Question Bank
Unit 03
Question Bank
Unit 03
Question Bank
Unit 03
Question Bank
Unit 03
Q-Explain Entropy.
Entropy is used to describe the behavior of a system in terms of thermodynamic properties such as temperature, pressure, entropy, and heat capacity. This thermodynamic description took into consideration the state of equilibrium of the systems.
Meanwhile, the statistical definition which was developed at a later stage focused on the thermodynamic properties which were defined in terms of the statistics of the molecular motions of a system. Entropy is a measure of the molecular disorder.
Q-Explain free energy in thermodynamics.
In thermodynamics, energy-like property or state function of a system in thermodynamic equilibrium. Free energy has the dimensions of energy, and its value is determined by the state of the system and not by its history. Free energy is used to determine how systems change and how much work they can produce. It is expressed in two forms: the Helmholtz free energy F, sometimes called the work function, and the Gibbs free energy G. If U is the internal energy of a system, PV the pressure-volume product, and TS the temperature-entropy product (T being the temperature above absolute zero), then F = U − TS and G = U + PV − TS. The latter equation can also be written in the form G = H – TS, where H = U + PV is the enthalpy. Free energy is an extensive property, meaning that its magnitude depends on the amount of a substance in a given thermodynamic state.
Q-Derive Gibb’s Free energy.
Gibbs free energy of the system is the difference of enthalpy of the system with the product of temperature times the entropy of the system.
Gibbs free energy of the system is defined in term of the thermodynamics which are state in function. Any change in the Gibbs Free Energy System is directly proportional to the difference of change in the enthalpy of the system with the products of temperature times the entropy of the system.
G= H- (TS)
While at constant temperature this reaction transform into:
G= H-T S
The Nernst Equation is derived from the Gibbs free energy under standard conditions.
n=no. Of transferred electrons in the reaction
F= Faraday constant
E=Potential Difference.
While when we see in the standard condition then, equation (ii) becomes
Reaction is Spontaneous when E* is positive while non- spontaneous in vice-versa.
G= G*+RT lnQ………….(iv)
Now, Substituting G=−nFE and G*=−nFE* into Equation 4, we have:
On Dividing both sides of the Equation above by −nF,
Equation (vi) in the form of log10:
E=E*−2.303RT/nF log10Q…….(vii)
At standard temperature T = 298 K, the 2.303RT/F term equals 0.0592 V and Equation
(vii) can be rewritten:
E=E*−0.0592V/n log10Q……..(viii)
The equation (viii) clearly indicates that electric potential of cell depends on reaction quotient of reaction. The product formation leads to the increase in the concentration of the products. This tends to decrease the the potential of the cell until it reaches at the stage of equilibrium where, G=0 and G=-nFE Q=K so E=0
Then on substituting the these values to Nernst Equation we get,
0=E*-RT/nF In K…….(ix)
At room temperature it becomes;
0=E*-0.0592V/n Log10K
The above equation clearly indicates the equilibrium constant K is proportional to the standard potential.
1- This is used in the solubility product and potentio-metric titration.
2- It is used to calculate the potential of ion charge.
It is used in oxygen and aquatic environment.
Q-Explain Galvanic Series.
Galvanic series relationships are useful as a guide for selecting metals to be joined, will help the selection of metals having minimal tendency to interact galvanically, or will indicate the need or degree of protection to be applied to lessen the expected potential interactions. In general, the further apart the materials are in the galvanic series, the higher the risk of galvanic corrosion, which should be prevented by design. Conversely, the farther one metal is from another, the greater the corrosion will be. However, the series does not provide any information on the rate of galvanic corrosion and thus serves as a basic qualitative guide only.
Q-What is Galvanic Corrosion?
Galvanic corrosion is the most common corrosion which can be get in notice. This corrosion occurs when two different type of metals are in contact with each other in the presence of electrolyte. In this type of corrosion noble metal are safe while the active metals corrodes.
Q-Explain about differential aeration corrosion.
The uneven supply of oxygen to the same metal component leads to the formation of oxygen concentration cells that is called as the differential aeration theory of corrosion. It is the type of electrochemical corrosion that affects the metals such as steel and iron. The less oxygenated part behaves anodic while the more oxygenated part cathodic. Since cathodic reactions involve consumption of oxygen, the more oxygenated part behaves cathodic and less oxygenated pan behaves anodic. The reaction occurs because oppositely charged electrons flow between the smaller anode and larger cathode. Positively charged cations meeting negatively charged anions forming corrosion product and a resulting pit in the metal, otherwise known as pitting corrosion. In a gutter, pipe, tank or similar the anode is just below the waterline. This is where the oxidation occurs, corrosion product forms and a pit develops weakening the metal.
Q-Explain Pitting Corrosion.
This type of corrosion occurs at certain conditions, there is a accelerated corrosion in some areas rather than the uniform corrosion over the substance. This condition includes low level of concentration of oxygen or high concentration of chlorides.

Q-Explain waterline corrosion.
Waterline corrosion is a type of oxidation process that can happen to materials in contact with water. Waterline corrosion occurs when one portion of a base material is submersed in the water and another portion is in contact with the air. This creates a differential of the amount of oxygen in contact with the material's surface above and below the waterline and results in a corrosive reaction.
Q-What is caustic embrittlement?
- It is a type of corrison caused by high concentration of sodium hydroxide in boiler water sodium carbonate hydroxide in the boiler and extent of hydrolysis increases with temprature.
Na2CO3 + H2O ----------------- >2Na.OH + CO2
2. Sodium hydroxide reacts with metal ion to form ion to form iron oxide and hydrogen.
3. When metral oxide coating cracks, chemical attack continues into metal along grain boundaries . Through the cracks , water flows , wwhen it evaporates sodium hydroxide is left there.
4. This attack iron of boiler.
5. This type of corrision of boiler parts particularly at stress parts caused due to chemical of caustic soda ( NaOH) Is called as embrittlement.
During water softening by soda – limes , processes Na2CO3 is added to water as precipitant . Caustic embrittlement can be prevented by addition lignins or tannos which help in blocking of hair cracks.
Q-What are the factors that effect the corrosion?
(i)Nature of metal
Position of metal in galvanic series.
If position is higher in galvanic series then it carrode faster
While for 2 metal the difference between them shows the corrosion ratio.
(ii)Potential Difference
If the difference at the electrode potential between two metal is high then the rate of corrosion would be also high while vice versa for lesser difference.
(iii)Purity of metal
Corrosion never took place in pure metals. While if metal itself has a impurity then galvanic cell set up easily which intend increases the rate of corrosion.
(iv)Relative areas of cathode and anode parts
Rate of corrosion is directly depends on the area of cathode and inversely depends on the area of anode. If the area of cathode is larger then there is more demand of electrons while in the smaller anode area the corrosion took place very fast.
(v)Nature of corrosion Product
Metal oxide film is formed on the surface of metal by corrosion due to oxygen. The formed film would be stable, unstable, volatile.
At high temperature the rate of corrosion increases as because there is a consistent increase in the ionization and mobility difference rate while in some cases rate of corrosion decreases at high temperature as the solubility of O2 gas increases.
(vii)Presence of moisture
The rate of corrosion decreases in dry while increases in presence of moisture. Moisture act as the solvent for setting up of electrochemical corrosion.
(viii)Effect of pH
Rate of corrosion is high at acidic pH due to the evolution of H2 gas at cathode.
(ix)Concentration of electrolytes
This is also called as the Oxygen concentration cell. The rate of corrosion would be directly depend on the supply of oxygen on air.
(x)Over Voltage
The difference between the actual value and theoretical value of decomposition potential of electrode.