Engineering Physics
UNIT-6Non destrructive testing and nanotechnologyExplain any two applications of Nano-technology. Explain any two properties of Nano-particle. Explain Synthesis of Metal Nano-particle by Collidal Route Method. With necessary diagram, explain physical method for synthesis of nano particles. State applications of nano-particles. Explain any one application. What is nano technology ? Explain optical and electrical properties of nano-particles. Explain the mechanical method, high energy ball milling to synthesize nanoparticles with the help of a neat and suitable diagram. Explain the optical and electrical properties of nanoparticles. List the applications of nanotechnology in the field of automobile. Explain any one application in brief. What are quantum dots? Explain. Write short note on: Radiation shielding Anti-satellite weapon counter measure 12. What are Novel optoelectronic devices? Why they are used?13. What is radiographic testing? Explain.
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