
1,88,000 | By Goods Given as Samples (3) |
| 2,000 |
To Wages Add : Outstanding (2) | 24,000 2,000 |
26,000 | By Closing Stock (1) |
| 56,000 |
To Gross Profit c/d |
| 96,000 |
Total |
| 3,54,000 | Total |
| 3,54,000 |
To Salaries | 10,000 |
| By Gross Profit b/d |
| 96,000 |
Add : Outstanding (2) | 930 | 10,930 | By discount Received |
| 200 |
To Insurance Less : Prepaid (5) | 1,600 (100) |
1,500 |
To Postage |
| 800 |
To Rent & Taxes |
| 1,200 |
To Printing & stationery |
| 400 |
To Carriage Outwards |
| 1,400 |
To free Samples Given (3) |
| 2,000 |
To Reserve for Doubtful Debt (5% of 70,400) (7) |
| 3,520 |
To Depreciation : (6) Machinery (5% of 80,000) Furniture (10% of 24,000) |
4,000 2,400 | 6,400 |
To Net Profit c/d |
| 68,050 |
Total |
| 96,200 | Total |
| 96,200 |
To Interest on Capitals : (4) Ajit (7% of 60,000) Sujit (7% of 40,000) |
4,200 2,800 |
7,000 | By Net Profit b/d |
| 68,050 |
To Net profit transferred: Ajit Sujit |
30,525 30,525 |
61,050 |
Total |
| 68,050 | Total |
| 68,050 |
Balance Sheet as on 31st Dec, 2003
Liabilities | Amount (Rs) | Amount (Rs) | Assets | Amount (Rs) | Amount (Rs) |
Capital Account of Ajit: |
| Machinery | 80,000 |
Balance b/d | 60,000 |
| Less : Depreciation (6) | (4,000) | 76,000 |
Add : Interest (4) | 4,200 |
| Furniture | 24,000 |
Add : Net Profit | 30,525 |
| Less : Depreciation (6) | (2,400) | 21,600 |
| 94,725 |
Less : Drawings | (2,000) | 92,725 |
Capital Account of Sujit: |
| Prepaid Insurance (5) |
Balance b/d | 40,000 |
| Stock (1) |
Add : Interest (4) | 2,800 |
| Debtors | 70,400 |
Add : Profit | 30,525 |
| Less : Reserve for D.D (7) | (3,520) | 66,880 |
| 73,325 |
| Bills Receivable |
| 1,800 |
Less : Drawings | (1,000) | 72,325 | Cash in Hand |
| 9,800 |
Sundry Creditors |
| 64,200 |
Outstanding Expenses : (2) |
Wages | 2,000 |
Salaries | 930 | 2,930 |
Total |
| 2,32,180 | Total |
| 2,32,180 |
- In absence of information, partner’s share is assumed to be equal.
- Numbers written in brackets are effect of adjustment numbers.
Q. 2: A, B and C carried on business in partnership as Ready Made Cloth Dealers. The partnership agreement provided that –
- The partners were to be credited at the end of each year with interest at 5% per annum on Opening Balance of Capital.
- No Interest was to be charged on drawings.
- Profits and Losses were to be shared as to A5, B 3 and C2. It was agreed that C’s Share of profit in any should not be less than Rs. 10,000 and any deficiency in such share was to be borne by the other two partners in their profit sharing ratio.
Trial Balance of the Partnership as on 31stDecember 2003
Account | Debit Rs. | Credit Rs. |
Shop Fittings (at cost) Freehold Premises Leasehold Premises Purchased During the year Additions and Alterations to Leasehold Premises Purchases Stock as at 1-1-2003 Salaries and wages Office and Trade Expenses Rent, Rates and Insurance Professional Charges Debtors Balance at Central Bank Ltd. Partners Capital Account: A B C Partners Current Account: A B C Sales Trade Creditors Depreciation Reserve Reserve for Doubtful Debts Drawings Other Than Monthly Payments: A B C
| 36,000 60,000 45,000 25,000 2,80,000 42,000 64,000 45,200 10,500 3,500 20,600 43,700
- - -
- - - - - - -
7,000 6,000 4,000 6,92,500 | - - - - - - - - - - - -
80,000 50,000 30,000
16,000 8,000 12,000 4,45,000 37,000 14,000 500
- - - 6,92,500 |
You are given the following additional information:
- Stock on December 31, 2003 was valued at the market value of Rs. 35,000 but if valued at cost it was Rs. 42,000.
- Goods worth Rs. 1,000 were destroyed by fire and the Insurance Company has admitted claim for Rs. 700 only.
- A debt of Rs. 600 is to be written off and provision for doubtful debts is to be at 5%.
- Salaries and wages include the following monthly drawings by the partners: A: Rs. 500; B: Rs. 300 and C: Rs. 250.
- Partners had during the year been supplied with goods worth Rs. 600 to A and Rs. 400 to B
- On December 31, 2003 rates paid in advance and office and trade expenses owing were Rs. 2,500 and Rs. 2,100 respectively.
- Depreciation of shop fittings to be provided at 5% p.a. On cost.
- Professional Charges include Rs. 2,500 fees paid in respect of the acquisition of leasehold premises.
- The cost of addition and alterations to the leasehold premises were to be written off over 25 years commencing from 1-1-2003.
You are requested to prepare the Trading Account and Profit & Loss Account for the year ending. 31st December, 2001 and Balance Sheet as at 31st December 2003.
In the books of A,B & C
Profit & Loss A/c for the year ended 31 Dec, 2003
Particulars | Amount (Rs) | Amount (Rs) | Particulars | Amount (Rs) | Amount (Rs) | |
To Salaries & Wages Less : Salaries to Partners | 64,000 (12,600) | 51,400 | By Gross Profit b/d |
| 1,60,000 | |
To Office/ Trade Expenses Add: Outstanding | 45, 200 2,100 | 47,300 |
| |
To Rent, Rates & Insurance Less : Prepaid Rates | 10,500 (2,500) |
| |
To Professional Charges Less: Expenses on acquisition of Leasehold Premises | 3,500
(2,500) | 1,000 |
| |
To Bad Debts Add: RDD (New) | 600 1,000 |
| |
| 1,600 |
| |
Less : RDD (Old) | (500) | 1,100 |
| |
To Depreciation on : Leasehold Premises Shop Fitting | 2,900 1,800 | 4,700 |
| |
To Goods Destroyed by Fire (Cost Less Insurance claim) |
| 300 |
| |
To Net Profit c/d |
| 46, 200 |
| |
Total |
| 1,60,000 | Total |
| 1,60,000 | |
Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c | ||||||
Particulars | Amount (Rs) | Amount (Rs) | Particulars | Amount (Rs) | Amount (Rs) | |
To Interest on Partner’s Capitals |
| 8,000 | By Net Profit b/d |
| 46,200 | |
To Net Profit transferred to Current A/c - A (28,200 x 5/8) - B (28,200 x 3/8) - C (minimum guaranteed) | 17,625 10,575
10,000 | 38,200 |
| |
Total |
| 46,200 | Total |
| 46,200 | |
Balance Sheet as on 31 Dec, 2003
Liabilities | Amount (Rs) | Amount (Rs) | Assets | Amount (Rs) | Amount (Rs) |
Capital Accounts: - A - B - C | 80,000 50,000 30,000 | 1,60,000 | Fixed Assets: Shop fitting (at Cost)
Less: Dep. Upto Current year (14,000 + 1,800) | 36,000 15,800 | 20,200 |
Current Accounts: - A - B - C | 24,025 11,075 16,500 | 51,600 | Freehold Premises |
| 60,000 |
Trade Creditors |
| 37,000 | Leasehold Premises Add: Addition during the Year Add: Expenses on acquisition of Leasehold Premises | 45,000
2,500 72,500 |
Outstanding office & Trade Expenses |
| 2,100 | Less: Depreciation (1/25) | (2,900) | 69,600 |
| Debtors Less Bad Debts | 20,600 (600) |
| 20,000 |
| Less : Provision for bad debts | (1,000) | 19,000 |
| Balance at Central bank Ltd. |
| 43,700 |
| Insurance Claim Receivable |
| 700 |
| Prepaid Rates |
| 2,500 |
| Closing stock |
| 35,000 |
Total |
| 2,50,700 | Total |
| 2,50,700 |
Partner’s Current Accounts
Particulars | A (Rs) | B (Rs) | C (Rs) | Particulars | A (Rs) | B (Rs) | C (Rs) |
To Drawing | 7,000 | 6,000 | 4,000 | By Balance b/d | 16,000 | 8,000 | 12,000 |
To Drawing (salary) | 6,000 | 3,600 | 3,000 | By Interest on capital | 4,000 | 2,500 | 1,500 |
To Drawing (goods) | 600 | 400 |
| By Profit & Loss A/c | 17,625 | 10,575 | 10,000 |
To Balance c/d | 24,025 | 11,075 | 16,500 |
Total | 37,625 | 21,075 | 23,500 | Total | 37,625 | 21,075 | 23,500 |
Q.3. A and B were partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3:2. With effect from 1-10-2002, C joins as a third partner. The new profit sharing ratio was 2:2:1.
The following is their trial balance as on 31st March, 2003:
Particulars | Dr. Rs. | Cr. Rs. |
A’s Drawings and Capital B’s Drawings and Capital C’s Drawings and Capital Opening Stock (1-4-2002) Purchases and Sales Wages Furniture General Expenses Selling Expenses Debtors and Creditors Cash and Bank Balance Amount brought by C (for his share of Goodwill) | 15,000 10,000 5,000 30,000 9,00,000 1,40,000 2,00,000 60,000 14,000 6,26,000 3,50,000 - 23,50,000 | 3,00,000 2,00,000 1,50,000 - 14,00,000 - - - - 2,50,000 - 50,000 23,50,000 |
Other Information:
- Stock on 31-3-2003 was Rs. 1,80,000.
- Purchases from 1-4-2002 to 30-9-2002 were Rs. 4,00,000.
- Sales from 1-4-2002 to 30-9-2002 were Rs. 6,00,000.
- Wages from 1-4-2002 to 30-9-2002 were Rs. 60,000.
- Stock on 30-9-2002 was Rs. 80,000.
- Furniture worth Rs. 1, 00,000 was purchased 1-1-2003. Write off depreciation on furniture at 20% p.a.
- Interest on partner’s capital is to be provided at 12% p.a.
- No Interest is to be charged on partners drawings.
You are required to prepare:
- Trading A/c containing the columns for: 1-4-2002 to 30-9-2002 and 1-10-2002 to 31-3-2003.
- Profit & Loss A/c containing the columns for: 1-4-2002 to 30-9-2002 and 1-10-2002 to 31-3-2003.
- Balance sheet as on 31st March, 2003.
M/s A, B, C
Trading, Profit & Loss A/c for the year ended 31st March, 2003
Particulars | Apr-Sep (Rs) | Oct-Mar (Rs) | Particulars | Apr-Sep (Rs) | Oct-Mar (Rs) |
To Opening Stock | 30,000 | 80,000 | By Sales | 6,00,000 | 8,00,000 |
To Purchases | 4,00,000 | 5,00,000 |
To Wages | 60,000 | 80,000 | By Closing Stock | 80,000 | 1,80,000 |
To Gross Profit c/d | 1,90,000 | 3,20,000 |
Total | 6,80,000 | 9,80,000 | Total | 6,80,000 | 9,80,000 |
To General Expenses (WN2) | 30,000 | 30,000 | By Gross Profit b/d | 1,90,000 | 3,20,000 |
To Selling Expenses (WN2) | 6,000 | 8,000 |
To Depreciation on Furniture (WN 3) | 10,000 | 15,000 |
To Net Profit c/d | 1,44,000 | 2,67,000 |
Total | 1,90,000 | 3,20,000 | Total | 1,90,000 | 3,20,000 |
To Interest on Capital |
| By Net Profit b/d | 1,44,000 | 2,67,000 |
A(3 L x 12% x 1/2) | 18,000 | 18,000 |
B(2 L x 12% x 1/2) | 12,000 | 12,000 |
C(1.5 L x 12% x 1/2) | - | 9,000 |
To Net Profit trfd to Partner’s capital |
A (3/5) (2/5) | 68,400 | 91,200 |
B (2/5) (2/5) | 45,600 | 91,200 |
C ( - ) (1/5) | - | 45,600 |
Total | 1,44,000 | 2,67,000 | Total | 1,44,000 | 2,67,000 |
Partner’s Capital A/c
Particulars | A | B | C | Particulars | A | B | C |
To Drawings | 15,000 | 10,000 | 5,000 | By Balance b/d | 3,00,000 | 2,00,000 | - |
To Balance c/d | 5,30,600 | 3,50,800 | 1,99,600 | By Bank | - | - | 1,50,000 |
| By Interest | 36,000 | 24,000 | 9,000 |
| By Goodwill (WN1) | 50,000 | - | - |
| By Net Profit | 1,59,600 | 1,36,800 | 45,600 |
Total | 5,45,600 | 3,60,800 | 2,04,600 | Total | 5,45,600 | 3,60,800 | 2,04,600 |
Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2003
Liabilities | Amount (Rs) | Amount (Rs) | Assets | Amount (Rs) | Amount (Rs) |
Partner’s capitals |
| Furniture | 2,00,000 |
A | 5,30,600 |
| Less: Depreciation | (25,000) | 1,75,000 |
B | 3,50,800 |
| Debtors |
| 6,26,000 |
C | 1,99,600 | 10,81,000 | Stock |
| 1,80,000 |
| Cash & Bank |
| 3,50,000 |
Creditors |
| 2,50,000 |
Total |
| 13,31,000 | Total |
| 13,31,000 |
Working Notes:
- Sacrifice by partners
SR = OR – NR
A = (3/5) - (2/5) = 1/5
B = (2/5) - (2/5) = NIL
2. General Expenses: Time Basis & Selling Expenses: Sales Basis.
3. Depreciation on Furniture
Particulars | Total | Before Admission | After Admission |
Opening (1,00,000 x 20%) | 20,000 | 10,000 | 10,000 |
Purchases (1,00,000 x 20% x 3/12) | 5,000 | - | 5,000 |
Total | 25,000 | 10,000 | 15,000 |
Q.4. X and Y shared profits and losses equally. Their Trial Balance as on 31st December 2003 was as under:
Particulars | Rs. | Rs. |
Capital : X Y Current : X Y Fixed Assets Debtors Bank Stock (Opening) Purchases Wages Office & Administrative Expenses Selling & Distribution Expenses Creditors Sales Advances |
7,500 7,500 75,000 25,000 25,000 12,500 62,500 6,250 12,500 10,000
31,250 2,75,000 | 75,000 75,000
12,500 1,12,500
2,75,000 |
Additional Information:
- Z retired on 30th June 2003. His capital was paid off but the amounts due to him for (i) Profit of the year (ii) Share of Goodwill Rs. 10,000 (iii) Interest on his capital Rs. 1,250 were to be paid.
- X, Y and Z were sharing profits and Losses 2:2:1.
- Closing Stock was Rs. 6,250 on 30-6-2003 and Rs. 7,500 on 31-12-2003
- Item Up to 30-6-2003 after 1-7-2003 Purchase 37,500 25,000 Wages 3,750 2,500 Sales 75,000 37,500
Other expenses were to be equally distributed between the two periods.
5. Depreciate Fixed Assets by 10% p.a.
6. Allow interest at 10% p.a. On capital.
Show the Final Accounts.
M/s X & Y
Trading, Profit & Loss A/c for the year ended 31st Dec, 2003
Particulars | Jan-June (Rs) | Jul-Dec (Rs) | Particulars | Jan-June (Rs) | Jul-Dec (Rs) |
To Opening Stock | 12,500 | 6,250 | By Sales | 75,000 | 37,500 |
To Purchases | 37,500 | 25,000 |
To Wages | 3,750 | 2,500 | By Closing Stock | 6,250 | 7,500 |
To Gross Profit c/d | 27,500 | 11,250 |
Total | 81,250 | 45,000 | Total | 81,250 | 45,000 |
| By Gross Profit b/d | 27,500 | 11,250 |
To Office & Admin Expenses | 6,250 | 6,250 | By Net Loss c/d | - | 3,750 |
To Selling Expenses | 5,000 | 5,000 |
To Depreciation on Fixed assets(75,000 x 10% = 7,500) | 3,750 | 3,750 |
To Net Profit c/d | 12,500 | - |
Total | 27,500 | 15,000 | Total | 27,500 | 15,000 |
To Net Loss b/d | - | 3,750 | By Net Profit b/d | 12,500 | - |
To Interest on Capital |
X(75,000 x 10%) | 3,750 | 3,750 |
Y(75,000 x 10%) | 3,750 | 3,750 | By Net Loss after 1-7 |
Z(given) | 1,250 | - | X (11,250 x 1/2) |
| 5,625 |
| Y (11,250 x 1/2) |
| 5,625 |
To Net Profit (upto 30-6) |
X (3,750 x 2/5) | 1,500 |
Y (3,750 x 2/5) | 1,500 |
Z (3,750 x 1/5) | 750 |
Total | 12,500 | 11,250 |
| 12,500 | 11,250 |
Balance Sheet as on 31st Dec, 2003
Liabilities | Amount (Rs) | Amount (Rs) | Assets | Amount (Rs) | Amount (Rs) |
Partner’s capitals |
| Fixed Assets | 75,000 |
X | 75,000 |
| Less: Depreciation | (7,500) | 67,500 |
Y | 75,000 | 1,50,000 | Debtors |
| 25,000 |
| Stock |
| 7,500 |
Due to Z |
| 12,000 | Bank |
| 25,000 |
Creditors |
| 12,500 | Advances |
| 31,250 |
| Current Account: |
| X |
| 9,125 |
| Y |
| 9,125 |
Total |
| 1,74,500 | Total |
| 1,74,500 |
Partner’s Current A/c
Particulars | X | Y | Z | Particulars | X | Y | Z |
To Balance b/d | 7,500 | 7,500 | - | By Interest | 7,500 | 7,500 | 1,250 |
To Goodwill W/off | 5,000 | 5,000 | - | By Net Profit (upto 30-6) | 1,500 | 1,500 | 750 |
To Net Loss ( after 1-7) | 5,625 | 5,625 | - | By Goodwill |
| 10,000 |
To Due to Z A/c |
| 12,000 | By Balance c/d | 9,125 | 9,125 | - |
Total | 18,125 | 18,125 | 12,000 | Total | 18,125 | 18,125 | 12,000 |
- Expenses are divided in the ratio of Time (6:6) i.e (1:1).
- Profit/Loss upto the date of retirement is distributed in old ratio & Profit/Loss after the date of retirement is distributed in new ratio.
- Share of goodwill is distributed in gain ratio between remaining partners