Complex variable
- Show that the function are analytic i) sinhz., sinz
- Find the analytic function f(z)=u+iv u=2+y2)-ytan-1(y/x)+sinx copshy.
- If f(z)=u+iv is analytic and u-v=ex(cosy-siny)
- If v =3x2y+6xy-y3 show that v is harmonic and find the corresponding analytic function
- Find the orthogo0nal tgrajectory orf the family of curves x3y-xy3
- Evaluate dz wher5e c is the circle z=4
- Evaluate dz where c is |z-1|=1
- Expand f(z)= using Laurent all possible expansion
- Using Cauchy residue theorem evaluate dz wher5e c is the circle| z-2|=4
- Evaluate
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