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Unit – 3

Series solution of differential equation

Working Rule

Step 1 Let be the solution of the given differential equation.

Step 2: Find etc.

Step 3: Substitute the expression of in the given differential equation.

Step 4: Calculate coefficient of various powers of x by equating coefficients to zero.

Step 5: Substitute the values of in the differential equation to get the required series solution.

Example. Solve in series the equation


Since x=0 is the ordinary point of the equation (1)


Substituting in (1) we get

Equating to zero the coefficient of the various powers of x we obtain

Substituting these values in (2) we get



Ans. Let,

Substituting the value of   in the given equation we get

Where the first summation extends over all values of K from 2 to

And the second from K =

Now equating the coefficient of equal to zero we have

For K =4



Ans. Let

Substituting for in the given differential equation

Equating the coefficients of various powers of x to zero we get


Legendre’s equation is



Prove that

Ans. We know that

Put n=2


Prove that .

Ans. We know



Put x = 1 both sides we get

Equating the coefficient of on both sides we get


Prove that

Ans. We know

Differentiating with respect to z we get

Multiplying both sides by we get

Equating the coefficient of from both sides we get


Solve. Statement

Proof. Let is a solution of

is the solution of

Multiplying (1) by z and (2) by y and subtracting we get

Now integrative -1 to 1 we get

Now we have to prove that


We know that,

Squaring both sides we get

Integrating both sides between -1 to +1 we get

on both sides we get

here n = m


Prove that

Ans. The Recurrence formula is


Replacing n by (n+1) and (n-1) we have

Multiplying (1) and (2) and integrating in the limits -1 to 1 we get


(By orthogonality property)


Rodrigues' Formula: The Legendre Polynomials  can be expressed by Rodrigues' formula


Generating Function: The generating function of a Legendre Polynomial is

Orthogonality: Legendre Polynomials , form a complete orthogonal set on the interval . It can be shown that

By using this orthogonality, a piecewise continuous function  in  can be expressed in terms of Legendre Polynomials:


This orthogonal series expansion is also known as a Fourier-Legendre Series expansion or a Generalized Fourier Series expansion.

Even/Odd Functions: Whether a Legendre Polynomial is an even or odd function depends on its degree n.

Based on ,

• Pn(x) is an even function when n is even.

• Pn(x) is an odd function when n is odd.

In addition, fromPn'(x),

• Pn(x) is an even function when n is odd.

• Pn(x) is an odd function when n is even.

Recurrence Relation: A Legendre Polynomial at one point can be expressed by neighboring Legendre Polynomials at the same point.







The Bessel equation is


The Bessel equation is

Bessel function of first kind

Bessel function of second kind

Recurrence Formula

1)     xJn'=nJn-xJn+1







Prove that (1)

Ans. We know

(b) Prove that

Ans. We know that

(3) Prove that

Ans. We know that



If n = 0

If n = 1

Note General solution of Bessel Equation


Text Book:

1) Calculus: Gorakh Prasad

2) Advance Engineering Mathematics – E. Kreyszig, John Wiley & Sons Inc.


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