Unit – 3
Writing Skills
Q1) What do you mean by business letters? Discuss the importance of business letters.
Business have to do a lot of correspondence with customer creditors, debtors, civil authorities and public at large. There is, also correspondence in between different departments of the same organization. The aim of the correspondence is to send and business transactions. Communication can be oral or through written communication. The written communication is called correspond to correspond means to be in conformity or agreement with something or somebody. The word Correspondence has a sense of plurality it implies letters or pair of letters consisting of an original letter followed by areply Commercial correspondence means, correspondence by business people regarding commercial transactions. Business correspondence or commercial correspondence is an important part of business communications. Business letters help the businessman to build new relations and maintain the existing relations. A businessman writes letters to its customers, employees, other firms, associate concerns, credit agencies, government departments, etc. The aim of these letters is to achieve a definite purpose e.g., selling a product, making an enquiry, seeking information or advice, creating goodwill etc.
In the modern world of technological advancement, there are modern ways of communication like Fax, e-mails etc. yet the importance of letters remains there. The reason behind this is that it is the cheapest and best way of communication. One can handle business activities over phone but these systems are expensive. Moreover, there are high chances of misunderstanding the information and sometimes it is difficult even to retain 1/3 of the information. Therefore, at the end we can say that business letters are best way of conveying accurate as well as detailed message.
Businessmen have to establish contacts with various agencies, customers, suppliers, etc., only then they can develop their organization. Communication is of vital importance for the business. There was a time when the size of the business used to be small and varied means of communication, as available today, were non-existent. The common method of communication was face-to-face conversation. The policy of sending representatives for direct contact was introduced when the business expanded in different cities but these methods of personal contact had their limitations. The easiest and the cheapest method of communication, today, is through letters. This has been possible with the introduction of efficient postal services.
Q2) Explain the essential characteristics of Effective business letter.
1. Completeness. All necessary matter should be incorporated in the letter. An incomplete letter will not fulfil the objectives. Writing the letter again will waste time and energy and the object is also delayed. Therefore, the quality of completeness must be there in a letter.
2. Convincingness: The object of a letter is fulfilled only when it is convincing. The subject-matter must be put in such a manner that the reader may be ready to act upon it. It is one of the most important elements of a letter.
3. Comprehensiveness: There must be simplicity in language so that the letter may be more comprehensive. The words be so selected that they may not have double meaning. Similarly, common words be used so that there may not be any need for consulting the dictionary. The letter must be convincing and the reader may get the substance of the letter by its reading for the first time
4. Concreteness: The letter must be clean and explanatory. The letter must be written on a paper of good quality. The letter be divided into paragraphs and it should not have dirtiness of ink and other marks. The writing must be very clear. It would be better if the letter is typed. Similarly, it is better to use concrete words with a definite meaning in place of vague and generalised statements. For example, 'goods are being sent, very soon' is a vague statement. Goods are being sent on the 17th May, 2002 is concrete.' Excessive use of infinitive should be avoided because it makes the letter formal and impersonal eg, I Supervise' is better than ‘It is my Job to Supervise. Phrases and clauses should not be added on to a sentence. A separate sentence should be used for each bit of information.
5.Correctness: Whatever is mentioned in the letter, it must be correct and right. If wrong statements are given, they will badly affect the trade. The aim of a letter is to establish goodwill and not to lose it. The construction of words and sentences should be correct and it should not show inefficiency of business. Correctness implies correct facts, correct style and correct time of the letter. Infact letter should be correct in every respect eg., spelling, grammar, layout, contents etc. Incorrect language, spelling etc., spoils the message, distracts the reader's attention and harms the image of the sender. If the writer is not sure about the spelling etc. then he can take the help of dictionary.
Untidy appearance, mistakes in typing, too many corrections uneven spacing etc., all create a poor image of business. So emphasis should be given to avoid these mistakes.
While writing letter, educational background, vocabulary, psychologe make up etc. of the receiver should be kept in view. The language and tone the letter should match the situation and the reader's psychology.
Q3) Explain the importance and objects of a business letter.
Businessmen have to establish contacts with various agencies, customers suppliers, etc., only then they can develop their organization. Communication is of vital importance for the business. There was a time when the size of the business used to be small and varied means of communication, as available today, were non-existent. The common method of communication was face-to face conversation. The policy of sending representatives for direct contact was introduced when the business expanded in different cities but these methods of personal contact had their limitations. The easiest and the cheapest method of communication, today, is through letters. This has been possible with the introduction of efficient postal services.
Standardization of the form and the style of business letters has added further to their popularity
Importance of business letter writing arises because of the following factors:
1. Letters are drafted after proper planning and pre-thinking with the result that the subject-matter is presented in a systematic and logical manner.
2. Letters can be sent to distant places through post office in a short time. Local letters can be sent very quickly through messengers.
3. Ideas conveyed in letters are precise, clear and free from ambiguity.
4. Letters provide record for future reference and can be used as evidence.
5. Same communication may be sent to different persons at the same time.
6. Letters can be used to convey unpleasant and delicate messages which.
7. It is easy to maintain Standardization in the form and style of business.
8. The cost of sending letters, as compared to other means of communication .
9. The size of the letters can be big or small, as per the requirements.
Letters are the host common form of business communication and business cannot be successful without writing good letters. Letters enable a business house to remain in touch with its customers, employees, suppliers, investors, credit agencies and other relevant groups.
"A good letter can pacify an angry customer as much as bad one can angry friendly one. It may sell a new product or spoil the sales of an established one, collects debts without hurting the customer's feeling or lose both the money and the customer refuse, a request yet win respect or grant the request yet incurill will."
According to Gort side there are 4 main reasons for writing business letters
1. To provide a convenient and inexpensive means of communication without personal contact,
2. To give or seek information,
3. To furnish evidence of transactions entered into, and
4. To provide a record for future reference.
In addition, the main aim of business correspondence is aimed at building. Goodwill by creating a good image of the organization in the minds of readers. Business letters also help in building goodwill by creating, in the mind of reader, an impression of the writer's organization. f the reader. receives a Well-written and meaningful letter from a writer, he forms a good opinion about the writer's organization.
The various functions of a business letter are explained below:
Widen contracts: It is very expensive and time consuming for a businessman, to send its representatives to each and every place of its connections.
Q4) State the qualities of an effective business letter.
The following qualities are necessary for a good letter writer:
1. Command on language. In order to become an efficient and good letter writer, it is very necessary for a person to have full command on the language. If he has good knowledge of the language then he can make the letter attractive and effective by using suitable words.
2. Knowledge of Principles of Letter Writing. There are some general and special principles of letter writing. The letter writer must know these principles well.
3. He should be dutiful towards the organization. The letter must be faithful and dutiful towards his organization. He must keep the interests of the organization in his mind. This quality is necessary for writing a good letter.
4. He is generous to his customers. A letter writer must be generous to his Customers. On account of this quality he conveys his thoughts to his customers.in a friendly manner. He maintains them even when they are angry or dissatisfaction.
5. Knowledge of the goods produced. A letter writer must have full knowledge of the goods produced by a company. Only then he can write the letter well and can create confidence in them about the goods
6. Ideal behavior. The behavior of the letter writer should be ideal. There should be no place for fraud, dishonesty and deceipt in his writings. He should follow only ideal principles in writing letters. He should be honest, courteous and straightforward in his writing. Customers can be attracted only by ideal behavior.
Q5) Write short note on reports.
A5) Report is defined as communication from someone who has to inform to someone who wants to use that information. Report states or describes about the events or facts to someone who requires it. These reports can be written by the individual or by the committees. Reports can be prepared only after careful investigation, experiments, research, surveys and logical thinking. Such report sent with expert advice, suggestions and recommendations.
Due to the increased complexity in the business environment, today the management have to be involved in a widespread, activities. A large number of decisions regarding these activities are taken on the basis of information, analysis, interpretation, recommendation and suggestions made in the reports. These reports help the management for evaluation, assessment and appraisal of the employees and their organizational activities. The large industry, which employs thousands of employees in the various departments, relies on the reports furnished by different departments to bring coordination among them.
Reports are vital to the communication needs of all large organizations. The larger the organization, the greater the need for report is likely to be. Also, the more technical and complex the work within the organization, the more likely it is the report will be needed."
The word 'report' is derived from the Latin word 'report are' which means to carry back."
Thus, report is a document or description of the event, which is carried to Someone who was not present on the Scene. In the broad sense, memorandums, letters and news items are reports. Dictionary meaning of the word report is to convey or to transmit. As have Dean said reports are always written for any event that has already occurred.
Q6) What is the process of Report writing?
A6) The process of writing a report consists of four main stages. These stages are
These stages are explained as follows
1. Pre-writing Stage
i) Deciding the purpose and nature of report: The first stage 1s to determine the purpose of the report. Whether the report should be statutory or non-statutory report. The purpose of the report will determine other three stages.
ii) Determination of Readers: It should be determined whether the intended readers belong to top level or middle level of management, general public etc.
iii) Background Research Material It should be collected from libraries,
iv) Analysis of Data: The data collected is analyzed and evaluated at this
2. Deciding structure of the report: There are various ways to design the
i) Heading: There should be a clear, short meaningful and: attractive structure of the report. There are some of the points that are almost same. They are heading on the report.
(ii) Address: The reports are made for the persons who require the information. So, it is essential to right the name of reader or readers.
(iii) Contents Report should contain the list of contents. It should be arranged in serial order along with page numbers on which such contents are to be found.
(iv) Terms of reference: It gives reason for writing the report. Brief description of the problem is stated. The object and scope of investigation are also given in this part.
(v) Body of report: This is the main part of the report. It is lengthy and important. In this part, the facts and date are stated. It includes the presentation of data in the form of graphs, tables, diagrams etc. Along with the analysis of data.
(vi) Recommendation: This part consists of conclusions and recommendations. The conclusions are made on the basis of the facts and collected data. Recommendations are given on the basis of conclusions.
(vii) Reference: It is customary to mention list of references, indicating the sources from where the material has been taken.
(vii) Signature: There should a signature of the person who is responsible
3. Drafting of a report It is an important stage in report writing, this stage for its preparation includes following considerations
Collection and analysis of data: The first step in drafting is to collect the information, facts, and data. Investigations, observations and interviews or surveys, etc., help in collecting the information, facts and data. Then this has to be analyzed properly.
i) Writing of report: Report writing is an art that can be developed by practicing report writing and by studying the reports of other writers. Report are written for others so it should be properly written.
4. Re-writing of a report: The last stage of writing business report is rewriting of the report. This involves reviewing, revising and recopying the matter already written.
5. Presentation of Report: After rewriting the report, it is presented to the authorized person or the concerned person. It may be typewritten, printed or handwritten depending upon the number of copies required. Sufficient margin should be kept on the left- hand side (LH.S.). Reports should be written on one side of the paper. Proper paragraphs should be made and numbering should be done wherever required. Important information should be presented in the form of diagrams, illustrations, charts etc. and these should be numbered.
Q7) What are the characteristics of a good business report?
A7) Characteristics of A Good Business Report-
A good business report must have the following qualities:
1. It is very important that the information in a business report is accurate and reliable. The writer's recommendations may not be favorably received but if the facts are correct, the reader can interpret them in his own way. Accuracy includes completeness as well as correctness. 'The omission of important information can be as dangerous as including erroneous information.
2. Like other writing, a good business report must have clarity and conciseness. To ensure clarity, a writer must first take care to investigate his subject thoroughly, and then write a detailed outline. Paragraphs and sentences should logically follow each other, and the words used should be as simple as possible. A good business report must be concise. This does not mean that a long report is undesirable, but a wordy report, full of irrelevant ideas and too much detail, is a waste of the writer's and the reader's time.
3. A good report is objectively written. This sometimes becomes difficult because the writer is often closely involved with the subject, and may be deeply committed to it. However, the writer should not permit his prejudices to warp his judgement in the writing of the report. This requires a certain amount of restraint in the selection of words. Use of superlatives and other such expressions should be avoided. Explain the features and importance of report.
The various features according to above discussion are as follows:
1. Formal statement: A report is a formal statement of facts or information or an account of something. lt is in a systematic way as planned or described earlier.
2. Conventional form: It is presented in a conventional form.
3. Communication: Report is one of the ways of communication from downward to upward or horizontally.
4. Factual information: The report communicates the factual information events and records in the course of business
5. Specific business: A business report serves the purpose of a specific business. It designed the specific business
6. Specific audience: Reports are written for a specific audience, i.e. for the person who wants to use that information, like directors' report for the
7. Systematic presentation: The report should be presented systematically. It should contain faces, procedure of collecting data and significance of such data. It should contain conclusions and recommendations. Thus, a report is a formal communication written for a specific purpose, it includes a description of procedures followed for collection and analysis of data, their significance, the conclusions drawn from them, and recommendations, if
Importance of Report
Decision- making: A large number of important decisions in business industry or government are taken on the basis of information presented or recommendation made in reports. These recommendations are the most expert advices.
1. Help in planning: Report helps an executive to perform his functions of planning and evaluating men and material resources efficiently a
2. Provides factual and real information. The reports provide detailed analysis and highlight the factual and real information.
3. Useful in big organization: Reports are aid to management to know about what others are doing in the big organization.
4. Control devices: Certain reports act as control devices that helps in taking corrective actions.
Q8) What are the characteristics of an effective speech?
A8) Characteristic of an Effective Speech-
Ben Jonson has beautifully described "Talking and eloquence are not the same to speak and to speak well are two things."
A good speech must possess following characteristics-
(1) Clarity: Clarity is the first major characteristics of a good speaker should be clear in his idea and he should have good command over usage in which he is speaking to express his 1deas clearly so that they are instant understood by the listeners.
(2) Length of the speech: The length of a good speech should neither is too brief nor too long. If the speech 1 too long it will fail to sustain the interest of audience for long time. If it is too brief it may end even before it exercises to hold once the attention of the listeners. Speaker should express his ideas in a lucid manner and talking most relevant to the topic.
(3) Natural voice: Usually it is seen that some speakers deliberately cultivate an affected style under the impression that it would make them look more sophisticated. But it is not so, because nothing impresses so much as the natural way of speech. So, a good speaker always tries to tone down an artificial accent and discard all affection of speech and tries to cultivate a pleasing voice and speak clearly and distinctly.
(4) Informative: Good speech should be informative and illuminating so that the audience can gain something from it. If a speaker is repetitive, he will simply bore the audience who will turn the deaf ear to whatever is being spoken. A speaker has to reach his audience, his public, and the method and means by which he does it, is his own. He has to bring out his individuality through his speech, so that his image stands separate from that of others.
Q9) What is an extempore speech?
Extempore speech means speech delivered without any prior preparation. We come across a large number of people exhibiting their oratory skills on various social, political and official occasions. As they know in advance what they are supposed to deliver, they come well prepared with their respective topics of speech.
However, those who are called upon to deliver an extempore speech have to display a number of talents. They must have a keen presence of mind. They should be equipped with a good knowledge of events, of past and present. They must invent solid arguments with illustrations on the sport to put forward their views effectively. We are supposed to make an extempore speech whether we are facing an interview board or group discussion or sometimes on some social occasion.
We must possess the above mentioned traits if we desire to make our presence felt-otherwise we are likely to cut a sorry figure. Hence, the capability to make an extempore speech assumes immense importance.