UNIT - 1Introduction To Electronic Give some real world applications of electronics. What are active components? Name some and why are they called so? What are passive components? Name some and why are they called so? Compare active and passive components. Find diode current if ,VF=0.6V? Explain conductor, semi-conductor and insulator. Give examples. Draw the energy level diagram explaining the band gap. Why silicon is a semiconductor and copper is a conductor? Explain doping. What are N-type and P-type semi-conductors? Write the impurities added to obtain them. What is a PN junction diode? Explain with suitable diagram. Write short note on: Zener breakdown voltage Avalanche Break down 13. sketch the output voltage of half rectifier.14. Explain half wave rectifier in detail with suitable diag.15. Explain full wave rectifier in detail with suitable diag.16. Explain bridge rectifier in detail with suitable diag.17. What is shunt capacitor filter? Why it is used?18. What would you expect to see displayed on oscilloscope connected across RL in the Limiter.
19. Fig shows a ckt combing a positive clipper with a-ve clipper .Determine the o/p vtg c/f
20. Explain voltage divider?
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