Unit - 1
Basic concepts and notations
Q1) What is data structure?
A1) A data structure is a collection of data pieces that provides an efficient method for storing and organizing data in a computer so that it may be used effectively. Arrays, Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, and other Data Structures are examples. Data Structures are employed in practically every element of computer science, including operating systems, compiler design, artificial intelligence, graphics, and many more applications.
Data Structures are an important aspect of many computer science algorithms because they allow programmers to efficiently handle data. It is critical to improving the performance of a software or program because the software's primary duty is to save and retrieve user data as quickly as feasible.
Basic terminology
The building blocks of every program or software are data structures. The most challenging challenge for a programmer is deciding on a suitable data structure for a program. When it comes to data structures, the following terminology is utilized.
Data: The data on a student can be defined as an elementary value or a set of values, for example, the student's name and id.
Group items: Group items are data items that include subordinate data items, such as a student's name, which can have both a first and a last name.
Record: A record can be characterized as a collection of several data objects. For example, if we consider the student entity, the name, address, course, and grades can all be gathered together to constitute the student's record.
File: A file is a collection of various records of one type of entity; for example, if there are 60 employees in the class, the relevant file will contain 20 records, each containing information about each employee.
Attribute and Entity: A class of objects is represented by an entity. It has a number of characteristics. Each attribute represents an entity's specific property.
Q2) Write the operation on data structure?
A2) Operation on data structure
- Traversing
The set of data elements is present in every data structure. Traversing a data structure is going through each element in order to perform a certain action, such as searching or sorting.
For example, if we need to discover the average of a student's grades in six different topics, we must first traverse the entire array of grades and calculate the total amount, then divide that sum by the number of subjects, which in this case is six, to find the average.
2. Insertion
The process of adding elements to the data structure at any position is known as insertion.
We can only introduce n-1 data elements into a data structure if its size is n.
3. Deletion
Deletion is the process of eliminating an element from a data structure. We can remove an element from the data structure at any point in the data structure.
Underflow occurs when we try to delete an element from an empty data structure.
4. Searching
Searching is the process of discovering an element's location within a data structure. There are two types of search algorithms: Linear Search and Binary Search.
5. Sorting
Sorting is the process of putting the data structure in a specified order. Sorting can be done using a variety of algorithms, such as insertion sort, selection sort, bubble sort, and so on.
6. Merging
Merging occurs when two lists, List A and List B, of size M and N, respectively, containing comparable types of elements are combined to form a third list, List C, of size (M+N).
Q3) What is algorithmic complexity?
A3) If we consider X to be an algorithm and N to be the size of the input data, the time and space implemented by Algorithm X are the two key criteria that determine X's efficiency.
Time Factor - The time is determined or assessed by measuring the number of critical operations in the sorting algorithm, such as comparisons.
Space Factor - The space is estimated or measured by counting the algorithm's maximum memory requirements.
With respect to N as the size of input data, the complexity of an algorithm f(N) provides the running time and/or storage space required by the method.
Space complexity
The amount of memory space required by an algorithm during its life cycle is referred to as its space complexity.
The sum of the following two components represents the amount of space required by an algorithm.
A fixed component is a space needed to hold specific data and variables (such as simple variables and constants, program size, and so on) that are independent of the problem's size.
A variable part is a space that variables require and whose size is entirely dependent on the problem's magnitude. Recursion stack space, dynamic memory allocation, and so forth.
Complexity of space Any algorithm p's S(p) is S(p) = A + Sp (I) Where A is the fixed component of the algorithm and S(I) is the variable part of the algorithm that is dependent on the instance characteristic I. Here's a basic example to help you understand the concept.
Step 1 - START
Step 2 - R ← P + Q + 10
Step 3 - Stop
There are three variables here: P, Q, and R, as well as one constant. As a result, S(p) = 1+3. Now, the amount of space available is determined by the data types of specified constant types and variables, and it is multiplied accordingly.
Time complexity
The time complexity of an algorithm is a representation of how long it takes for the algorithm to complete its execution. Time requirements can be expressed or specified as a numerical function t(N), where N is the number of steps and t(N) is the time taken by each step.
When adding two n-bit numbers, for example, N steps are taken. As a result, the total processing time is t(N) = c*n, where c represents the time spent adding two bits. We can see that as the input size grows, t(N) climbs linearly.
Q4) Write short notes on Time space trade off?
A4) Time space trade off
- It is also known as time memory tradeoff.
- It is a way of solving problems in less time by using more storage space.
- It can be used with the problem of data storage.
- For example: time complexity of merge sort is O(n log n)in all cases. But requires an auxiliary array.
- In quick sort complexity is O(n log n) for best and average case but it doesn’t require auxiliary space.
- Two Space-for-Time Algorithm Varieties:
- Input enhancement - To store some info, preprocess the input (or its portion) to be used in solving the issue later
- Counting sorts
- String searching algorithms
- Pre-structuring-preprocessing the input to access its components
1) hashing 2) indexing schemes simpler (e.g., B-trees)
Q5) Explain Big Oh (O) Notation?
A5) Big oh notations
- It is the formal way to express the time complexity.
- It is used to define the upper bound of an algorithm’s running time.
- It shows the worst-case time complexity or largest amount of time taken by the algorithm to perform a certain task.
Fig 1: Big Oh notation
Here, f (n) <= g (n) …………….(eq1)
Where n>= k, C>0 and k>=1
If any algorithm satisfies the eq1 condition then it becomes f (n)= O (g (n))
Properties of Big oh notation
The definition of big O is pretty ugly to have to work with all the time, kind of like the "limit" definition of a derivative in Calculus. Here are some helpful theorems you can use to simplify big O calculations:
● Any kth degree polynomial is O(nk).
● a nk = O(nk) for any a > 0.
● Big O is transitive. That is, if f(n) = O(g(n)) and g(n) is O(h(n)), then f(n) = O(h(n)).
● logan = O(logb n) for any a, b > 1. This practically means that we don't care, asymptotically, what base we take our logarithms to. (I said asymptotically. In a few cases, it does matter.)
● Big O of a sum of functions is big O of the largest function. How do you know which one is the largest? The one that all the others are big O of. One consequence of this is, if f(n) = O(h(n)) and g(n) is O(h(n)), then f(n) + g(n) = O(h(n)).
● f(n) = O(g(n)) is true if limn->infinity f(n)/g(n) is a constant.
Q6) What is an algorithm?
A6) Algorithm
The term 'algorithm' refers to the instructions that must be followed in order to solve an issue.
The logical explanation of the instructions that can be carried out to achieve a necessary function.
Algorithms are typically created independent of primary languages, meaning that they can be written in more than one computer language.
Q7) What is best, worst and average case of an algorithm?
A7) We all know that as the input size (n) grows, the running time of an algorithm grows (or stays constant in the case of constant running time). Even if the input has the same size, the running duration differs between distinct instances of the input. In this situation, we examine the best, average, and worst-case scenarios. The best case running time is the shortest, the worst case running time is the longest, and the average case running time is the time required to execute the algorithm on average. All of these principles will be explained using two examples: I linear search and (ii) insertion sort.
Best case
Consider the case of Linear Search, in which we look for a certain item in an array. We return the relevant index if the item is in the array; else, we return -1. The linear search code is provided below.
Int search(int a, int n, int item) {
Int i;
For (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
If (a[i] == item) {
Return a[i]
Return -1
Variable an is an array, n is the array's size, and item is the array item we're looking for. It will return the index immediately if the item we're seeking for is in the very first position of the array. The for loop is just executed once. In this scenario, the complexity will be O. (1). This is referred to be the best case scenario.
Average case
On occasion, we perform an average case analysis on algorithms. The average case is nearly as severe as the worst scenario most of the time. When attempting to insert a new item into its proper location using insertion sort, we compare the new item to half of the sorted items on average. The complexity remains on the order of n2, which corresponds to the worst-case running time.
Analyzing an algorithm's average behavior is usually more difficult than analyzing its worst-case behavior. This is due to the fact that it is not always clear what defines a "average" input for a given situation. As a result, a useful examination of an algorithm's average behavior necessitates previous knowledge of the distribution of input instances, which is an impossible condition. As a result, we frequently make the assumption that all inputs of a given size are equally likely and do the probabilistic analysis for the average case.
Worst case
In real life, we almost always perform a worst-case analysis on an algorithm. The longest running time for any input of size n is called the worst case running time.
The worst case scenario in a linear search is when the item we're looking for is at the last place of the array or isn't in the array at all. We must run through all n elements in the array in both circumstances. As a result, the worst-case runtime is O. (n). In the case of linear search, worst-case performance is more essential than best-case performance for the following reasons.
● Rarely is the object we're looking for in the first position. If there are 1000 entries in the array, start at 1 and work your way up. There is a 0.001% probability that the item will be in the first place if we search it at random from 1 to 1000.
● Typically, the item isn't in the array (or database in general). In that situation, the worst-case running time is used.
Similarly, when items are reverse sorted in insertion sort, the worst case scenario occurs. In the worst scenario, the number of comparisons will be on the order of n2, and hence the running time will be O (n2).
Knowing an algorithm's worst-case performance ensures that the algorithm will never take any longer than it does today.
Q8) Describe array?
A8) An array is a collection of data items, all of the same type, accessed using a common name.
A one-dimensional array is like a list; A two dimensional array is like a table; The C language places no limits on the number of dimensions in an array, though specific implementations may.
Some texts refer to one-dimensional arrays as vectors, two-dimensional arrays as matrices, and use the general term arrays when the number of dimensions is unspecified or unimportant.
Linear arrays
A one-dimensional array, often known as a single-dimensional array, is one in which a single subscript specification is required to identify a specific array element. We can declare a one-dimensional array as follows:
Data_type array_name [Expression];
Data_type - The kind of element to be stored in the array is data type.
Array_name - array name specifies the array's name; it can be any type of name, much like other simple variables.
Expression - The number of values to be placed in the array is supplied; arrays are sometimes known as subscripted values; the subscript value must be an integer value, therefore the array's subscript begins at 0.
Int "a" [10]
Where int: data type
a: array name
10: expression
Data values are dummy values, you can understand after seeing the output, indexing starts from “0”.
Multidimensional Arrays
A 2D array can be defined as an array of arrays. The 2D array is organized as matrices which can be represented as the collection of rows and columns.
However, 2D arrays are created to implement a relational database look alike data structure. It provides ease of holding bulk data at once which can be passed to any number of functions wherever required.
How to declare 2D Array
The syntax of declaring a two dimensional array is very much similar to that of a one dimensional array, given as follows.
Int arr[max_rows][max_columns];
However, It produces the data structure which looks like the following.
Fig 2: Example
Above image shows the two dimensional array, the elements are organized in the form of rows and columns. First element of the first row is represented by a[0][0] where the number shown in the first index is the number of that row while the number shown in the second index is the number of the column.
How do we access data in a 2D array
Due to the fact that the elements of 2D arrays can be random accessed. Similar to one dimensional arrays, we can access the individual cells in a 2D array by using the indices of the cells. There are two indices attached to a particular cell, one is its row number while the other is its column number.
However, we can store the value stored in any particular cell of a 2D array to some variable x by using the following syntax.
- Int x = a[i][j];
Where i and j is the row and column number of the cell respectively.
We can assign each cell of a 2D array to 0 by using the following code:
- For ( int i=0; i<n ;i++)
- {
- For (int j=0; j<n; j++)
- {
- a[i][j] = 0;
- }
- }
Initializing 2D Arrays
We know that, when we declare and initialize a one dimensional array in C programming simultaneously, we don't need to specify the size of the array. However this will not work with 2D arrays. We will have to define at least the second dimension of the array.
The syntax to declare and initialize the 2D array is given as follows.
- Int arr[2][2] = {0,1,2,3};
The number of elements that can be present in a 2D array will always be equal to (number of rows * number of columns).
Example: Storing User's data into a 2D array and printing it.
C Example:
- #include <stdio.h>
- Void main ()
- {
- Int arr[3][3],i,j;
- For (i=0;i<3;i++)
- {
- For (j=0;j<3;j++)
- {
- Printf("Enter a[%d][%d]: ",i,j);
- Scanf("%d",&arr[i][j]);
- }
- }
- Printf("\n printing the elements ....\n");
- For(i=0;i<3;i++)
- {
- Printf("\n");
- For (j=0;j<3;j++)
- {
- Printf("%d\t",arr[i][j]);
- }
- }
- }
Q9) How to represent an array?
A9) Arrays can be declared in a variety of ways depending on the language.
Arrays can be declared in a variety of ways depending on the language. Consider the C array declaration as an example.
The following are the key points to consider, as shown in the diagram above.
● The index begins with a zero.
● The length of the array is 10, which indicates it can hold ten elements.
● The index of each element can be used to access it. For example, an element at index 6 can be retrieved as 9.
Q10) What is Traversal in array?
A10) The traversal of an array's elements is performed with this operation.
The following software walks an array and outputs its elements:
#include <stdio.h>
Main() {
Int LA[] = {1,3,5,7,8};
Int item = 10, k = 3, n = 5;
Int i = 0, j = n;
Printf("The original array elements are :\n");
For(i = 0; i<n; i++) {
Printf("LA[%d] = %d \n", i, LA[i]);
When we compile and run the preceding program, we get the following result:
The original array elements are :
LA[0] = 1
LA[1] = 3
LA[2] = 5
LA[3] = 7
LA[4] = 8
Q11) What is bubble sort?
A11) Bubble Sort is a simple algorithm for sorting a collection of n elements that is provided in the form of an array with n elements. Bubble Sort compares each element individually and sorts them according to their values.
If an array must be sorted in ascending order, bubble sort will begin by comparing the first and second members of the array, swapping both elements if the first element is greater than the second, and then moving on to compare the second and third elements, and so on.
If there are n elements in total, we must repeat the method n-1 times.
It's called bubble sort because the largest element in the given array bubbles up to the last position or highest index with each full iteration, similar to how a water bubble rises to the sea surface.
Although it is simple to use, bubble sort is largely employed as an educational tool because its performance in the actual world is low. It isn't designed to handle huge data collections. Bubble sort has an average and worst-case complexity of O(n2), where n is the number of elements.
Sorting is done by going through all of the items one by one, comparing them to the next closest element, and swapping them if necessary.
Assume arr is an array of n elements in the algorithm below. The algorithm's presumed swap function will swap the values of specified array members.
Begin BubbleSort(arr)
For all array elements
If arr[i] > arr[i+1]
Swap(arr[i], arr[i+1])
End if
End for
Return arr
End BubbleSort
Q12) How does bubble sorting work?
A12) Working of Bubble Sort
Assume we're attempting to arrange the elements in ascending order.
1. First Iteration (Compare and Swap)
● Compare the first and second elements starting with the first index.
● The first and second elements are swapped if the first is bigger than the second.
● Compare and contrast the second and third elements now. If they aren't in the right order, swap them.
● The process continues until the last piece is added.
2. Remaining Iteration
For the remaining iterations, the same procedure is followed.
The largest element among the unsorted items is placed at the conclusion of each iteration.
The comparison takes place up to the last unsorted element in each iteration.
When all of the unsorted elements have been placed in their correct placements, the array is said to be sorted.
Q13) Explain selection sort with example?
A13) In the selection sort, the smallest value among the array's unsorted items is chosen in each pass and inserted into the proper spot.
To begin, locate the array's smallest element and set it in the first position. Then locate the array's second smallest element and set it in the second spot. The procedure is repeated till the sorted array is obtained.
The n-1 pass of the selection sort algorithm is used to sort the array of n entries.
● The smallest element of the array, as well as its index pos, must be identified in the first run. Swap A[0] and A[pos] after that. As a result of sorting A[0], we now have n -1 elements to sort.
● The location pos of the smallest element in the sub-array A[n-1] is obtained in the second pas. Swap A[1] and A[pos] after that. After sorting A[0] and A[1], we're left with n-2 unsorted elements.
● The position pos of the smaller element between A[n-1] and A[n-2] must be found in the n-1st pass. Swap A[pos] and A[n-1] after that.
As a result, the items A[0], A[1], A[2],...., A[n-1] are sorted using the procedure described above.
Consider the following six-element array. Using selection sort, sort the array's elements.
A = {10, 2, 3, 90, 43, 56}.
Pass | Pos | A[0] | A[1] | A[2] | A[3] | A[4] | A[5] |
1 | 1 | 2 | 10 | 3 | 90 | 43 | 56 |
2 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 10 | 90 | 43 | 56 |
3 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 10 | 90 | 43 | 56 |
4 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 10 | 43 | 90 | 56 |
5 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 10 | 43 | 56 | 90 |
Sorted A = {2, 3, 10, 43, 56, 90}
● Step 1: Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for K = 1 to N-1
● Step 3: SWAP A[K] with ARR[POS]
● Step 4: EXIT
● Step 3: Repeat for J = K+1 to N -1
● Step 4: RETURN POS
Q14) Describe insertion sort?
A14) Insertion style is a decrease & conquer technique application. It is a sort based on comparison in which the sorted array is constructed on one entry at a time.
Insertion sorting is a very basic process for sorting numbers in an ascending or descending order. The gradual method is accompanied by this method. It can be contrasted with the method of sorting cards at the time of playing a game.
The numbers that are needed to be sorted are known as keys. Here is the insertion sort method algorithm.
Algorithm: Insertion-Sort (A)
For j = 2 to A.length
Key = A[j]
// Insert A[j] into the sorted sequence A[1.. j - 1]
i = j - 1
While i > 0 and A[i] > key
A[i + 1] = A[i]
i = i -1
A[i + 1] = key
This algorithm's run time is very dependent on the input given.
If the numbers given are sorted, this algorithm runs in O(n) time. If the numbers given are in reverse order, the algorithm runs in O(n2) time.
Using insertion sort to sort the following list of elements:
89, 45, 68, 90, 29, 34, 17
89 |45 68 90 29 34 17
45 89 |68 90 29 34 17
45 68 89 |90 29 34 17
45 68 89 90 |29 34 17
29 45 68 89 90 |34 17
29 34 45 68 89 90 |17
17 29 34 45 68 89 90
In the following instances, the insertion sort algorithm is used:
● When only a few elements are in the list.
● When there are few elements for sorting.
Q15) Write the advantages of insertion sort?
A15) Advantages:
- Straightforward implementation. Three variants exist.
● Left to right scan
● Right to left scan
● Binary insertion sort
2. Effective on a small list of components, on a nearly sorted list.
3. In the best example, running time is linear.
4. This algorithm is stable.
5. Is the on-the-spot algorithm
Q16) Explain merge sort with example?
A16) Merge Sort is based on a divide and conquer strategy. It divides the unsorted list into n sublists such that each sublist contains one element. Each sublist is then sorted and merged until there is only one sublist.
Step 1: Divide the list into sublists such that each sublist contains only one element.
Step 2: Sort each sublist and Merge them.
Step 3: Repeat Step 2 till the entire list is sorted.
Example: Apply Merge Sort on array A= {85,24,63,45,17,31,96,50}
Step1: A contains 8 elements. First we divide the list into two sublists such that each sublist contains 4 elements. Then we divide each sublist of 4 elements into sublist of two elements each. Finally every sublist contains only one element.
Fig. 4: Example
Step 2: Now we start from the bottom. Compare 1st and 2nd element. Sort and merge them. Apply this for all bottom elements.
Thus we got 4 sublists as follows
24 | 85 |
| 45 | 63 |
| 17 | 31 |
| 50 | 96 |
Step 3: Repeat this sorting and merging until the entire list is sorted. The above four sublists are sorted and merged to form 2 sublists.
24 | 85 | 63 | 85 |
| 17 | 31 | 50 | 96 |
Finally, the above 2 sublists are again sorted and merged in one sublist.
17 | 24 | 31 | 45 | 50 | 63 | 85 | 96 |
We will see one more example on merge sort.
Example: Apply merge Sort on array A={10,5,7,6,1,4,8,3,2,9,12,11}
Step 1:
Fig 5: Merge sort
Algorithm for Merge Sort:
Let x = no. Of elements in array A
y = no. Of elements in array B
C = sorted array with no. Of elements n
n = x+y
Following algorithm merges a sorted x element array A and sorted y element array B into a sorted array C, with n = x + y elements. We must always keep track of the locations of the smallest element of A and the smallest element of B which have not yet been placed in C. Let LA and LB denote these locations, respectively. Also, let LC denote the location in C to be filled. Thus, initially, we set
LA: = 1,
LB: = 1 and
LC: = 1.
At each step, we compare A[LA] and B[LB] and assign the smaller element to C[LC].
LC:= LC + 1,
LA: = LA + 1, if a new element has come from A.
LB: = LB + 1, if a new element has come from B.
Furthermore, if LA> x, then the remaining elements of B are assigned to C;
LB >y, then the remaining elements of A are assigned to C.
Thus the algorithm becomes
MERGING ( A, x, B, y, C)
1. [Initialize ] Set LA : = 1 , LB := 1 AND LC : = 1
2. [Compare] Repeat while LA <= x and LB <= y
If A[LA] < B[LB], then
(a) [Assign element from A to C ] set C[LC] = A[LA]
(b) [Update pointers ] Set LC := LC +1 and LA = LA+1
(a) [Assign element from B to C] Set C[LC] = B[LB]
(b) [Update Pointers] Set LC:= LC +1 and LB = LB +1
[End of loop]
3. [Assign remaining elements to C]
If LA > x , then
Repeat for K= 0 ,1,2,........,y–LB
Set C[LC+K] = B[LB+K]
[End of loop]
Repeat for K = 0,1,2,......,x–LA
Set C[LC+K] = A[LA+K]
[End of loop]
4. Exit
Q17) Describe quick sort?
A17) Quick sort is the most efficient method of sorting. It uses the divide and conquer strategy to sort the elements. In quicksort, we divide the array of items to be sorted into two partitions and then call the quicksort procedure recursively to sort the two partitions. For this we choose a pivot element and arrange all elements such that all the elements in the left part are less than the pivot and all those in the right part are greater than it.
Algorithm to implement Quick Sort is as follows.
Consider array A of size n to be sorted. p is the pivot element. Index positions of the first and last element of array A are denoted by ‘first’ and ‘last’.
- Initially first=0 and last=n–1.
- Increment first till A[first]<=p
- Decrement last till A[last]>=p
- If first < last then swap A[first] with A[last].
- If first > last then swap p with A[last] and thus the position of p is found. Pivot p is placed such that all elements to its left are less than it and all elements right to it are greater than it. Let us assume that j is the final position of p. Then A[0] to A[j–1] are less than p and A [j + 1] to A [n–1]are greater than p.
- Now we consider the left part of array A i.e A[0] to A[j–1].Repeat step 1,2,3 and 4. Apply the same procedure for the right part of the array.
- We continue with the above steps till no more partitions can be made for every subarray.
● Step 2: Repeat Steps 3 to 6 while FLAG =
● Step 3: Repeat while ARR[LOC] <=ARR[RIGHT]
● Step 4: IF LOC = RIGHT
● Step 5: IF FLAG = 0
Repeat while ARR[LOC] >= ARR[LEFT] AND LOC != LEFT
● Step 6:IF LOC = LEFT
● Step 7: [END OF LOOP]
● Step 8: END
● Step 1: IF (BEG < END)
● Step 2: END
Q18) Explain counting sort?
A18) Counting sort is a stable sorting technique that is used to sort things based on small numbers as keys. It counts the number of keys with the same key value. When the difference between distinct keys isn't too great, this sorting strategy works well; otherwise, it can add to the space complexity.
The counting sort is a sorting method based on the keys that connect certain ranges. Sorting algorithms are frequently asked in coding or technical interviews for software professionals. As a result, it is critical to debate the subject.
This sorting method does not compare elements to sort them. Sorting is accomplished by counting objects with separate key values, similar to hashing. Following that, it does some arithmetic operations to determine the index position of each object in the output sequence. Counting sort isn't commonly used as a sorting algorithm.
When the range of objects to be sorted is not bigger than the number of objects to be sorted, counting sort is effective. It's useful for sorting negative input values.
CountingSort(array, n) // 'n' is the size of array
Max = find maximum element in the given array
Create count array with size maximum + 1
Initialize count array with all 0's
For i = 0 to n
Find the count of every unique element and
Store that count at ith position in the count array
For j = 1 to max
Now, find the cumulative sum and store it in count array
For i = n to 1
Restore the array elements
Decrease the count of every restored element by 1
End countingSort
Working of counting sort Algorithm
Let's have a look at how the counting sort algorithm works.
Let's look at an unsorted array to see how the counting sort algorithm works. An example will make the counting sort easier to comprehend.
Let's say the array's elements are -
1. From the provided array, find the largest element. The maximum element will be max.
2. Create an array with all 0 elements with a length of max + 1. The count of the elements in the specified array will be stored in this array.
3. Now we must store the count of each array element in the count array at its matching index.
An element's count will be saved as -. Assume that array element '4' appears twice, giving element 4 a count of two. As a result, 2 is placed in the count array's fourth position. If any element is missing from the array, store 0 in its place. For example, if element '3' is missing from the array, 0 will be saved in the third position.
Now save the total sum of the count array entries. It will assist in placing the elements in the sorted array at the correct index.
Similarly, the count array's cumulative count is -
4. Now you must determine the index of each element in the original array.
Reduce the element's count by one after it has been placed. Element 2 had a count of 2 before it was placed in the correct position, but now it has a new count of 1.
Q19) What do you mean by linear search?
A19) The linear search algorithm scans all members of the array iteratively. It takes one second to execute and n seconds to execute, where n is the total number of items in the search array.
It is the simplest data structure search method, and it verifies each item in the set of elements until it matches the searched element until the data collection is complete. A linear search algorithm is favoured over other search algorithms when the data is unsorted.
The following are some of the more difficult aspects of linear search:
Space complexity
Because linear search takes up no more space, it has an O(n) space complexity, where n is the number of entries in an array.
Time complexity
● When the searched item is present at the first entry in the search array, the best-case complexity = O(1) occurs.
● When the necessary element is at the end of the array or not present at all, worst-case complexity = O(n) occurs.
● When the object to be searched is in the middle of the Array, the average-case complexity = average case happens.
Procedure for linear search
Procedure linear_search (list, value)
For each item in the list
If match item == value
Return the item's location
End if
End for
End procedure
Q20) Describe binary search?
A20) By comparing the data collection's middlemost pieces, this technique locates specific things. When a match is detected, the item's index is returned. It looks for a center item of the left sub-array when the middle item is greater than the search item. If the middle item, on the other hand, is smaller than the search item, it looks for it in the right sub-array. It continues to hunt for an item until it finds it or the sub-array size approaches zero.
The array's items must be sorted in order for binary search to work. It outperforms a linear search algorithm in terms of speed. The divide and conquer technique is used in binary search.
Run-time complexity = O(log n)
Complexities in binary search are given below:
● The worst-case complexity in binary search is O(n log n).
● The average case complexity in binary search is O(n log n)
● Best case complexity = O (1)
Binary search algorithm
Procedure binary_search
A ← sorted array
n ← size of array
x ← value to be searched
Set lowerBound = 1
Set upperBound = n
While x not found
If upperBound < lowerBound
EXIT: x does not exists.
Set midPoint = lowerBound + ( upperBound - lowerBound ) / 2
If A[midPoint] x
Set upperBound = midPoint - 1
If A[midPoint] = x
EXIT: x found at location midPoint
End while
End procedure
Unit - 1
Basic concepts and notations
Q1) What is data structure?
A1) A data structure is a collection of data pieces that provides an efficient method for storing and organizing data in a computer so that it may be used effectively. Arrays, Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, and other Data Structures are examples. Data Structures are employed in practically every element of computer science, including operating systems, compiler design, artificial intelligence, graphics, and many more applications.
Data Structures are an important aspect of many computer science algorithms because they allow programmers to efficiently handle data. It is critical to improving the performance of a software or program because the software's primary duty is to save and retrieve user data as quickly as feasible.
Basic terminology
The building blocks of every program or software are data structures. The most challenging challenge for a programmer is deciding on a suitable data structure for a program. When it comes to data structures, the following terminology is utilized.
Data: The data on a student can be defined as an elementary value or a set of values, for example, the student's name and id.
Group items: Group items are data items that include subordinate data items, such as a student's name, which can have both a first and a last name.
Record: A record can be characterized as a collection of several data objects. For example, if we consider the student entity, the name, address, course, and grades can all be gathered together to constitute the student's record.
File: A file is a collection of various records of one type of entity; for example, if there are 60 employees in the class, the relevant file will contain 20 records, each containing information about each employee.
Attribute and Entity: A class of objects is represented by an entity. It has a number of characteristics. Each attribute represents an entity's specific property.
Q2) Write the operation on data structure?
A2) Operation on data structure
- Traversing
The set of data elements is present in every data structure. Traversing a data structure is going through each element in order to perform a certain action, such as searching or sorting.
For example, if we need to discover the average of a student's grades in six different topics, we must first traverse the entire array of grades and calculate the total amount, then divide that sum by the number of subjects, which in this case is six, to find the average.
2. Insertion
The process of adding elements to the data structure at any position is known as insertion.
We can only introduce n-1 data elements into a data structure if its size is n.
3. Deletion
Deletion is the process of eliminating an element from a data structure. We can remove an element from the data structure at any point in the data structure.
Underflow occurs when we try to delete an element from an empty data structure.
4. Searching
Searching is the process of discovering an element's location within a data structure. There are two types of search algorithms: Linear Search and Binary Search.
5. Sorting
Sorting is the process of putting the data structure in a specified order. Sorting can be done using a variety of algorithms, such as insertion sort, selection sort, bubble sort, and so on.
6. Merging
Merging occurs when two lists, List A and List B, of size M and N, respectively, containing comparable types of elements are combined to form a third list, List C, of size (M+N).
Q3) What is algorithmic complexity?
A3) If we consider X to be an algorithm and N to be the size of the input data, the time and space implemented by Algorithm X are the two key criteria that determine X's efficiency.
Time Factor - The time is determined or assessed by measuring the number of critical operations in the sorting algorithm, such as comparisons.
Space Factor - The space is estimated or measured by counting the algorithm's maximum memory requirements.
With respect to N as the size of input data, the complexity of an algorithm f(N) provides the running time and/or storage space required by the method.
Space complexity
The amount of memory space required by an algorithm during its life cycle is referred to as its space complexity.
The sum of the following two components represents the amount of space required by an algorithm.
A fixed component is a space needed to hold specific data and variables (such as simple variables and constants, program size, and so on) that are independent of the problem's size.
A variable part is a space that variables require and whose size is entirely dependent on the problem's magnitude. Recursion stack space, dynamic memory allocation, and so forth.
Complexity of space Any algorithm p's S(p) is S(p) = A + Sp (I) Where A is the fixed component of the algorithm and S(I) is the variable part of the algorithm that is dependent on the instance characteristic I. Here's a basic example to help you understand the concept.
Step 1 - START
Step 2 - R ← P + Q + 10
Step 3 - Stop
There are three variables here: P, Q, and R, as well as one constant. As a result, S(p) = 1+3. Now, the amount of space available is determined by the data types of specified constant types and variables, and it is multiplied accordingly.
Time complexity
The time complexity of an algorithm is a representation of how long it takes for the algorithm to complete its execution. Time requirements can be expressed or specified as a numerical function t(N), where N is the number of steps and t(N) is the time taken by each step.
When adding two n-bit numbers, for example, N steps are taken. As a result, the total processing time is t(N) = c*n, where c represents the time spent adding two bits. We can see that as the input size grows, t(N) climbs linearly.
Q4) Write short notes on Time space trade off?
A4) Time space trade off
- It is also known as time memory tradeoff.
- It is a way of solving problems in less time by using more storage space.
- It can be used with the problem of data storage.
- For example: time complexity of merge sort is O(n log n)in all cases. But requires an auxiliary array.
- In quick sort complexity is O(n log n) for best and average case but it doesn’t require auxiliary space.
- Two Space-for-Time Algorithm Varieties:
- Input enhancement - To store some info, preprocess the input (or its portion) to be used in solving the issue later
- Counting sorts
- String searching algorithms
- Pre-structuring-preprocessing the input to access its components
1) hashing 2) indexing schemes simpler (e.g., B-trees)
Q5) Explain Big Oh (O) Notation?
A5) Big oh notations
- It is the formal way to express the time complexity.
- It is used to define the upper bound of an algorithm’s running time.
- It shows the worst-case time complexity or largest amount of time taken by the algorithm to perform a certain task.
Fig 1: Big Oh notation
Here, f (n) <= g (n) …………….(eq1)
Where n>= k, C>0 and k>=1
If any algorithm satisfies the eq1 condition then it becomes f (n)= O (g (n))
Properties of Big oh notation
The definition of big O is pretty ugly to have to work with all the time, kind of like the "limit" definition of a derivative in Calculus. Here are some helpful theorems you can use to simplify big O calculations:
● Any kth degree polynomial is O(nk).
● a nk = O(nk) for any a > 0.
● Big O is transitive. That is, if f(n) = O(g(n)) and g(n) is O(h(n)), then f(n) = O(h(n)).
● logan = O(logb n) for any a, b > 1. This practically means that we don't care, asymptotically, what base we take our logarithms to. (I said asymptotically. In a few cases, it does matter.)
● Big O of a sum of functions is big O of the largest function. How do you know which one is the largest? The one that all the others are big O of. One consequence of this is, if f(n) = O(h(n)) and g(n) is O(h(n)), then f(n) + g(n) = O(h(n)).
● f(n) = O(g(n)) is true if limn->infinity f(n)/g(n) is a constant.
Q6) What is an algorithm?
A6) Algorithm
The term 'algorithm' refers to the instructions that must be followed in order to solve an issue.
The logical explanation of the instructions that can be carried out to achieve a necessary function.
Algorithms are typically created independent of primary languages, meaning that they can be written in more than one computer language.
Q7) What is best, worst and average case of an algorithm?
A7) We all know that as the input size (n) grows, the running time of an algorithm grows (or stays constant in the case of constant running time). Even if the input has the same size, the running duration differs between distinct instances of the input. In this situation, we examine the best, average, and worst-case scenarios. The best case running time is the shortest, the worst case running time is the longest, and the average case running time is the time required to execute the algorithm on average. All of these principles will be explained using two examples: I linear search and (ii) insertion sort.
Best case
Consider the case of Linear Search, in which we look for a certain item in an array. We return the relevant index if the item is in the array; else, we return -1. The linear search code is provided below.
Int search(int a, int n, int item) {
Int i;
For (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
If (a[i] == item) {
Return a[i]
Return -1
Variable an is an array, n is the array's size, and item is the array item we're looking for. It will return the index immediately if the item we're seeking for is in the very first position of the array. The for loop is just executed once. In this scenario, the complexity will be O. (1). This is referred to be the best case scenario.
Average case
On occasion, we perform an average case analysis on algorithms. The average case is nearly as severe as the worst scenario most of the time. When attempting to insert a new item into its proper location using insertion sort, we compare the new item to half of the sorted items on average. The complexity remains on the order of n2, which corresponds to the worst-case running time.
Analyzing an algorithm's average behavior is usually more difficult than analyzing its worst-case behavior. This is due to the fact that it is not always clear what defines a "average" input for a given situation. As a result, a useful examination of an algorithm's average behavior necessitates previous knowledge of the distribution of input instances, which is an impossible condition. As a result, we frequently make the assumption that all inputs of a given size are equally likely and do the probabilistic analysis for the average case.
Worst case
In real life, we almost always perform a worst-case analysis on an algorithm. The longest running time for any input of size n is called the worst case running time.
The worst case scenario in a linear search is when the item we're looking for is at the last place of the array or isn't in the array at all. We must run through all n elements in the array in both circumstances. As a result, the worst-case runtime is O. (n). In the case of linear search, worst-case performance is more essential than best-case performance for the following reasons.
● Rarely is the object we're looking for in the first position. If there are 1000 entries in the array, start at 1 and work your way up. There is a 0.001% probability that the item will be in the first place if we search it at random from 1 to 1000.
● Typically, the item isn't in the array (or database in general). In that situation, the worst-case running time is used.
Similarly, when items are reverse sorted in insertion sort, the worst case scenario occurs. In the worst scenario, the number of comparisons will be on the order of n2, and hence the running time will be O (n2).
Knowing an algorithm's worst-case performance ensures that the algorithm will never take any longer than it does today.
Q8) Describe array?
A8) An array is a collection of data items, all of the same type, accessed using a common name.
A one-dimensional array is like a list; A two dimensional array is like a table; The C language places no limits on the number of dimensions in an array, though specific implementations may.
Some texts refer to one-dimensional arrays as vectors, two-dimensional arrays as matrices, and use the general term arrays when the number of dimensions is unspecified or unimportant.
Linear arrays
A one-dimensional array, often known as a single-dimensional array, is one in which a single subscript specification is required to identify a specific array element. We can declare a one-dimensional array as follows:
Data_type array_name [Expression];
Data_type - The kind of element to be stored in the array is data type.
Array_name - array name specifies the array's name; it can be any type of name, much like other simple variables.
Expression - The number of values to be placed in the array is supplied; arrays are sometimes known as subscripted values; the subscript value must be an integer value, therefore the array's subscript begins at 0.
Int "a" [10]
Where int: data type
a: array name
10: expression
Data values are dummy values, you can understand after seeing the output, indexing starts from “0”.
Multidimensional Arrays
A 2D array can be defined as an array of arrays. The 2D array is organized as matrices which can be represented as the collection of rows and columns.
However, 2D arrays are created to implement a relational database look alike data structure. It provides ease of holding bulk data at once which can be passed to any number of functions wherever required.
How to declare 2D Array
The syntax of declaring a two dimensional array is very much similar to that of a one dimensional array, given as follows.
Int arr[max_rows][max_columns];
However, It produces the data structure which looks like the following.
Fig 2: Example
Above image shows the two dimensional array, the elements are organized in the form of rows and columns. First element of the first row is represented by a[0][0] where the number shown in the first index is the number of that row while the number shown in the second index is the number of the column.
How do we access data in a 2D array
Due to the fact that the elements of 2D arrays can be random accessed. Similar to one dimensional arrays, we can access the individual cells in a 2D array by using the indices of the cells. There are two indices attached to a particular cell, one is its row number while the other is its column number.
However, we can store the value stored in any particular cell of a 2D array to some variable x by using the following syntax.
- Int x = a[i][j];
Where i and j is the row and column number of the cell respectively.
We can assign each cell of a 2D array to 0 by using the following code:
- For ( int i=0; i<n ;i++)
- {
- For (int j=0; j<n; j++)
- {
- a[i][j] = 0;
- }
- }
Initializing 2D Arrays
We know that, when we declare and initialize a one dimensional array in C programming simultaneously, we don't need to specify the size of the array. However this will not work with 2D arrays. We will have to define at least the second dimension of the array.
The syntax to declare and initialize the 2D array is given as follows.
- Int arr[2][2] = {0,1,2,3};
The number of elements that can be present in a 2D array will always be equal to (number of rows * number of columns).
Example: Storing User's data into a 2D array and printing it.
C Example:
- #include <stdio.h>
- Void main ()
- {
- Int arr[3][3],i,j;
- For (i=0;i<3;i++)
- {
- For (j=0;j<3;j++)
- {
- Printf("Enter a[%d][%d]: ",i,j);
- Scanf("%d",&arr[i][j]);
- }
- }
- Printf("\n printing the elements ....\n");
- For(i=0;i<3;i++)
- {
- Printf("\n");
- For (j=0;j<3;j++)
- {
- Printf("%d\t",arr[i][j]);
- }
- }
- }
Q9) How to represent an array?
A9) Arrays can be declared in a variety of ways depending on the language.
Arrays can be declared in a variety of ways depending on the language. Consider the C array declaration as an example.
The following are the key points to consider, as shown in the diagram above.
● The index begins with a zero.
● The length of the array is 10, which indicates it can hold ten elements.
● The index of each element can be used to access it. For example, an element at index 6 can be retrieved as 9.
Q10) What is Traversal in array?
A10) The traversal of an array's elements is performed with this operation.
The following software walks an array and outputs its elements:
#include <stdio.h>
Main() {
Int LA[] = {1,3,5,7,8};
Int item = 10, k = 3, n = 5;
Int i = 0, j = n;
Printf("The original array elements are :\n");
For(i = 0; i<n; i++) {
Printf("LA[%d] = %d \n", i, LA[i]);
When we compile and run the preceding program, we get the following result:
The original array elements are :
LA[0] = 1
LA[1] = 3
LA[2] = 5
LA[3] = 7
LA[4] = 8
Q11) What is bubble sort?
A11) Bubble Sort is a simple algorithm for sorting a collection of n elements that is provided in the form of an array with n elements. Bubble Sort compares each element individually and sorts them according to their values.
If an array must be sorted in ascending order, bubble sort will begin by comparing the first and second members of the array, swapping both elements if the first element is greater than the second, and then moving on to compare the second and third elements, and so on.
If there are n elements in total, we must repeat the method n-1 times.
It's called bubble sort because the largest element in the given array bubbles up to the last position or highest index with each full iteration, similar to how a water bubble rises to the sea surface.
Although it is simple to use, bubble sort is largely employed as an educational tool because its performance in the actual world is low. It isn't designed to handle huge data collections. Bubble sort has an average and worst-case complexity of O(n2), where n is the number of elements.
Sorting is done by going through all of the items one by one, comparing them to the next closest element, and swapping them if necessary.
Assume arr is an array of n elements in the algorithm below. The algorithm's presumed swap function will swap the values of specified array members.
Begin BubbleSort(arr)
For all array elements
If arr[i] > arr[i+1]
Swap(arr[i], arr[i+1])
End if
End for
Return arr
End BubbleSort
Q12) How does bubble sorting work?
A12) Working of Bubble Sort
Assume we're attempting to arrange the elements in ascending order.
1. First Iteration (Compare and Swap)
● Compare the first and second elements starting with the first index.
● The first and second elements are swapped if the first is bigger than the second.
● Compare and contrast the second and third elements now. If they aren't in the right order, swap them.
● The process continues until the last piece is added.
2. Remaining Iteration
For the remaining iterations, the same procedure is followed.
The largest element among the unsorted items is placed at the conclusion of each iteration.
The comparison takes place up to the last unsorted element in each iteration.
When all of the unsorted elements have been placed in their correct placements, the array is said to be sorted.
Q13) Explain selection sort with example?
A13) In the selection sort, the smallest value among the array's unsorted items is chosen in each pass and inserted into the proper spot.
To begin, locate the array's smallest element and set it in the first position. Then locate the array's second smallest element and set it in the second spot. The procedure is repeated till the sorted array is obtained.
The n-1 pass of the selection sort algorithm is used to sort the array of n entries.
● The smallest element of the array, as well as its index pos, must be identified in the first run. Swap A[0] and A[pos] after that. As a result of sorting A[0], we now have n -1 elements to sort.
● The location pos of the smallest element in the sub-array A[n-1] is obtained in the second pas. Swap A[1] and A[pos] after that. After sorting A[0] and A[1], we're left with n-2 unsorted elements.
● The position pos of the smaller element between A[n-1] and A[n-2] must be found in the n-1st pass. Swap A[pos] and A[n-1] after that.
As a result, the items A[0], A[1], A[2],...., A[n-1] are sorted using the procedure described above.
Consider the following six-element array. Using selection sort, sort the array's elements.
A = {10, 2, 3, 90, 43, 56}.
Pass | Pos | A[0] | A[1] | A[2] | A[3] | A[4] | A[5] |
1 | 1 | 2 | 10 | 3 | 90 | 43 | 56 |
2 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 10 | 90 | 43 | 56 |
3 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 10 | 90 | 43 | 56 |
4 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 10 | 43 | 90 | 56 |
5 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 10 | 43 | 56 | 90 |
Sorted A = {2, 3, 10, 43, 56, 90}
● Step 1: Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for K = 1 to N-1
● Step 3: SWAP A[K] with ARR[POS]
● Step 4: EXIT
● Step 3: Repeat for J = K+1 to N -1
● Step 4: RETURN POS
Q14) Describe insertion sort?
A14) Insertion style is a decrease & conquer technique application. It is a sort based on comparison in which the sorted array is constructed on one entry at a time.
Insertion sorting is a very basic process for sorting numbers in an ascending or descending order. The gradual method is accompanied by this method. It can be contrasted with the method of sorting cards at the time of playing a game.
The numbers that are needed to be sorted are known as keys. Here is the insertion sort method algorithm.
Algorithm: Insertion-Sort (A)
For j = 2 to A.length
Key = A[j]
// Insert A[j] into the sorted sequence A[1.. j - 1]
i = j - 1
While i > 0 and A[i] > key
A[i + 1] = A[i]
i = i -1
A[i + 1] = key
This algorithm's run time is very dependent on the input given.
If the numbers given are sorted, this algorithm runs in O(n) time. If the numbers given are in reverse order, the algorithm runs in O(n2) time.
Using insertion sort to sort the following list of elements:
89, 45, 68, 90, 29, 34, 17
89 |45 68 90 29 34 17
45 89 |68 90 29 34 17
45 68 89 |90 29 34 17
45 68 89 90 |29 34 17
29 45 68 89 90 |34 17
29 34 45 68 89 90 |17
17 29 34 45 68 89 90
In the following instances, the insertion sort algorithm is used:
● When only a few elements are in the list.
● When there are few elements for sorting.
Q15) Write the advantages of insertion sort?
A15) Advantages:
- Straightforward implementation. Three variants exist.
● Left to right scan
● Right to left scan
● Binary insertion sort
2. Effective on a small list of components, on a nearly sorted list.
3. In the best example, running time is linear.
4. This algorithm is stable.
5. Is the on-the-spot algorithm
Q16) Explain merge sort with example?
A16) Merge Sort is based on a divide and conquer strategy. It divides the unsorted list into n sublists such that each sublist contains one element. Each sublist is then sorted and merged until there is only one sublist.
Step 1: Divide the list into sublists such that each sublist contains only one element.
Step 2: Sort each sublist and Merge them.
Step 3: Repeat Step 2 till the entire list is sorted.
Example: Apply Merge Sort on array A= {85,24,63,45,17,31,96,50}
Step1: A contains 8 elements. First we divide the list into two sublists such that each sublist contains 4 elements. Then we divide each sublist of 4 elements into sublist of two elements each. Finally every sublist contains only one element.
Fig. 4: Example
Step 2: Now we start from the bottom. Compare 1st and 2nd element. Sort and merge them. Apply this for all bottom elements.
Thus we got 4 sublists as follows
24 | 85 |
| 45 | 63 |
| 17 | 31 |
| 50 | 96 |
Step 3: Repeat this sorting and merging until the entire list is sorted. The above four sublists are sorted and merged to form 2 sublists.
24 | 85 | 63 | 85 |
| 17 | 31 | 50 | 96 |
Finally, the above 2 sublists are again sorted and merged in one sublist.
17 | 24 | 31 | 45 | 50 | 63 | 85 | 96 |
We will see one more example on merge sort.
Example: Apply merge Sort on array A={10,5,7,6,1,4,8,3,2,9,12,11}
Step 1:
Fig 5: Merge sort
Algorithm for Merge Sort:
Let x = no. Of elements in array A
y = no. Of elements in array B
C = sorted array with no. Of elements n
n = x+y
Following algorithm merges a sorted x element array A and sorted y element array B into a sorted array C, with n = x + y elements. We must always keep track of the locations of the smallest element of A and the smallest element of B which have not yet been placed in C. Let LA and LB denote these locations, respectively. Also, let LC denote the location in C to be filled. Thus, initially, we set
LA: = 1,
LB: = 1 and
LC: = 1.
At each step, we compare A[LA] and B[LB] and assign the smaller element to C[LC].
LC:= LC + 1,
LA: = LA + 1, if a new element has come from A.
LB: = LB + 1, if a new element has come from B.
Furthermore, if LA> x, then the remaining elements of B are assigned to C;
LB >y, then the remaining elements of A are assigned to C.
Thus the algorithm becomes
MERGING ( A, x, B, y, C)
1. [Initialize ] Set LA : = 1 , LB := 1 AND LC : = 1
2. [Compare] Repeat while LA <= x and LB <= y
If A[LA] < B[LB], then
(a) [Assign element from A to C ] set C[LC] = A[LA]
(b) [Update pointers ] Set LC := LC +1 and LA = LA+1
(a) [Assign element from B to C] Set C[LC] = B[LB]
(b) [Update Pointers] Set LC:= LC +1 and LB = LB +1
[End of loop]
3. [Assign remaining elements to C]
If LA > x , then
Repeat for K= 0 ,1,2,........,y–LB
Set C[LC+K] = B[LB+K]
[End of loop]
Repeat for K = 0,1,2,......,x–LA
Set C[LC+K] = A[LA+K]
[End of loop]
4. Exit
Q17) Describe quick sort?
A17) Quick sort is the most efficient method of sorting. It uses the divide and conquer strategy to sort the elements. In quicksort, we divide the array of items to be sorted into two partitions and then call the quicksort procedure recursively to sort the two partitions. For this we choose a pivot element and arrange all elements such that all the elements in the left part are less than the pivot and all those in the right part are greater than it.
Algorithm to implement Quick Sort is as follows.
Consider array A of size n to be sorted. p is the pivot element. Index positions of the first and last element of array A are denoted by ‘first’ and ‘last’.
- Initially first=0 and last=n–1.
- Increment first till A[first]<=p
- Decrement last till A[last]>=p
- If first < last then swap A[first] with A[last].
- If first > last then swap p with A[last] and thus the position of p is found. Pivot p is placed such that all elements to its left are less than it and all elements right to it are greater than it. Let us assume that j is the final position of p. Then A[0] to A[j–1] are less than p and A [j + 1] to A [n–1]are greater than p.
- Now we consider the left part of array A i.e A[0] to A[j–1].Repeat step 1,2,3 and 4. Apply the same procedure for the right part of the array.
- We continue with the above steps till no more partitions can be made for every subarray.
● Step 2: Repeat Steps 3 to 6 while FLAG =
● Step 3: Repeat while ARR[LOC] <=ARR[RIGHT]
● Step 4: IF LOC = RIGHT
● Step 5: IF FLAG = 0
Repeat while ARR[LOC] >= ARR[LEFT] AND LOC != LEFT
● Step 6:IF LOC = LEFT
● Step 7: [END OF LOOP]
● Step 8: END
● Step 1: IF (BEG < END)
● Step 2: END
Q18) Explain counting sort?
A18) Counting sort is a stable sorting technique that is used to sort things based on small numbers as keys. It counts the number of keys with the same key value. When the difference between distinct keys isn't too great, this sorting strategy works well; otherwise, it can add to the space complexity.
The counting sort is a sorting method based on the keys that connect certain ranges. Sorting algorithms are frequently asked in coding or technical interviews for software professionals. As a result, it is critical to debate the subject.
This sorting method does not compare elements to sort them. Sorting is accomplished by counting objects with separate key values, similar to hashing. Following that, it does some arithmetic operations to determine the index position of each object in the output sequence. Counting sort isn't commonly used as a sorting algorithm.
When the range of objects to be sorted is not bigger than the number of objects to be sorted, counting sort is effective. It's useful for sorting negative input values.
CountingSort(array, n) // 'n' is the size of array
Max = find maximum element in the given array
Create count array with size maximum + 1
Initialize count array with all 0's
For i = 0 to n
Find the count of every unique element and
Store that count at ith position in the count array
For j = 1 to max
Now, find the cumulative sum and store it in count array
For i = n to 1
Restore the array elements
Decrease the count of every restored element by 1
End countingSort
Working of counting sort Algorithm
Let's have a look at how the counting sort algorithm works.
Let's look at an unsorted array to see how the counting sort algorithm works. An example will make the counting sort easier to comprehend.
Let's say the array's elements are -
1. From the provided array, find the largest element. The maximum element will be max.
2. Create an array with all 0 elements with a length of max + 1. The count of the elements in the specified array will be stored in this array.
3. Now we must store the count of each array element in the count array at its matching index.
An element's count will be saved as -. Assume that array element '4' appears twice, giving element 4 a count of two. As a result, 2 is placed in the count array's fourth position. If any element is missing from the array, store 0 in its place. For example, if element '3' is missing from the array, 0 will be saved in the third position.
Now save the total sum of the count array entries. It will assist in placing the elements in the sorted array at the correct index.
Similarly, the count array's cumulative count is -
4. Now you must determine the index of each element in the original array.
Reduce the element's count by one after it has been placed. Element 2 had a count of 2 before it was placed in the correct position, but now it has a new count of 1.
Q19) What do you mean by linear search?
A19) The linear search algorithm scans all members of the array iteratively. It takes one second to execute and n seconds to execute, where n is the total number of items in the search array.
It is the simplest data structure search method, and it verifies each item in the set of elements until it matches the searched element until the data collection is complete. A linear search algorithm is favoured over other search algorithms when the data is unsorted.
The following are some of the more difficult aspects of linear search:
Space complexity
Because linear search takes up no more space, it has an O(n) space complexity, where n is the number of entries in an array.
Time complexity
● When the searched item is present at the first entry in the search array, the best-case complexity = O(1) occurs.
● When the necessary element is at the end of the array or not present at all, worst-case complexity = O(n) occurs.
● When the object to be searched is in the middle of the Array, the average-case complexity = average case happens.
Procedure for linear search
Procedure linear_search (list, value)
For each item in the list
If match item == value
Return the item's location
End if
End for
End procedure
Q20) Describe binary search?
A20) By comparing the data collection's middlemost pieces, this technique locates specific things. When a match is detected, the item's index is returned. It looks for a center item of the left sub-array when the middle item is greater than the search item. If the middle item, on the other hand, is smaller than the search item, it looks for it in the right sub-array. It continues to hunt for an item until it finds it or the sub-array size approaches zero.
The array's items must be sorted in order for binary search to work. It outperforms a linear search algorithm in terms of speed. The divide and conquer technique is used in binary search.
Run-time complexity = O(log n)
Complexities in binary search are given below:
● The worst-case complexity in binary search is O(n log n).
● The average case complexity in binary search is O(n log n)
● Best case complexity = O (1)
Binary search algorithm
Procedure binary_search
A ← sorted array
n ← size of array
x ← value to be searched
Set lowerBound = 1
Set upperBound = n
While x not found
If upperBound < lowerBound
EXIT: x does not exists.
Set midPoint = lowerBound + ( upperBound - lowerBound ) / 2
If A[midPoint] x
Set upperBound = midPoint - 1
If A[midPoint] = x
EXIT: x found at location midPoint
End while
End procedure