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The term “Technical Communication” may be broadly defined as the use of language to convey thoughts dealing with a specific field or Industry. Technical communication can be considered to be “transactional” in nature, it carries a specific purpose to be carried out between the sender and receiver, a transaction of information that may be useful for practical purposes. Effective in communication allows one to collect, organize, convey and instruct new thoughts and ideas. Technical communication is generally tailor made towards the audience or the individual to whom the information is to be conveyed. Communication can either be verbal or non-verbal, oral or written.


The process of communication can be easily understood from the following flowchart:


The communication process comprises of the following components:

  1. Sender: Sender is the individual who wants to send the message to the receiver. A sender makes effective use of words, symbols, pictures, graphs etc. available to him to construct the message. The views, background, approach, skills, competencies, and knowledge of the sender determine whether the message is approachable or not.
  2. Message: The message comprises of the information that is to be exchanged between the sender and the receiver. The central idea of the message must be clear and should be easily understood by the receiver.
  3. Channel: The medium of communication should be chosen with respect to the purpose of the message and the ability of the receiver to comprehend it. Hence, the sender must choose an appropriate medium for transmitting the message. The channel can be oral or written, the use of oral medium is preferred when the message is urgent and requires an immediate response, the written medium is preferred when the message is technical and there is a need for it to be documented.
  4. Receiver: The receiver is the individual to whom the message is addressed. The ability of the receiver to decode the message depends on the knowledge of the receiver, the reliance of the encoder, responsiveness of the receiver to the message.


The four basic skills one must possess in order to effectively communicate include:


One should understand the main ideas of most speech in a standard dialect.



One should be understood without difficulty by natives, and converse in a clear and participatory fashion.

One should be able to narrate and describe concrete and abstract topics using sustained, connected discourse.



One should easily follow the essential points of written text.



One should be able to address a variety of topics with significant precision and detail.

One should be able to organize writings with a sense of theoretical structure.




Communication is only complete if the message received by the recipient is interpreted in the same way as was intended by the sender. But due to the presence of a wide number of factors the message may be destroyed. These factors act as barriers to effective communication. It is essential to locate and eradicate these factors in order to allow free flowing communication.

Some of the barriers that block effective communication are listed below:

  1. Language Barriers – The linguistic ability of both the sender and receiver define their ability to effectively communicate. Especially when technical communication is concerned, the free flow of communication requires both parties to be sufficiently acquainted with the information that is being exchanged. For example, if two people from different backgrounds converse with the technical terminology of their own fields they are bound to misunderstand each other.
  2. Psychological Barriers- The psychological state of the receiver plays a significant role when processing information. Factors such as personal issues, worries and stress might affect the receiver’s ability to decode information as they might be preoccupied with their own concerns.

Anger on the sender’s end is also an example of a psychological barrier, while angry one tends to convey thoughts one doesn’t mean only to regret later. Shyness, anxiety and depression may also act as barriers.

3.     Physical Barriers- Physical barriers such as noise, physical distance between the speaker and receiver, conditions of the topography, poor lighting, speech impediment, hearing disability also affect effective communication.

4.     Perceptual Barriers- The difference in how individuals perceive things also play a role in communication. People often find themselves unable to accept messages that go against their upbringing and values. Here even though the communication is effective, the feedback suffers. A similar situation might be perceived differently by different individuals and therefore might create disagreement.

5.     Cultural Barriers- Different cultures possess different norms of social interactions and communication. Something deemed appropriate in one culture might not be the same in another. Body language and gestures play a vital role in non-verbal communication which might suffer due to cultural differences.

6.     Inattention- One of the most common barriers towards effective communication is inattention, the receiver might simply be uninterested or might be daydreaming while the message is being conveyed to him.


Technical Communication comes in many different forms that include not just oral and written methods but also various types of correspondence based on technology, dependent upon the audience, situation and purpose.

One must be thoroughly familiar with all styles of correspondence in order to facilitate effective communication. The channel of communication intrinsically depends upon the purpose and the central idea of the message to be conveyed. For example, it is feasible to acquire information or provide information using a formal phone call or an email whereas while conveying bad news to a particular individual a face-to-face conversation is considered rather apt.

The following table shows the types of channels one can use for effortless communication:


Apart from oral and written methods, being acquainted with technology is extremely essential when it comes to technical communication.


Interpersonal communication skills are the skills one uses while communication with individuals or groups in their everyday lives. People with good interpersonal communication skills often tend to be more successful than people who lack them. Interpersonal communication skills are vital in all areas of one’s life. People with good interpersonal communication skills are able to work well with other people and are also good with social interactions.

Though they are more targeted towards communication, interpersonal skills also include understanding body language, active listening, using gestures to express thoughts and feelings,  and also dealing with different attitudes. They also include the skills and attributes associated with emotional intelligence, or being able to understand and manage your own as well as others’ emotions.

Interpersonal skills are extensively useful in work environments, they help maintain good social relationships among colleagues and also help mitigate employer-employee affairs.

Some of the most common interpersonal skills are:

1. Active listening

2. Collaboration

3. Problem-solving

4. Conflict resolution

5. Empathy

6. Diplomacy

7. Adaptability

8. Leadership

9. Mediation

10. Patience


Interpersonal communication skills determine how far one can go not only in their career but also in their social life, therefore it is essential to hone one’s skills to perfection.

People often assume that communication is a simple and natural thing but it is in fact a very complex process that involves a lot of learning. Hence it is said that there is a difference between communication and effective communication.


The development of interpersonal communication skills requires dedication and effort. The following are some of the ways in which one can improve their interpersonal communication skills:

  1. Clarity- Clarity is one of the most essential requirements of communication. While writing, it is necessary to write in good handwriting with proper grammar and sentence formation. While speaking one should use proper vocabulary and speak each word clearly and carefully along with proper inflections.
  2. Active Listening- One should listen carefully what the speaker is saying in order to understand properly and provide feedback. One should be attentive while listening, ask open ended questions and should be able to summarize the information provided by the speaker.
  3. Maintaining Eye-Contact- While conversing one should maintain eye contact with the speaker as this shows the speaker that the message is being received by the listener.
  4. Non-Verbal Communication- One’s body language often speaks as loud as his words. While communication one should show one’s reactions and interests through their body language.
  5. Avoid Interruptions- It is essential to let the speaker finish talking before conveying one’s own thoughts. Interrupting is not only rude but also can be disadvantageous as one may not totally grasp the meaning of the speaker. If an interruption is absolutely necessary, one must use polite words like “pardon me” or “excuse me” instead of cutting the speaker in the middle of their thought process.
  6. Thinking before Speaking- It is said one must think twice before they speak. One must always consider the opinions and feelings of others before speaking their mind.
  7. The Message- The message one wishes to convey must always be clear and concise, there should be no doubts in one’s mind while speaking. The central idea of the message should always be conveyed completely and indubitably.



There are 5 basic steps to develop interpersonal skills:

  1. Always Be Self-aware

Self-awareness implies being aware of one’s own thoughts, feelings and emotions. This activity helps in gaining emotional intelligence which in turn helps in effective communication. Every individual is projecting subconscious messages throughout the day that might affect other people around them, therefore it is essential that one is mindful of their thoughts and only share what they want to.


2.     Being Respectful and Empathetic Towards Others

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions no matter how different or abstract they may be. To be a good communicator one must always respect another’s opinion with no judgment or condemnation. Empathy is a quality every great thinker and communicator throughout history, if one cannot be empathetic towards others one cannot understand how they feel or what they think in any given situation, therefore it is necessary that one should be compassionate and empathetic towards others.


3.     Actively Listening to others

Listening is probably the most underrated and overrated skill among the 4 basic communication skills. But much like the other skills it has to be honed and developed. Only when one listens clearly can one respond to a given message. It is easy to passively keep on hearing the speaker but it is difficult to actively listen as it requires total attention on the receiver’s part.


4.     Avoiding Talking Over Others

While listening one tends to convey his thoughts as soon as he thinks of them without considering whether the speaker has finished speaking or not, this leads to being perceived as rude and hasty. To avoid this one must let the speaker finish first and then convey their thoughts as clearly as possible.


5.     Saying “Yes” Before Saying “No”

It is essential to not outright reject new ideas and thoughts without listening to them or acting upon them. If one does not hear a topic that appeals to his own ideals or opinions, he tends to reject the new without even listening to it. This process inhabits one’s ability to expand one’s horizons and should not be continued.


The English language is basically comprised of eight parts of speech that construct a complete sentence: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. These parts of speech determine how a word functions in meaning as well as grammatically within the sentence.

The use of the words define their place and meaning in a sentence.

  1. Noun

Nouns, also called naming words, refer to any person, place, animal, thing or idea. Nouns can be singular or plural, concrete or abstract. There are two types of nouns:

  1. Proper noun- These nouns start with capital letters and refer to the name of a particular place or thing. Ex – Barack  Obama, Himalaya mountains.
  2. Common noun- These nouns start with lower case letter and refer to the names of general places or things. Ex – man, teacher, letter


2.     Pronoun

A pronoun is a word used in place of the noun.

A pronoun which substituted in place of a specific noun is called an antecedent. Pronouns can be further defined by  their various types: personal pronouns describe specific persons or things; possessive pronouns imply ownership; relative pronouns introduce a subordinate clause; and demonstrative pronouns identify, point to, or refer to nouns.

Ex - Me, she, her, mine, theirs.


3.     Adjective

An adjective is a word that describes the quality or quantity possessed by a noun. It answers the questions like which one, what kind or how many. It is a word used to modify or describe the noun or a pronoun.

Ex - Young boy, Pretty girl, Huge elephant, One thousand sea shells.


4.     Adverb

An adverb is a word that modifies or describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb, but never a noun. When, where, how, why, under what conditions, or to what degree are the types of questions that are answered by an adverb. Adverbs often end in -ly.

Ex- Very long letter, quickly disappear out of sight.



5.     Preposition

Prepositions are words placed before a noun or a pronoun in order to modify the meaning of other words in a sentence. The prepositional phrase almost functions as an adjective or an adverb.

Ex- The boy received a number of sweets from the teacher.


6.     Verb

A verb is a word that expresses the state of being or work being done by the subject. There are main verbs and there are also helping verbs known as auxiliary verbs. Verbs can also be used to express tense.

Ex – She vanished in the darkness.


7.     Conjunction

A conjunction is a word that joins words, phrases or clauses and establishes a relationship between them. And, but, or, nor, for, so, yet are some examples of conjunctions.  


8.     Interjection

An interjection is a word which is used to express emotion. They are usually followed by exclamation points.

Ex. Oh dear! Wow! Oh my God!



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