Unit – 1
Unit – 1
Unit – 1
Higher order derivatives and applications
Q 1. Compute limx→−2(3x2+5x−9)
First, use property 2 to divide the limit into three separate limits. Then use property 1 to bring the constants out of the first two. This gives,
Limx→−2(3x2+5x−9) =limx→−2(3x2) + limx→−2(5x) −limx→−2(9)
=3(−2)2+5(−2) −(9)
= -7
Q 2. Find the limits of limx→3 [x(x+2)].
Solution: limx→3 [x(x+2)] = 3(3+2) = 3 x 5 = 15
Q 3: Differentiability Implies Continuity If f is differentiable at x0, then f is continuous at x0.
It turns out that equation (1) can be restated.
Definition. Derivatives in One Dimension - Alternate Definition
Solution: Let f : D ⊂ R → R and let x0 be an interior point of D.
Then f is differentiable at x0 if there is a number f ′ (x0) such that (2) lim x→x0 f(x) − f(x0) − (x − x0)f ′ (x0) |x − x0| = 0 and the number f ′ (x0) is called the derivative of f at x0.
We use this definition to create a definition of the derivative for functions of
Several variables. Definition. Derivatives in Higher Dimensions Let f : D ⊂ R n → R
And let P0 be an interior point of D. Then f is differentiable at P0 if there is a vector
f ′ (P0) such that
lim P→P0 f (P) − f (P0) − # » P0P · f ′ (P0) =0
|P − P0|
Q 4:Suppose there is a c∈Rc∈R and a function E:R→RE:R→R, s.t. f(x)=f(a)+c(x−a)+E(x)f(x)=f(a)+c(x−a)+E(x) near aa and limx→aE(x)x−a=0limx→aE(x)x−a=0.
So that means:
f′(x)f′(x) exists and f′(x)=cf′(x)=c. Of course writing f′(x)f′(x) instead of cc before you know this is indeed begging the question.
Q 5: For a function f: R→R f: R→R, suppose that there exist a real number AA such that for all xx in some neighbourhood of aa,
f(x)=f(a)+A(x−a) +E(x)f(x)=f(a)+A(x−a) + E(x)
And that
Limx → aE(x)(x−a) =0limx→aE(x)(x−a) =0
We say that ff is differentiable at aa. If ff is differentiable at aa we define f′(a)f′(a) by
This definition is not circular and is useful since it can be generalized to the case where f: Rn→Rm f: Rn→Rm. In this case AA is a matrix instead of a real number (to be precise, AA is a linear operator
Q 6: Find the nth derivative of sin3 x
Solution: we know that sin 3x= 3sin x 4sin3 x = sin3x=
Differentiate n times w.r.t x,
(sin3 x) = (3 sinx- sin3x)
= ( -3n. Sin (3x+ nπ/2) + 3 sin (x+ nπ/2)) nϵz
Q 7: Find the nth derivative of sin 5x. Sin 3x.?
Solution: let y = sin 5x.sin 3x= ( sin 5x.sin 3x)
⇒y= ( cos 2x -cos8x)
⇒ y= (cos 2x- cos8x)
Differentiate n times w.r.t x,
Yn = (cos 2x - cos8x)
⇒ yn = ( 2 n (cos (2x+ nπ/2)- 8n.cos (8x + nπ/2)) nϵz.
Q 8: Successive n th derivative of nth elementary function ie., exponential
If y = ae n x + be –nx,then show that y2= n2y
Solution: Y= aenx + be-nx
y 1 = a.n.enx - b.n.e-nx
y2 = an2enx – bn2 e-nx = n2 (ae nx+ be –nx)
y2= n2y.
Q 9: If y= e-kx/2(a cosnx+ b sinnx) then show that., y2+ ky1+(n2+ k2/4) y =0
Solution: y= e-kx/2(a cosnx+ b sinnx)
Differentiating w.r.to. x.,
Y1 = e-kx/2(-an sin nx + bn cos nx) - k/2. y
Y1+ k/2. y = ne-kx/2 (-an sin nx + bn cos nx) (1)
Differentiating w.r.to x.,
Y2+ k/2. y1 = ne-kx/2 (-k/2) ( -an sin nx + bn cos nx) + n e-kx/2(-an cosnx- bn sinnx).
= -(k/2) (y1+ k/2 y)- n2 y = - (k/2 y1)- (k2/4) y- n2y.
y2 + ky1 +(n2+ k2/4) y = 0.
Q 10: If Y 2) = log (x + 2)) then show that
(1 + x 2) y1 +x y =1
Solution: Y 2) = log (x + 2))
Differentiating w.r.to x.,
y.1/ 2 2 .2x+ 2. Y1.
= (1+x) y + x y = . 1/x 2 . 2) +x/ 2 =1
Q 11: If Y 2) = log (x + 2)) then show that
(1 + x 2) y1 + x y =1
Solution: Y 2) = log (x + 2))
Differentiating w.r.to x.,
y.1/ 2 2 .2x+ 2. Y1.
= (1+x y +x y = . 1/x+ 2 . 2) +x/ 2 =1
Q 12:Evaluate
By L – Hospital rule,
Q 13: Evaluate
By L – Hospital rule
Q 14: Evaluate
By L – Hospital rule
Q 15: Find the value of a, b if
By L – Hospital rule
… (1)
From equation (1)
Q 16: Evaluate
(By L – Hospital Rule)
Q 17: Evaluate
… 0o form
Taking log on both sides we get,
By L – Hospital Rule
Q 18: Evaluate
Taking log on both sides,
By L – Hospital rule,
Q 19: Evaluate
Taking log on both sides, we get
By L – Hospital Rule,